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March 14, 2025
March 5, 2024
3 min read

What is a Knowledge Management Process?

Strong knowledge management processes integrate knowledge management actions—including discovery, capture, organization, assessment, sharing, reuse/application, and creation—into existing business processes so the internal or external end user can easily access, apply, and/or update that knowledge as needed. 

How do you develop a knowledge management process?

Developing knowledge management systems and processes within your business requires an initial assessment of your existing business processes, so knowledge management team members can integrate KM steps where they make the most sense. Pairing the right knowledge management steps or actions with appropriate business processes gives people in your organization access to the knowledge they need to make important decisions, enhance efficiency, communicate with their team or clients, train employees effectively, add their own expertise, and more.

Here’s a look at the most common systems and processes steps a business might integrate throughout the organization with an effective knowledge management process:

Typical steps in knowledge management processes


The process of knowledge management begins with discovery. ナレッジ発見とは、データから情報を抽出するプロセスであり、その情報はあなたの組織の戦略、業務、コミュニケーション、関係構築に役立つことがあります。 Using data mining to identify patterns, trends, or correlations within large sets of transactional or customer relationship data is an example of discovery. 


ナレッジキャプチャとは、あなたの組織がすでに持っている知識(個々の従業員、チーム、文書、プロセスの中)や外部の知識を取得することであり、それを文書化し、伝達し、共有してあなたのビジネスに利益をもたらすことができます。 Conducting an audit of your existing documentation and encouraging content creation in knowledge areas where you have gaps are key to capturing knowledge.

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Knowledge organization means describing, classifying, categorizing, and indexing information so it can be easily retrieved, navigated, reused, and shared among employees, teams, and other critical users. The right knowledge management system can help you sort and segment knowledge so information is readily accessible by the people who need it most. 


In order for knowledge to drive beneficial business decisions, spark collaboration and innovation, and improve internal and external processes, you must ensure that knowledge is verified and validated. That means integrating processes that ensure any information your organization intends to apply is accurate, complete, consistent, and up to date. Automatic validation features within your knowledge management system, as well as regular reviews by your internal experts, are critical. 


Knowledge sharing encompasses both making knowledge available to those who actively seek it within your organization and directly communicating appropriate knowledge to a user who could potentially apply it for the benefit of your business. Team leaders should regularly encourage, and possibly incentivize, knowledge sharing. 


Knowledge reuse or application is when an individual or team can take captured (and organized/assessed) knowledge  and apply that knowledge to enhance efficiency, improve business operations, complete a strategic task, communicate more effectively with colleagues or customers, etc. ある従業員の複雑な顧客とのやりとりから得た文書化された教訓は、類似の状況にある同僚のプロセスを効率化するかもしれません。 


ナレッジ創造とは、あなたの組織内の個人やチームが、実践、プロセスナビゲーション、内部および外部の相互作用、独立研究、その他の経験を通じて学んだことを、組織の集合的な知識に追加することです。 That individual knowledge can then be shared, reused, and applied, as well as expanded upon by future knowledge seekers. コンテンツ作成ガイドラインを確立し、新しい関連コンテンツの完成を称賛/報酬する価値を定期的に伝えることで、あなたのチームの間でナレッジ創造の文化を確立するのに役立ちます。 


Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

How do you develop a knowledge management process?

Developing knowledge management systems and processes within your business requires an initial assessment of your existing business processes, so knowledge management team members can integrate KM steps where they make the most sense. Pairing the right knowledge management steps or actions with appropriate business processes gives people in your organization access to the knowledge they need to make important decisions, enhance efficiency, communicate with their team or clients, train employees effectively, add their own expertise, and more.

What are the steps of a knowledge management process?

Every company's knowledge management process is unique. However, some common steps include: discovery, organization, assessment, sharing, reuse/application, and creation.

How do I create a knowledge management process?

To create a knowledge management process, define your objectives, assess your current state, select and implement tools and technologies, foster a knowledge-sharing culture and implement governance.

Learn more tools and terminology re: workplace knowledge