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August 16, 2024
XX min read

How to Use Lano: A Comprehensive Guide


Lano is not just another tool in the corporate toolkit. It stands as a robust, cloud-based compliance and payments platform fundamentally designed to streamline the complexities of hiring, managing, and paying employees and contractors globally, all in full compliance with local regulations. With the capability to operate in over 150 countries without the need for setting up a legal entity, Lano positions itself as an indispensable solution for businesses aiming to scale.

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected workspace, managing a distributed workforce is becoming increasingly challenging. Compliance with varying regional laws, timely payments to a global team, and efficient management of employee records can often seem daunting. This is where Lano steps in, providing companies with the tools to address these challenges head-on, reducing overheads, and allowing a sharper focus on core business objectives.

Who is Lano for

Lano is tailored for organizations of all sizes that employ a distributed workforce. It is an optimal solution for HR departments, finance teams, and business leaders looking to centralize and streamline their global operations. The ideal users include:

  • HR Managers: Looking to ensure compliance and streamline employee management.
  • Finance Teams: Tasked with ensuring accurate and timely payments.
  • Business Leaders: Aiming to scale operations without worrying about the legal complexities of international employment.
  • Freelancers and Contractors: Who need a reliable and compliant platform for receiving payments from clients worldwide.

Key features

Lano boasts several standout features that set it apart:

  1. Global Compliance Management: Lano ensures that all employee and contractor hires are compliant with local laws in over 150 countries. It handles payroll, taxes, and employee benefits according to regional requirements.
  2. Unified Platform: A single interface to manage hiring, employee records, and payroll globally. No more juggling between multiple systems.
  3. Automated Payments: Secure and timely payments to employees and contractors, irrespective of their location.
  4. Customizable Contracts: Create and manage contracts that are compliant with local laws, reducing legal risks.
  5. Employee Self-Service: Empower employees with a self-service portal where they can access their payment records, contracts, and other essential documents.
  6. Advanced Reporting: Generate detailed reports for better insight and decision making.
  7. Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with other business tools like Guru, to further enhance productivity and efficiency.

Best use cases

Scenario 1: Global Expansion

A tech startup planning to expand its operations needs to hire talent from different countries. Instead of setting up legal entities and understanding the local labor laws for each region, the startup leverages Lano to handle compliance issues. Lano automates the payment processes and ensures timely payments, allowing the startup to focus on growth without getting bogged down by administrative tasks.

Scenario 2: Managing Freelancers

A marketing agency works with freelancers around the globe for various projects. With Lano, the agency can easily generate and customize contracts for each freelancer based on local laws. Payments are processed on time, without the hassle of managing multiple payroll systems.

Scenario 3: Compliance Assurance for HR

An international corporation with offices in various countries uses Lano to maintain compliance across all locations. HR managers access a centralized platform where they can manage employee records, track compliance status, and receive updates on any changes in local labor laws.

Getting started

Step 1: Sign Up

  1. Visit the Lano website and click on the "Sign Up" button.
  2. Fill in the required details to create your account.
  3. Verify your email address by clicking the verification link sent to your inbox.

Step 2: Account Setup

  1. Log in to your Lano account.
  2. Go to the settings page to configure your company details.
  3. Add information about the countries where your employees or contractors are located.

Step 3: Add Employees and Contractors

  1. Navigate to the "Employee Management" section.
  2. Add new employees or contractors by entering their details such as name, position, and location.
  3. Upload or create employment contracts using the customizable contract templates.

Step 4: Configure Payroll

  1. Go to the "Payroll" section.
  2. Set up the payment schedules for your employees and contractors.
  3. Enter payment details and select the currency for each employee or contractor.

Step 5: Compliance Check

  1. Ensure all employee and contractor details are up-to-date.
  2. Use the compliance checker to verify that all aspects of your employment contracts and payroll are in accordance with local laws.

Step 6: Integrate with Guru

  1. Go to the integration settings in your Lano account.
  2. Select Guru from the list of available integrations.
  3. Follow the steps to authorize the integration and synchronize your employee profiles and organizational charts.

Tips and best practices

  • Regularly Update Employee Records: Ensure all employee details are up-to-date to maintain compliance and accurate payment records.
  • Leverage Reporting: Use the advanced reporting features to gain insights into your global operations and make informed decisions.
  • Customize Contracts: Take advantage of the customizable contract templates to ensure that all contracts meet local legal requirements.
  • Utilize Employee Self-Service: Encourage your employees to use the self-service portal to access their documents and payment records, reducing the administrative burden on your HR team.
  • Schedule Regular Compliance Checks: Periodically use Lano’s compliance tools to check for any potential issues and ensure consistent adherence to local laws.

Integration with Guru

Integrating Lano with Guru offers a significant boost to your productivity and operational efficiency. With the integration, you can:

  • Automatic Synchronization: Effortlessly synchronize and update employee profiles and organizational charts between Lano and Guru. This eliminates the need for manual updates, ensuring that your records are always current.
  • Enhanced Productivity: With Guru’s extension on Lano, employees have instant access to relevant knowledge and contextual suggestions without leaving their workflow. This real-time information reduces downtime and enhances productivity.
  • Streamlined Access: Guru provides a single source of truth, enabling employees to quickly find the information they need. This is particularly beneficial for HR teams who can now manage information more effectively.
  • Reduction in Manual HR Tasks: Automating the synchronization and update process with Guru reduces manual tasks for HR teams, freeing up time for more strategic initiatives.


Lano is a powerful cloud-based compliance and payments platform designed to simplify the complexities of managing a global workforce. With features like global compliance management, automated payments, and integration capabilities, Lano stands out as an essential tool for modern-day businesses. Integrating Lano with Guru further enhances operational efficiency by providing instant access to critical information and reducing manual HR tasks.

If you're looking for a solution to streamline your global operations and ensure compliance, try Lano today and harness the full potential of its capabilities. Integrate it with Guru to elevate your productivity and create a seamless workflow for your team.

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