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什麼是內聯網? 含義、用途、最佳實踐

What is an intranet?

Intranet meaning and definition

An intranet is an internal communications and collaboration platform used by companies of all sizes and industries. 這是一個安全的網絡,供公司的員工和信任的合作夥伴共享信息、良好地溝通和有效合作。

Some of the key things an intranet can provide are:

  • A way to safely share internal information
  • Improved communication between leadership and employees
  • Increased alignment between cross-functional teams
  • A home base for companies to store and organize policies, guidelines, and standard operating procedures

從本質上講,內聯網作為公司的數字總部和員工瞭解信息的首選資源。 這是一個無價的工具,可以幫助團隊彼此保持聯繫以及保持與公司文化和使命的一致性。

Traditionally, many organizations use SharePoint or custom platforms as their intranet. But as the world of work has changed, new user-friendly solutions have emerged, with benefits to meet the evolving needs of employees.

Benefits of an intranet

實施內聯網不僅有助於員工保持聯繫和組織—它實際上可以改變整個組織的效率和生產力。 Here are some of the biggest benefits of an intranet:

  • Improved communication: Intranets facilitate effective communication across the organization, allowing employees to share news, updates, and announcements easily.
  • Enhanced collaboration: With tools like shared calendars, project management software, and document sharing, they enable teams to work together more efficiently, regardless of their location.
  • Increased productivity: Intranets provide a centralized place for information and resources, reducing the time employees spend searching for information and allowing them to focus on their work.
  • Cost savings: By using an intranet for internal communication and collaboration, organizations can reduce costs associated with printing, mailing, and other traditional methods of information sharing.
  • Streamlined processes: Intranets can automate and streamline various business processes, such as HR tasks, expense reporting, and procurement, saving time and reducing errors.
  • 更好的知識管理:內聯網可以作為知識庫,捕捉和存儲組織的集體知識和專業技能,讓所有員工輕鬆訪問。
  • Improved employee engagement: Intranets can foster a sense of community and belonging among employees by providing a platform for sharing success stories, recognizing achievements, and encouraging feedback.
  • Enhanced security: With proper access controls and security measures, intranets ensure that sensitive information remains confidential and accessible only to authorized personnel.
  • Scalability: Intranets can grow and evolve with the organization, accommodating new users, content, and features as needed.
  • Integration with other systems: Intranets can integrate with other enterprise systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, providing a unified platform for accessing information and tools.

Why is a company intranet important?

在2024年,員工找到完成工作所需的信息比以往任何時候都更加困難,並保持彼此聯繫以及跟上公司的發展方向。 事實上,HBR的一項研究發現,只有23%的員工實際上與其公司的戰略保持一致。

An intranet offers the following critical functionality that can help companies address this alignment gap:

1. Provide visibility across teams

An intranet is a great way to make information available to an entire company. 由於每位員工自動獲得訪問權限,因此可以輕鬆地共享適用於每個人的公司領導更新。

Many solutions have sections for different teams. This makes it easy to see what others are working on. 它還有助於保持與團隊目標的一致性。

2. Offer a centralized place for document and content storage and retrieval

An intranet is a central location for employees to store important documents and information. It is searchable for anyone who needs access to them. This system helps employees easily find the information they need.

The intranet is a convenient tool for organizing and sharing important resources within a company. Rather than finding and sharing documents from systems like Microsoft Office or Google Drive, users can upload them to a portal and make them broadly available.

3. Simplify permissioning

When used with SSO or as part of a software suite, administrators can easily manage authorized users. They can add or remove users with just a few clicks.

