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AI 如何幫助我的業務? 人工智慧的關鍵用途

Artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming a staple in many businesses across different industries, changing the way they operate. But many still wonder, “How can AI help my business?” Find the answer in this article. 

At this moment in time, we’re all familiar with what AI is and how it’s slowly taking over mundane, repetitive tasks and making our lives more productive. It’s no surprise, then, that companies worldwide have started to adopt AI tools to help them make smarter decisions and maximize their potential.

But why is the value of the global AI market set to expand at a CAGR of 37.3% between 2023 and 2030? Why are so many companies into AI? 

This is what this article is trying to answer. Keep on reading to discover how AI can help your business, the advantages and disadvantages of AI, and how you can apply it correctly. 

How Can AI Help My Business?

You can use AI technology for sooo many things. Let it generate a quick text for a social media post. Use a prompt to create art just like you imagined. Need to analyze a large volume of data? AI can take care of it. 

It’s no wonder that 41% of large companies plan to invest in AI services now and in the future, according to Adobe. 

However, today we’ll only talk about the most important use cases. There are many others, don’t get us wrong. But we think these eight will help us paint a clear picture. 

1. Marketing

Tired of spending too much time conducting market research that yields unsatisfactory results? With machine learning (ML) and AI algorithms, your marketing teams can enhance their campaigns and boost customer experience. 

But AI does more than that. Here are some examples: 

  • Content ideas: Out of ideas for your social media posts? Well, with an AI-powered writing tool, you can generate ideas on the spot. Feed it a prompt and it’ll be able to create content based on it easily, without wasting too much time brainstorming. 
  • Competitor research: Marketing research is time-consuming. Through automation, it’s way easier to perform data analysis that yields the right results. Which enables better data-driven decision-making. 
  • Predictive analytics: Your marketing teams can quickly identify and predict patterns and trends from customer data if they use AI. This lets them create more effective marketing strategies by offering more personalized product recommendations, promotions, and messaging. 

2. Knowledge management

What is an AI knowledge base

In a nutshell, it’s a centralized hub that uses AI, ML algorithms, and natural language processing (NLP) to manage, store, and give you relevant information when you need it. 

Whenever someone asks a question or wants to search for a specific file, the AI knowledge base can provide accurate and relevant answers without human intervention. Instead, people interact with an AI-powered chatbot.

What do you get out of all this?  You optimize customer support, enhance customer experience, and improve customer relationships.

Guru is the perfect example of a great AI-powered tool that’s able to connect your existing apps and find all the answers you need, fast. It uses generative AI to deliver accurate info from different sources; plus, you can search from anywhere, without switching apps. 

See what Guru can do for you by watching this demo.  

3. Customer service

If you’ve ever wished to get inside your customers' heads and understand their thoughts and feelings, that wish just came true. AI can analyze big data and understand behaviors, which lets you improve customer interactions. 

In customer service, you usually employ an AI-powered bot that uses NLP and ML to mimic human speech and answer questions or offer personalized recommendations in real time. 

Chatbots are very helpful when it comes to handling fundamental questions about your pricing models, for example. It takes the answers from your existing sources, like FAQs or knowledge bases, without relying on a human. 

In a nutshell, you use chatbots to provide seamless support without making clients wait for the next available representative. As a result, you free your resources and your agents’ time, allowing them to focus on more important tickets. 

4. Finance and accounting

Mundane accounting tasks like invoice processing or data entry are a piece of cake for AI. In these highly regulated industries, an AI system can help teams improve their business processes by analyzing large datasets quickly and accurately.

As a result, not only does AI streamline their business operations, but it also minimizes human error, uncovering mistakes that might otherwise go undetected. So, it’s invaluable for fraud detection and maintaining reliable financial records, while saving you time and resources. 

AI tools for business also help with forecasting (making predictions), compliance (reducing the risk of penalties), and payroll management (maintaining an accurate payroll). 

5. Recruiting

The human resources department is where AI really thrives. It can automate so many everyday tasks, it’s no wonder 85% of employers surveyed by SHRM say that AI saves them time and increases efficiency. 

It’s especially useful when it comes to recruiting new employees: 

  • Sourcing for candidates — Nowadays, applicant tracking systems use AI to automatically screen candidates based on set criteria. This makes it easier to filter through unqualified applicants and some AI systems even send automated emails to those who didn’t make it.
  • Writing recruitment materials — Need to craft job descriptions on the spot? A tool like ChatGPT can help you draft the relevant content fast, based on a prompt, which spares you from writing job offer letters or interview questions from scratch. 
  • Managing employee records — An AI platform streamlines your workflow, letting you store and manage employee data in centralized HR software. These tools also help with other HR functions, such as payroll, benefits, time and attendance, etc.  
  • Driving engagement — Many companies today use chatbots to boost applicant engagement. For example, the AI bot can guide candidates through the application process and answer questions easily. 

