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March 5, 2025
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What does onboarding mean? 

Onboarding is the process of getting someone familiar with a new job, practice, or skill. 

What is the purpose of onboarding?

The purpose of onboarding is to familiarize oneself with new information. This process is designed to help employees understand their position, job requirements, and their company. 

Different types of onboarding

在HR領域中,許多人將"入職"這個術語用於新員工,但有不同類型的入職不一定需要與新員工相關。 讓我們花一點時間專注於3種入職模式: 

  • Employee onboarding
  • Customer onboarding
  • User onboarding

Employee Onboarding 


Employee onboarding is the process used to introduce a new employee into an organization. 

Employee Onboarding Tasks

Even though the focus is on the new employee, the onboarding process usually involves a variety of people in different roles. 這裡是根據角色在員工入職期間可預期的概述:


This is a time for employees to soak up as much information as possible, and there are plenty of different ways to accomplish this. 這可能包括填寫文件、會見同事,以及進行旨在幫助他們適應新工作環境的工作。 


HR is around to handle the legal and practical aspects of onboarding an employee. HR can help provide important forms for employees to fill out related to taxes, insurance, payment, and employee policies. 


Managers play an interesting role in the onboarding process that can blend together a lot of what we just covered. 無論他們是確保重要文件齊全還是 分配任務,管理者都應全力以赴讓新員工感到受歡迎。 他們會回答新員工可能有的任何問題,並為員工在工作的頭幾週和幾個月制定計劃。 

Customer onboarding


Customer onboarding is the process companies use to introduce new customers to their business, products, and services. Ideally, the process should be designed to foster a long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationship for the business and customer as well as set expectations around their working engagement. 

這整個過程在客戶服務和整體 客戶體驗 中可以起到至關重要的作用。公司應盡可能確保他們的客戶需求在這一重要時期得到滿足。

Examples of customer onboarding

The onboarding experience for customers can be as simple as a 5-minute intro call or as involved as setting up a regular meeting cadence. 客戶入職的時間長短沒有固定的標準,因此過程可以根據參與的需求調整。 

User onboarding

User onboarding is the process new users utilize to learn how to use an application or software program. 儘管您可能認為,用戶入職不僅僅是教用戶如何「使用」產品。 

The main goal of user onboarding is to help people get better at what your product allows people to do. For Guru, that means helping people seek and share the knowledge they need to do their job. 

Example of user onboarding

既然我們已經用Guru作為範例,讓我們繼續這個趨勢! We like to go above and beyond the usual welcome email and link to FAQs page. 我們設立了 Guru社群 ,使人們可以繼續學習最佳實踐和提示。 


It may seem like you can use the terms onboarding and orientation interchangeably, but semantics matter in this situation. Onboarding and orientation may all be related to getting someone up to speed, but they differ in key ways. 

無論是在一天內完成還是在一周內完成,導向都是一次性的事情。 The main goal of orientation is to get new employees, users, and customers ready for whatever comes next.

Onboarding, on the other hand, is an ongoing process that can last for weeks. Onboarding is much broader and designed with a focus on productivity and deep learning. Essentially, orientation can be seen as a necessary precursor to an in-depth onboarding experience. 

Best tools to utilize while onboarding

無論您在哪裡入職,擁有合適的工具可以在大家是否有成功的入職體驗中起到重要作用。 If you want to create a stellar onboarding experience, make sure to include these tools in the process.

1. Company wiki

員工,用戶,客戶:無論你是誰,如果你處於一個新環境中都會產生問題。 Make it easy for people to find answers to some of their most important questions by having a single source of truth in a wiki

Your wiki can go beyond listing the usual FAQs. Listing out basic how-tos, org charts, and notes on culture can be incredibly helpful. 當您考慮任何新來者可能想要知道的資訊時,可以隨意發揮創意。 關於工作和會議的細節可能會很有幫助,但午餐地點和咖啡休息的建議可能會讓人感到開心。 

2. Training modules 

入職不應該是一個一了百了的事情。 人們在完成練習和講話後會有問題。 Make it easy for people to continue to learn on their own time by finding software that can help you put together training modules. 

The right software can do a lot to help facilitate, organize, and even track learning. People can revisit old modules, move on to new ones, and learn at their own pace. 

3. Contracts and e-signatures 

大多數公司可能已經實現了無紙化,但這並不意味著文檔已經消失。 There are plenty of contracts, agreements, and other important documents that need to be signed. Make things easier for your company and new people by finding the right software to help you manage your most important paperwork. 