Uses of an intranet

An intranet is a versatile and powerful tool that can change the way an organization operates. They can help with communication, collaboration, automating tasks, and supporting remote work, providing many benefits for organizations. Here are just some of the ways that companies use an intranet:

  • Internal communication: Sharing company news, announcements, and updates
  • Employee directory: Providing a searchable database of employee profiles and contact information
  • Document management: Storing, organizing, and sharing important documents and files
  • Collaboration: Enabling teamwork through shared workspaces, project management tools, and discussion forums
  • Knowledge management: Creating a centralized location for company knowledge, best practices, and frequently asked questions
  • HR and employee self-service: Managing HR processes, such as employee onboarding, benefits enrollment, and time-off requests
  • Training and development: Delivering online training courses and materials for employee skill development
  • IT support: Offering a helpdesk and resources for troubleshooting common technical issues
  • Policy and procedure distribution: Ensuring easy access to company policies, handbooks, and guidelines

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using intranet software?

The advantages of an intranet

A modern intranet can offer tremendous advantages for most companies. Here are just a few:

  • Improved communication: It provides a centralized platform for employees to communicate and collaborate on projects, which leads to increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Streamlined information sharing: Intranets help organizations share company policies, procedures, and updates easily, keeping all employees informed and aligned.
  • Enhanced data security: They provide a secure platform for sharing sensitive information within an organization, reducing the risk of data breaches and other security threats.
  • Increased employee engagement: By providing access to training materials, employee recognition programs, and other resources, an intranet can help to keep employees engaged and motivated.
  • Cost savings: They can reduce printing and distribution costs by providing a paperless platform for sharing information, which can result in significant cost savings for organizations.

The disadvantages of an intranet

正如我們所見,使用內聯網有許多好處。 然而,它們並非都是平等的。 Unlike modern solutions, traditional intranet offerings often have the following drawbacks:

Traditional intranets require employees to navigate to another destination to access information

Real-world data does not support the claim that intranets are designed to be easily accessed. Knowledge workers feel overwhelmed by tabs, apps, channels, and information, which can cause context-switching and a loss of focus. Traditional offerings act as portals that act as yet another destination for employees to visit.

Traditional intranets often need IT administration to update, scale, and maintain

Traditional intranets are admin-heavy. They require specialized IT knowledge to maintain. This sometimes results in them being a bit behind the UX and security curve.

像更新「主頁」這麼簡單的事情可能需要多個步驟,如果內聯網不帶有內置的維基部分,為剛組建的團隊創建新部分可能需要相當長的時間。 Ideally, an intranet CMS allows for easy-to-update employee communications and documentation.


Employees feel stressed by the quick exchange of information in chat and video apps such as Slack or Teams. This happens whether they are in the office or working from home.

The fast pace of communication can be overwhelming for them. Intranets may not be effective as a replacement or addition to some applications. They can also worsen information overload instead of improving it.

Traditional intranets get stale almost as soon as content is published

Intranets need good content to attract employees. Content teams sometimes use clickbait to encourage employees to use the intranet.

陳舊內容的另一個問題是,它往往不可靠。 This can lead to employees disregarding the information they find, and ultimately stopping searching altogether.


讓我們面對現實,往昔的數字市集不再有效。 它們和那個去年在你的城鎮關閉的可憐的90年代購物中心一樣,只是一個交流空間。 如今,內部溝通、協作和協調發生在員工已經連接的地方:在他們位於SlackMicrosoft Teams的「虛擬總部」中。

Intranet best practices

如果你正在實施內聯網軟件,有許多方法可以確保每個人都能從中獲益。 To get the most out of your investment, follow these best practices:

1. Reach workers where they are

We are all working online now. It is important for everyone to communicate effectively. This is especially crucial in a remote or hybrid work environment. Use your portal to foster employee engagement by posting updates and information regularly.

An intranet, when used right, can be a tool for everyone in the company to collaborate, along with your chat system. Why not see if you can integrate the two? When you connect to Slack or Teams, you can send information and documents to anyone when needed.

2. Reduce time wasted finding important information

The best way to get the most out of your setup is to treat it as a single source of truth for all employees. 不要讓內聯網充滿舊信息的雜亂。 It will make it hard for people to find what they need.


3. Keep your team productive by preventing time-consuming interruptions for key employees

It happens at every company: a few subject matter experts (SMEs) who hold lots of information are frequently interrupted by colleagues who need answers. A study by the University of California and Humboldt University found that it takes workers up to 23 minutes to regain focus after being interrupted.

