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What is knowledge management?

Knowledge management (KM) is the process of organizing, creating, using, and sharing collective knowledge within an organization. Successful knowledge management includes maintaining information in a place where it is easy to access, like a wiki or employee intranet.

Regardless of the tool you choose, only a few initiatives are able to truly transform how an organization operates, and knowledge management is one of them.

Types of knowledge management

Knowledge is one of your organization’s most valuable assets. Storing, growing, and sharing that knowledge is critical to any enterprise.

When looking at it from this perspective, knowledge management's meaning includes the process that helps you acquire, organize, and share:

Learn more about the different types of knowledge management.

Knowledge management process

At the highest level, a knowledge management process is the way in which a business manages knowledge, from its creation through to its organization methodology, to how it then continues to make sure it’s shared out.

  1. Knowledge creation. Knowledge creation starts with knowledge acquisition. This knowledge may come from many sources, including employees within an organization or outside individuals that are brought in for knowledge or expertise on a specific subject. 隨著知識的獲得,下一步是了解這些知識將被用來做什麼、如何應用以及在哪裡適用。
  2. Knowledge organization. The knowledge must then be structured in a knowledge management system for future use. This knowledge must not only be organized, but it also needs to include security features so that knowledge can be accessed by authorized personnel when needed. This knowledge organization process is an important part of knowledge management because without it, knowledge becomes disorganized and has no structure, making it difficult or impossible to find in the future when knowledge is needed.
  3. Knowledge sharing. The knowledge organization process is completed by knowledge sharing. This knowledge sharing includes everything from knowledge training to knowledge exchange, where knowledge can be acquired or enhanced through knowledge discussions with other employees in an organization.

All of these aspects work together to make up a knowledge management process, which promotes collaboration and information sharing.

Get a deeper dive into KM processes and learn how to get the knowledge management process started at your company.

How a knowledge management system helps organizations

When an organization is able to easily access, share, and update business knowledge, it can become more productive and cost-efficient. The ability to access the right knowledge at the right time, via a robust knowledge management system, informs accurate decision-making and stimulates collaboration and innovation.

Benefits of a knowledge management system

The more effectively and efficiently a company shares its information with its employees, the better the business will perform. The benefits of knowledge management include:

  • Faster decision-making
  • Efficient access to knowledge and information
  • Increased collaboration and idea generation
  • Enhanced communication throughout your organization
  • Improved quality of information and data
  • More security for intellectual property
  • Optimized training

Will knowledge management improve work performance?

McKinsey Global Institute Report indicates that a robust knowledge management system can reduce information search time by as much as 35 percent and raise organization-wide productivity by 20 to 25 percent. Findings culled from the International Data Corp also corroborate the value of a knowledge management system, highlighting that Fortune 500 companies lose roughly $31.5 billion a year by failing to share knowledge.

As your enterprise grows, so too will the need to access a reliable knowledge database in order to effectively run your business, serve your clients, and increase revenue. Without a knowledge management system in place, your employees will be forced to learn and relearn processes and information. That’s an inefficient and costly practice. Plus, you may also run the risk of losing those processes or information if a knowledge leader or legacy employee leaves your company.

What does a knowledge manager do?

A knowledge manager is responsible for ensuring employees have easy access to the essential information they need to be productive. They ensure organizational memory stays with the company and deliver faster time-to-value for people who are taking on new responsibilities. Knowledge management improves profitability and the knowledge manager establishes the processes and procedures for how knowledge is stored and shared throughout the organization. In many cases, they also maintain a single source of knowledge software

Knowledge managers have crucial roles in data- and knowledge-driven companies. They are at the helm of providing each individual employee with the information needed to work well and boost overall efficiency. It’s common for knowledge managers to set the tone for a culture of knowledge storage and sharing throughout their organization, making sure the right knowledge gets to the right people without the risk of information overload. 

Why is knowledge management important?

Done well, knowledge management streamlines company knowledge, making it accessible and actionable for everyone in the organization. With a good knowledge management system, your entire company can say goodbye to lost or siloed information. A company that fosters a knowledge-sharing culture is one that creates an adaptable, aligned, engaged, resilient, and high-functioning team. 