6. Learning

There are many terms on the Internet (or the industry we work in) that we don’t quite understand at first. In this fast-paced world, going to the library and looking the term up is not an option. But then the Internet fails us; the online definition is too convoluted to make sense of it.

Plus, it’s too time-consuming to search for the definition online when you can simply use generative AI to learn new business terms or even simplify them. 

AI can do more than just that, though. You can also use it to give examples to define those terms better. As a result, people will learn new concepts and terms faster. 

7. Sales

Artificial intelligence can also be helpful to sales teams. There are plenty of AI sales tools that automate sales processes and streamline operations to enhance efficiency and productivity. 

They do so by analyzing customer behavior and interactions to automate sales tasks such as lead generation. However, they also offer valuable insights, reducing your sales team’s efforts. As a result, the team can focus more on the customer and build a relationship with them. 

So, by using AI, you can: 

  • Automate manual tasks — Manual data entry or email follow-ups are a thing of the past. With AI, you can save time and close more deals by focusing on what matters: developing relationships. 
  • Generate fresh content — AI analyzes every customer interaction and preference to create content that they’ll like. 
  • Offer valuable insights — By being aware of customer preferences, you can make more informed decisions about what products you recommend, etc. 

8. Cybersecurity

The last use case we’re gonna talk about is cybersecurity. Traditional security measures won’t cut it anymore as cybercriminals become more and more adept at hacking systems. 

That’s why you need the latest technological advancements like AI and ML to counter these attacks and reduce the risk of threats. 

For example, AI is highly beneficial in threat detection and response. Since it can analyze big data at speed, it’s able to detect anomalies that signal fraud or other threats. Through incident-response capabilities, AI-powered tools can address potential risks before they cause damage. 

But AI is also useful in security monitoring, which allows it to constantly learn and adapt to new threats. As a result, it works to proactively detect and prevent risks. 


Alright — now you know how useful AI is to a business. No matter how you decide to use it, though, it’s best to go through the benefits first. 

Which is exactly what we’re gonna do. 

What are the Benefits of Using AI in Your Business?

Maybe you’re not convinced yet that AI is beneficial. But know this: 83% of companies claim that using AI in their business strategies is a priority. 

So, they must be onto something. But what, exactly?

Let’s go through the benefits to see the reason why so many companies have invested in AI lately: 

1. Improved productivity 

Productivity is one of the biggest advantages of using AI. 

AI can handle huge amounts of data and tasks that humans can’t, and at a faster rate, too. So, when it comes to analyzing data for valuable insights and predicting patterns and trends, AI is unmatched. 

Moreover, AI automates boring and time-consuming tasks like checking code, allowing your employees to focus on more productive tasks, such as interacting with qualified candidates. 

In a nutshell, you focus more on your talent’s development than on tasks that yield no benefits. 

2. Personalized customer service

With artificial intelligence, you can personalize every customer interaction and make it meaningful. How? Well, since AI analyzes huge amounts of data every day, it can learn and understand what your customers want. 

結果,它可以創造高度自定義的體驗,讓人們渴望更多。 例如,想想任何串流服務。 它利用 AI 研究用戶觀看和喜歡的內容,從而根據他們的興趣提供個性化推薦。

但 AI 在醫療保健方面也有用,它可以個性化治療,或者在電子商務中(它可以提供類似產品的建議)。

3. 減少人為錯誤


為了減少人為錯誤的數量,使用人工智慧。 AI 工具可以輕鬆發現數據中的異常並加快過程。 這在金融行業中特別有用,因為準確性是維持良好聲譽的關鍵。

此外,AI 總是在努力自我改進,因此它可以處理越來越複雜的任務而不犯錯誤。

4. 創新增長

人工智慧可以開創創新的新方式,這意味著使用 AI 工具的人可以創造新的工作方式或服務客戶的方式。 總的來說,AI 讓你能夠發現新的機會,這些機會將給你所需的競爭優勢,幫助你取得成功。


5. 提升人才管理


許多公司使用基於 AI 的工具來改善招聘過程,從招聘到篩選再到入職。 例如,它可以向新員工發送自動化電子郵件,並在他們需要某些指南或文件時提供幫助。

AI 消除了招聘過程中的偏見,並可以確定優秀候選人,無論其教育、性別或種族如何。 此外,它提高了你的生產力並降低了招聘成本,使你能夠成功找到最佳候選人。


不過,這並不全是樂趣和遊戲。 商業中的 AI 也有缺點,因此讓我們讓你了解它們。

使用 AI 在您的業務中有什麼缺點?