Experts can avoid disruptions by adding their knowledge to a single source of truth to make it accessible by anyone who needs it, when they need it. 事先多花一些精力,將對未來的時間管理產生巨大的影響。

4. 避免浪費不必要的上下文切換,以保持員工在日常使用的工具中保持生產力

與您的聊天平台集成是很好的,但與員工完成工作所需的所有其他工具集成呢? 好得多。 尋找能在任何基於網絡的工具中提供資訊的下一代解決方案。


如果您目前的內聯網遭遇到低採用率,請不要驚慌! 查看這個特定的行動循環,它旨在幫助您建立支持、找到替代方案(如果需要的話)、推出新方法,並創造一個可持續的解決方案。 了解更多關於 變革管理中的緊迫性創造.

1. 制定採用計劃

首先,弄清楚您認為第一次(或第47次)發生了什麼錯。 阻礙長期廣泛採用的主要因素是什麼?有哪些具體的解決方法?

2. 設定目標


  • 時間表
  • “在6月1日之前收集員工反饋”
  • “在7月31日之前決定是否保留或更換我們的內部網絡”
  • “在10月1日之前推出新的指導/工具”
  • 成功的衡量標準
  • 包括定期目標和伸展目標
  • 定期目標:人們在平均至少使用內部網絡1次/ 6個月
  • 延伸目標:人們至少每天使用內聯網 1 次(持續 6 個月)。

3. 尋求員工意見

詢問人們對他們正在使用的解決方案的感受。 他們在理論上喜歡它,但覺得使用起來太繁瑣嗎? 他們在其他公司使用過不同的解決方案或方法嗎? 他們希望能使用其他公司朋友正在使用的東西嗎? 了解 如何創建高效的技術堆棧.

4. 選擇一個內部網絡平台

如果您當前平台的問題無法解決,請進行盡職調查,尋找新的內聯網提供商。 了解員工建議,並在評價網站上搜索,例如 G2 和 TrustRadius

5. 分配工具所有權

確定誰將對新內聯網(或方法)的整體成功和推廣負責。 了解為什麼您可能想使用 知識管理者.

6. 配置您的選定工具


7. 發展內容

這可能涉及從其他地方導入文檔、創建全新的資源或完全重寫現有內容。 了解 為什麼小而精的信息是最好的.

8. 員工促進採用的舉措

避免冗長乏味的培訓。 如果您需要培訓,考慮使用自助服務模組,而不是傳統的一整天的課程。 為了獲得更令人興奮的選擇,提供贈品或舉辦派對!‍

9. 衡量成功



如果您準備創造一個真正優秀的員工體驗,您知道您必須找到 最佳內聯網軟件—一個可以實現比傳統工具更多功能的工具。 最新的知識管理和公司維基解決方案將內部網絡的所有優點進一步增強。 您可以期待什麼:


傳統內聯網的枯燥、冗長的90年代風格(而且不是以酷的方式)最好迅速被遺忘。 Guru擁有一個簡單—但直觀—的用戶體驗,旨在隨時隨地為員工提供可信的答案。


您應該能夠找到所需的信息,而不必知道所有細節。 在Guru平台上,這意味著先進的 企業AI搜索 在您當前工作的任何應用程式或工具中運作。


上下文切換會消耗生產力。 這就是為什麼Guru通過瀏覽器擴展來覆蓋每個網站 並且 與Slack、Microsoft Teams,以及您的團隊已經使用的其他通信與協作應用程式進行原生整合,這樣您就不必停止正在做的事情即可使用它。


無論您的員工身在何處,或使用何種工具,都應該簡單地獲得答案。 使用知識觸發器在您甚至不知道需要它的情況下獲得具體知識,或者通過Guru移動應用程序隨身攜帶知識。




最糟糕的感覺就是在某件事情上工作了卻沒有任何人看到它。 Guru不僅可以讓您看到誰讀過您的卡片,還可以讓您看到多少次有人複製或收藏它。 不知道人們在尋找什麼? 使用搜索分析來查看人們在尋找什麼,並消除這些內容缺口。