1. Increases efficiency and productivity

Think about all the hours wasted searching through multiple systems trying to find the information you need. Was it in chat, a document, or email? When you do find that information, how do you know it's correct when company knowledge is scattered across all these systems? And when do people who are constantly interrupted actually get key work done? 

A knowledge management system aims to create a single, reliable source of truth where everyone can go to find the information they need without conducting multiple searches in several sources or constantly interrupting essential personnel with repeat questions. A great knowledge management tool makes a night and day difference in operational efficiency, saving service and IT teams time and driving more revenue for the organization.

2. Enables informed decision-making

Decisions should never be made in information silos. A company that has knowledge transparency across the entire organization ensures that everyone is working with the same information and toward the same goals. It unites all employees, making sure they have all the information they need to make the best decisions possible. 

3. Reduces duplicate or outdated information

After you’ve spent time searching for information and finally found it, how can you tell that it's the most reliable and recent information? When company information lives across multiple systems, you run the risk of making decisions or referencing information that isn’t accurate. A single source of truth like Guru creates a space for reliable information to live so you can adapt faster and keep resilient without the risk of using outdated information.

4. Prevents company silos

Good knowledge management removes the risk of information silos and encourages a culture of transparency and communication. An information silo is when information is only known to one person or team, potentially preventing other departments from knowing the information they need to collaborate effectively. Managing knowledge effectively ensures everyone has access to the knowledge they need to work in alignment with company goals and stay productive.

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What kind of information is captured in knowledge management?

Information captured as part of knowledge management can include:


Team Data

Organizational Data

Organizational News

Why knowledge management fails

In a 2015 piece for the Wall Street Journal, Thomas H. Davenport, a business analytics expert, explained that there are many reasons why KM has historically failed, but the main reasons are threefold:

  1. Holding onto knowledge. Some employees may want to hoard knowledge to maintain a particular position or level of importance within a company, while others may just not have time, interest, or a place to share it. In all of these cases, information doesn't get documented, which means it can't be widely disseminated.
  2. Searching is time-consuming. 當公司缺乏一個 單一 真相來源時,資訊可能分佈在太多不同的應用程式中。 如果員工不知道該去哪裡尋找,或者必須在太多地方尋找答案,他們可能會停止尋找,並開始依賴同事快速獲得答案。
  3. 資訊過時了。 如果知識管理流程主要用於文件儲存而非知識應用,舊資訊會氾濫,使尋找正確答案變得極其困難。 在這種情況下,員工的確會停止依賴知識庫。





知識管理可以通過使用 變更管理 方法來實施,以選擇知識庫、設置成功指標並鼓勵高採用率。


誰擁有知識管理取決於公司的結構和規模。 在較小的公司中,可能是每個人都有責任維護知識庫並鼓勵良好的使用,而大型企業可能決定聘用專職的 知識管理者




當正確實施時,知識管理對組織績效的影響可以是巨大的。 例如,在針對 知識驅動公司的研究中,這些公司將知識管理作為其文化的核心,94%達到或超過2019年的增長預期。




這些系統作為公司的文件集中數位檔案櫃。 它們使檔案檢索變得簡單,支持合規性,並提升工作流程。 此外,當文件管理系統配備密碼和備份程序時,文件安全性提升,但仍無法完全防止外部訪問。 許多典型的文件管理系統在功能上有局限,所以自訂升級可能會增加成本。 這類系統不會自動捕捉數據或分析數據。


內容管理系統 與文件管理系統相似,但除了文件外,還儲存音頻、視頻和其他媒體類型。


數據庫是一個計算機應用,可以讓人們捕捉、存儲、分析和與數據互動。 數據庫按索引排列,以提高資訊的可接訪性。 存儲在數據庫中的數據可以非常安全,因為系統禁止操控。 然而,它們可以是波動的,並且通常設計和搭建成本高。 它們的使用和維護也需要高水平的技能。


這些企業範圍的系統從組織的不同部分提取數據,對報告和分析非常有效。 它們儲存當前和歷史數據,並將數據轉化為有意義的信息。 然而,數據倉庫通常是高維護的系統,並且需要複雜的整合,以提供統一的數據視圖。