AI 有許多優勢,使它成為適合你業務的好選擇。



  1. 這可能會讓你付出代價: AI 工具需要高水平的定制,因此價格不斐。 因此,小企業投資 AI 平台會更具挑戰性,即使是有預算的企業也可能不願意進行如此重大的投資。 
  2. 它可能會出錯: 是的,AI 工具仍然可能犯錯,儘管它們的準確性有所提高。 也許它們並不足夠聰明來檢測這些錯誤。 AI 是以您提供的數據運作的,這也可能導致不準確甚至歧視性的結果。 這就是為什麼檢查 AI 的文本或結果始終是一個好主意。 
  3. 它缺乏同理心和創造力:讓 AI 工具變得有創造力是困難的,即使它使用 NLP 以友好的方式與人對話,無論它學到了多少。 此外,AI 也無法理解人類的感受、社交線索和文化參考,這使得創造可聯繫的文本更加困難。 
  4. 它可能存在安全問題: 無論程式多麼優秀,始終都有可能遭受網絡攻擊的風險。 試著選擇一個不妥協於安全性的解決方案,並使用最新技術以確保及時發現威脅。 
  5. 它最終掌控一切:通常,在實施 AI 時,你會圍繞 AI 建立自己的運營。 這意味著你會依賴於它。 因此,如果發生故障,它可能會停止這些操作。 

為了舉例說明它的局限性,讓我們看看 Monica McCoy 對刑事司法中偏見的看法: 

用於刑事司法的 AI 算法往往依賴於歷史數據,而這些數據不幸地反映了我們根深蒂固的偏見。 



不要因這些缺點而氣餒;如果你有金錢和積極性,投資 AI 工具仍然是一個好主意。

但是要正確應用 AI,您需要知道它的秘密。 讓我們在下一部分中討論這些問題。

如何正確使用 AI 於商業

說「我想要 AI 在我的業務中」很容易;然而,正確地使用它可能會更困難。 

在選擇 AI 工具之前,考慮以下因素:

  • 了解你的需求:一切都始於了解為什麼你需要一個 AI 工具。 您希望通過 AI 達成什麼? 您需要自動化篩選過程嗎? 還是您希望提升客戶服務並進一步發展? 仔細考慮你的需求;這是找到完美解決方案的最佳方法。 
  • 了解技術:我們不是說你應該對工具有深入了解,但至少要了解它們的能力和限制。 例如,生成 AI 很適合創建快速的文本,無論格式如何。 但由於它被用特定的數據「訓練」,它可能會有些有偏見。  
  • 了解道德考量: AI 是很棒的,但它涉及一些道德問題。 例如,人們擔心數據隱私和安全,並確保 AI 模型中的數據是安全的。 此外,在做出可能違反用戶隱私或加強刻板印象的決策時,還存在偏見問題。 
  • 了解限制:AI—為了我們所希望的,並不在任何方面都是完美的。 它有其限制,您必須在做出決策之前了解每個工具的限制。 這樣,你將能夠充分利用 AI 工具,並意識到它無法正常運行的領域。 


AI 如何幫助我的業務?”你在本文開頭問道。 這是一個簡單的問題,但需要回答。 現在我們已經到達結尾,我們成功了嗎? 

我們希望我們做到了。 現在您對企業中的 AI 有更好的理解。

因為我們想和你談談一些重要的事:Guru。 Guru 是一個工具,使用 基於 AI 的企業搜索 將你的應用程序、聊天和文檔連接在一個中心文件夾中。 


聽起來不錯嗎? 我們打賭它可以做到。 今天註冊 來發現 Guru 可以如何幫助你。 

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

Is AI expensive to implement in my business?

The cost of implementing AI depends on factors such as the complexity of the solution, the size of your business, and whether you choose to develop AI in-house or use third-party services. However, many AI tools and platforms are becoming more accessible and affordable for businesses of all sizes.

How long does it take to see the results from implementing AI in my business?

The time to see results varies depending on the specific AI application and the complexity of your business processes. Some AI solutions, such as chatbots, can provide immediate benefits, while others, like predictive analytics, may require time to collect data and train models before delivering actionable insights.

How can AI improve customer experience?

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide 24/7 customer support, answer common queries, and guide customers through the purchasing process. AI can also personalize product recommendations and content based on customer preferences and behavior.

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