Software that can help distribute and organize paperwork as well as collect e-signatures can make document management easy. 您還將享有輕鬆跟蹤文檔的額外好處。 

4. Feedback and surveys 

Gathering feedback should be an important part of any process, and onboarding is no different. 您將希望了解對新員工和推動該過程的人來說,這個過程是如何運作的。 

不要只是覺得可以等到過程結束時再看事情進展如何。 Asking for feedback throughout the process can help you gauge how well things are going. 

5. Communication tools

Staying in touch is important during the onboarding process. Find a way for people to stay in touch with others by finding a dependable communication tool

Some people prefer to work through e-mail, others like messaging apps, and there are some that prefer a phone call or text. Give people different options so they can communicate the best way they see fit. 

How to create the best onboarding experience

The reasons for onboarding a new employee, user, or customer can be different, but the principles of a successful onboarding experience are the same. If you want to create the best onboarding experience possible, make sure you take these things into account. 

1. Prepare the onboarders

不要犯假設走進入職過程的員工對所有需要做的事情都了如指掌的錯誤。 If you want to ensure that onboarding goes smoothly, take the time to connect with the people running the process first. 

確保他們對最新的入職做法有所了解,並深入了解他們的計劃。 現在是時候解答他們的任何問題,並確保您對期望和結果保持一致。 

In some cases, it makes sense to have your own orientation and onboarding for people that are frequently involved in the onboarding process This can help keep the onboarding process unified and set expectations for the entire organization. 

2. Set expectations early on

Nobody likes going into a situation not knowing what to expect. 如果您想要成功的入職,請提前設定期望,這樣每個人都會更容易達成。 

Make sure that a new employee understands the full scope of their role. In the case of a customer, set expectations around the ultimate outcomes they want from your engagement. 如果您正在訓練新用戶,請讓他們知道培訓結束時他們應該明白如何使用您的軟體。 

This is a great time to mention the benefits of a 30-60-90-day plan. This way of thinking allows you to easily set and work towards milestones and clearly outlines what needs to get done to get there. 

3. Strike a balance between learning styles 

Some people like to sit and listen, others tend to be hands-on learners. A great onboarding plan should be able to cater to both ways of learning. 

There can be plenty of time for lectures, quizzes, and training modules along with side-by-side work and hands-on activities. 不要嘗試讓他們的一天堆滿過多單一的事情。 A little variety can add balance to the day and give overtaxed brains a much-needed break. 

請記住,靈活性在入職過程中是非常重要的。 給予人們足夠的時間反思他們所學到的知識,以及提供不同的方式來掌握知識是很重要的。 

4. Create opportunities to give feedback

在一切結束時才發現您的入職過程並不幫助任何人,對任何人來說都毫無意義。 If you want to avoid unsuccessful onboarding experiences, make sure you build in plenty of opportunities for feedback along the way. 

與入職者和負責入職的人設定時間,確保您沒有遺漏任何東西。 不要只是直截了當地問他們是否有任何不理解的地方。 詢問他們對整個過程的看法、最近的入職活動以及他們對所學內容的舒適程度。 

Scheduling weekly check-ins are a great way to ensure that people are getting what they need without risking a potential interruption to their learning. 

5. Prepare for the unexpected 

您可能有一個精心設計的入職過程,但即使是最好的計劃也無法應對生活中的隨機驚喜。 People get sick, last-minute projects pop up, and priorities can change even after you think everything is set in stone. Make it a little easier to roll with the punches by giving yourself some wiggle room in your onboarding program. 

如果人們不得不錯過入職的重要部分,考慮安排「補課」日。 這對於應對突發事件並幫助讓人們明瞭他們不理解的概念是非常有幫助的。 

這是提出擁有靈活的入職培訓及非同步工作的好時機。 能夠審閱材料、觀看培訓影片和查找常見問題解答,使管理問題和保持人員進度變得容易得多。 


Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕




技術可以通過自動化常規任務、提供在線培訓資源和促進新員工與團隊之間的溝通來簡化入職培訓過程。 像人力資源信息系統、學習管理系統、知識庫和員工入職培訓軟件等工具可以提高過程的效率和有效性。


有效的員工入職培訓不僅僅是可有可無的,它是提高員工滿意度、留任率和生產力的遊戲規則改變者。 當執行得當時,一個精心設計的入職培訓過程使新員工感受到真正的歡迎和重視,減輕他們最初的職場緊張,並讓他們掌握所需的所有基本資料,以便快速上手。 這一切都是為了讓他們從第一天起就能成功。

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