這些基於可搜尋平台的私人計算機網路,可以提供一個容易訪問的資源,以強化企業內的協作和社交網絡。 但是傳統的 內部網路確實存在一些風險,包括未經授權的人員的輕易訪問。 查看為什麼Guru是現代 員工內部網路的最佳選擇。


這些網頁是易於使用的 協作工具 ,允許任何人發佈和存儲資訊在中央位置。 它們可以是維護商業文件或產品目錄的好地方。 然而,由於它們可以被公開編輯,維基常常包含錯誤信息。 此外,它們並未優化顯示內部的信息正在被查看或使用,或者知識缺口存在於何處。


社交網絡讓人們彼此連結,加入群組,貢獻資訊,並討論他們感興趣的問題。 社交網絡可以影響組織知識。 知識管理系統可以應用社交網絡來識別、記錄和傳遞知識。




創造一種文化,使員工可以自由地分享知識,而不是固守。 這通過實施能使知識易於查找和訪問的知識管理工具來實現。


不要讓員工每次有重要知識需要分享時重新發明輪子。 依賴模板以及其他易於共享和編輯的文件,使知識共享變得更有效和簡單。


獎勵那些貢獻最多知識的人。 實施知識管理工具,使貢獻者能夠得到認可,可以幫助鼓勵更多人貢獻知識。


提出問題沒有問題,但如果員工只是打斷同事以獲得答案,而不是檢查知識庫,那麼就開始創建溫和的提醒,讓他們在詢問之前檢查知識庫。 這樣不僅節省了他們的時間,還提高了整體效率。


您公司的知識庫是否讓您更有效率 — 還是讓您更無效? 跟隨這個簡單的流程圖找出你在光譜上的位置,並 然後發現結果的意義.




新員工需要快速獲取大量資訊,以便成為組織的有效成員。 知識管理系統可以立即提供答案,確保每個人從第一天起就能保持一致,減少挫折感並縮短培訓時間。 查看Guru 加速員工入職.


良好的知識管理可以通過減少聊天噪音來增強協作。 通過使用KM創建一個專門的地方來詢問和回答問題及提供更新,您解放了每個人的時間,讓他們更有效率。查看Guru 如何解決內部通信問題.


由於主要的客服指標之一是票證完成時間,確保代表在確切需要的地方和時間有他們需要的資訊,使良好的知識管理成為必要。 停止讓客戶等候或將票據開放幾天(或幾週),同時代表們追查擁有正確答案的人,讓那個人一次性為大家提供答案。查看Guru 如何幫助品牌創造最佳客戶體驗.


讓每個人了解最新的產品變更和更新需要一個流暢的解決方案,便於每個人訪問。 您的知識管理系統應該在全公司內可用,以確保每個人都知道可用的知識及其何時可用。查看Guru 如何保持每個人對產品開發的協調.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕


知識管理是創造、共享、使用和管理組織的信息和知識資產的過程。 它涉及在組織內捕捉、組織和分發知識,以提高效率、決策和創新。 有效的知識管理使用戶能夠在正確的時間訪問正確的信息,促進協作和學習,並幫助保留制度知識。

知識管理的四個 C 是什麼?

知識管理的四個 C 是創造、捕捉、策劃和合作。 這些元素確保在組織內生成、記錄、組織和有效共享有價值的知識。

知識管理的五個 P 是什麼?

知識管理的五個 P 是目的、人、過程、平台和績效。 這些組件幫助定義目標,吸引合適的利益相關者,建立高效的工作流程,選擇合適的工具,並測量知識管理計劃的成功。


知識管理的五個階段是識別、創建、存儲、共享和應用。 這一過程涉及識別有價值的知識,生成它,安全存儲,把它與正確的人共享,並使用它來改善組織的結果。


知識管理的主要目標是確保在正確的時間為正確的人提供正確的信息。 這提升了決策能力,促進創新,並改善了組織內的整體效率和生產力。

Learn more tools and terminology re: workplace knowledge