Key capabilities for education
Instant, trusted AI answers to academic policy and process questions
Faculty and staff get quality guidance the moment they need it, reducing interruptions and improving instruction. Answers are sourced from connected apps and surfaced directly in your workflow so the knowledge your team needs to do their job is always available in the tools they’re already using.
Central repository for standards, assessments
Consolidate evolving academic policies, curricula, assessments, and compliance data in one up-to-date platform educators can rely on.
Secure automation and academic governance for instructional excellence
Guru uses smart automation to draft docs and identify gaps and duplicate content, then taps your top academics and experts to verify accuracy, maintaining a trusted single source of truth.
Get instant AI Answers from your content
Keep tabs on what your team is searching for with expert review
Write like a pro with AI-powered content assist
Add trust to your company knowledge with verification
Proactively push relevant info where it’s needed with knowledge triggers
Send critical updates that can’t be missed with announcements
Unlock potential across your education roles
- Reduce time updating courses using centralized curricula
- Identify opportunities to improve instructional quality
- Ensure teaching alignment across global campuses
- Improve educator development with classroom observation data
- Easily maintain compliance amidst policy shifts
- Onboard new teachers faster with access to materials
Instructional Designers
- Accelerate course development using design templates
- Maintain brand style consistency across learning products
- Collaborate with faculty subject matter experts more seamlessly
- Increase circulation using patron usage trend data
- Plan programming based on community preferences
- Make judicious collection development decisions based on insights