不要停留在查看誰曾經閱讀過一張卡片。 當某件事發生變化時,在Guru中發佈公告,並跟踪誰已經看到並確認了它。 這是一種確保沒有任何內容在繁忙的收件箱或冗長的文件中丟失的簡單方法。


一個好的內部網絡解決方案應該讓員工 想要使用它。 在推出Guru之後,不僅“您已經Guru過了嗎?”成為了標準回應,而且公司因高採用率看到了長期回報。


外部網絡是公司的內聯網的子集。 類似內聯網的私人網絡,供供應商、合作夥伴和授權客戶訪問公司的信息。

‘外部網絡’這個術語在2000年代初期變得流行。 它被各個組織用來指代一個共享數據的中心位置。 這些數據只能被特定的工作組訪問。

由於外部網絡的架構類似於內部網絡,因此依賴於IP和TCP進行數據交換。 外部網絡還具有防火牆和受密碼保護的登入信息等安全特性,以防止未經授權的訪問。


  • 維持供應商和分銷商之間通訊的分銷網絡
  • 為某個特許經營提供中央協作工具,以在多個地點之間進行溝通。
  • 政府機構之間的跨部門合作
  • 電子商務網站集成通過安全網絡交換庫存數據
  • 一個項目管理工具,項目經理可以與分包商和其他利益相關者共享文件和合同
  • 一個董事會入口網站,協會的成員可以訪問會議紀要和董事會文件
  • 外包或未能進入您的員工內部網絡的自由職業者的入職文件




  • 內聯網是僅供組織員工訪問的私人網絡。
  • 它用於在內部共享公司資訊、資源和工具。
  • 對內部網絡的訪問僅限於組織內的授權用戶,通常需要登入。


  • 外部網絡是內部網絡的擴展,允許控制授權外部用戶的訪問,例如客戶、供應商或商業夥伴。
  • 它使組織能夠安全共享資訊並與特定外部合作夥伴進行協作。
  • 外部網絡的訪問是通過用戶名和密碼等身份認證方法授予特定外部用戶。

基本上,內部網絡限於組織內部使用,而外部網絡則可供外部人員訪問。 這兩種類型的網絡旨在利用互聯網技術促進安全的通訊、協作和信息共享。

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕


內部網絡是僅限於組織員工訪問的私有網絡。 它旨在支持公司內部的溝通、協作和信息共享。


互聯網是一個全球網絡,任何擁有互聯網連接的人都可以訪問,而內部網絡是一個僅供組織內部使用的受限網絡。 內部網絡用於在員工之間安全地分享特定公司的信息和資源。


內部網絡的一個例子是公司的內部網站,員工可以在那裡訪問HR政策、項目管理工具和公司新聞。 Guru的可定制內部網絡功能為團隊提供一個品牌的主頁,以便訪問重要文件和公告​​。


是的,內部網絡仍然被廣泛使用,因為它們為組織提供了一個安全的環境,以分享敏感信息、進行協作和簡化內部流程。 現代的內部網絡已經發展到包括先進的功能,例如與其他軟件的集成和AI驅動的內容建議​​。




互聯網是一個任何人都可以訪問的公共網絡,而內部網絡是一個僅限組織內部使用的私有網絡。 內部網絡幫助企業安全地管理內部通信和數據​​。





內聯網是一個安全的私人網絡,供組織用於促進內部溝通、協作和信息共享。 它作為員工訪問公司資源和文檔的中心平台。


內聯網是組織內的私人網絡,用於安全地共享信息、進行溝通和協作。 例如,一個公司的內部入口網站,員工可以在該網站上找到人力資源政策、項目管理工具和新聞更新。 例如,Guru的內聯網功能提供可自定義的主頁,用於團隊特定的資源和公告。

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