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What is asynchronous communication? 

Asynchronous communication means interaction without real-time conversation — replies can be delayed. A good example is email. In this approach, people aren't scheduling meetings and responses are less time-sensitive.

In this scenario, instead of asking your employees to be online at the same time, you give your teammates the flexibility to choose their working hours, irrespective of their location. 

For example, if you’ve sent an email requesting a document from a team member, rather than expecting an immediate response, you’re patient and wait for them to respond later on. There's a growing body of evidence that shows the productivity benefits of not responding to all requests the moment they come in. In fact, research from the American Psychological Association has found that interruptions can significantly reduce productivity.

Types of synchronous vs asynchronous communication


Synchronous learning happens in real-time, with students and teachers together. Alternatively, teachers can share information asynchronously. Learners explore on their own time, for example by watching videos, reading, and listening. Teachers use a learning management system (LMS) to share learning materials.


In coding, synchronous operations are performed one at a time. One task finishes, the next step begins. Asynchronous operations can happen at the same time — you can move to the next step while another step finishes.


The key difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication is synchronous communications are scheduled, real-time interactions by phone, video, or in-person. Asynchronous communication happens on your own time and doesn’t need scheduling.

In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about synchronous vs asynchronous communication, in general.

Why should you move toward asynchronous communication? 

A Stanford study of 16,000 employees revealed that remote workers are 13% more productive. In another review, a company that switched to remote work recorded an increased $1.3 billion annual value

No more rush-hour commute to work, inhaling carbon-fueled air, engaging in office politics, or having to always be present even when you don’t feel like it. You have more time to dedicate to your family and hobbies because you’ve regained control of your day and how you plan your activities.

While many people assume that location independence is the entire reason remote workers are happier, asynchronous communication plays a significant role in giving remote employees control over how they communicate with their teammates.

In a remote-first, fully asynchronous environment, you wake up when you want to, see the emails sitting in your inbox, and feel no pressure to reply. So you grab a beverage and finish your morning routine before settling at your desktop to start work for the day.

While many companies are convinced that remote work is the future, they are also struggling with how to hand control over to their employees and adopt async communication — even when the benefits include a happier workforce, reduced overhead costs, and the ability to hire top talent from anywhere in the world.

Synchronous vs asynchronous communication 

Synchronous communication takes place in real-time between two or more people. All parties are online at the same time. When a message or request is sent, there’s an immediate response.

Synchronous communication is common in a physical work location where managers can walk up to a team member’s office and ask for a document or question about a process. Work hours and break times are preset, and there’s a ton of pressure to always be available.

Examples of synchronous communication include video conferencing, instant messaging, and telephone conversations.

Situations where synchronous communication is beneficial include:

  • Brainstorming sessions
  • Weekly team meetings
  • Team building activities
  • Project discussions
  • Interview sessions
  • Water cooler conversations

While synchronous communication is instantaneous, there’s an expected lag in asynchronous communication. Rather than determining when employees can work or respond to communications, async communication places control with the employee, not the employer.

Examples of asynchronous communication

Messaging software: Messaging software like Microsoft Teams and Slack is helpful for employee communication and collaboration. You send a message and the recipient replies when they come online.

Email: There’s no pressure to respond instantly to work emails. Employees can reply at a convenient time with tools like Gmail and Outlook

Video recording: Video recordings or demos work great when you need to explain a process. Popular video recording tools include Zoom and Loom.

Cloud collaboration: With tools like Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams, you can collaborate on documents with your teammates, make edits, and leave comments they can address at a convenient time.   

Video libraries: A video library is a collection of training videos that employees can watch as part of the onboarding process or regular training intervals. You can integrate Guru with learning management software like Lessonly and Skilljar to help employees learn at their own pace.

Project management software: Project management tools are a great way to collaborate on projects, communicate deliverables and track project activity. Examples to explore with Guru include Asana and Trello

Wikis and intranets: Wikis and intranets serve as the single source of truth within an organization. It’s a repository of company documents, processes, and other resources employees need to perform their job functions. With an intranet CMS like Guru, anyone can create content and share verifiable knowledge so employees are always using best practices.

What are the benefits of asynchronous communication?

Flexibility to respond when you can 

Async communication gives you the freedom to plan your workday based on your most productive hours. Instead of switching tabs to reply to non-stop messages, you can batch your responses when you have time. 

With more flexibility, you spend extended periods on more important tasks, resulting in improved performance and productivity. 

More honest communication 

While asynchronous communication is slower, it also tends to be of higher quality than knee-jerk responses. It allows you to think through a particular idea, gather your thoughts, and offer responses when you’re ready. This makes it easier for other people to understand your message effectively and avoid unnecessary back-and-forths. 

Greater transparency since communication is saved by default 

Chat messages and Slack threads all happen in writing and are automatically saved so you and your team can reference them later. This results in greater transparency across your company and ensures nobody misses important information. 

Better for people in different time zones 

Communicating in real-time across different time zones is hard when one teammate is sleeping peacefully just as another is coming back from their morning run. 

Since async communication doesn't require remote workers to be connected at the same time, you can send a message to an employee in Europe from your apartment in San Francisco and they’ll respond later in the day when they sit at their workstation.

Increased productivity 

In a synchronous environment, the average employee spends 12 hours per week preparing and attending meetings. 

Without distractions, employees can block off time for deep work, then batch responses a few times a day instead of checking their phone every 30 minutes. 

Not to mention, employees can skyrocket productivity with asynchronous information sharing to save time and stress.

Finding the balance between synchronous and asynchronous communication

To be clear, we’re not asking you to ditch real-time communication entirely. There are situations where it makes sense.

Remote work, for example,  can be extremely isolating. Synchronous communication can help you build rapport with teammates and develop personal relationships that lead to better collaboration at work.

It’s also useful when you want to discuss sensitive topics, give critical feedback, performance review, or brainstorm a lot of ideas at once.

When a project is moving quickly and you want to get everyone in sync, a Zoom conference meeting can help you achieve this goal. In a crisis or emergency, it makes sense to get everyone on board fast, to mitigate the problem.

However, it can be a time suck when:

  • Employees have to show up to meetings and wait for everyone to arrive 
  • You wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is respond to work emails and Slack messages
  • You spend an entire day replying to an endless email thread instead of finishing that task that’s due in an hour

The trick is to keep synchronous communication to a minimum. Give your team autonomy but set rules that keep everyone aligned. Don’t micromanage but stay available when they need help getting past a roadblock. 

Organize regular team bonding events to manage isolation and maintain social relationships. Combine async and synchronous communication and you’ll have a happy team with a healthy work-life balance.

How can asynchronous communication be improved? 

As an individual

Write your thoughts down

It’s harder to misunderstand or lose context when you write. Writing down your thoughts gives people the time to read and think about your message versus reacting immediately. As you write your thoughts you can refine them and provide more context that helps others understand your messaging quickly which reduces the need for one-on-one meetings or long messaging threads.


The time lag between responses offers an opportunity to send clear messages. What does the next person need to know about the task or meeting? Give as much background detail as possible. 

Use screenshots and screen recording to provide context. Send links to relevant past conversations and resources that will help your colleagues understand your message better. Set clear deadlines so they know when a task is due. You save more time when you provide context upfront. 

Create stellar documentation 

It would be great if everyone in your company had superhuman recall abilities and only had to be told things once. Unfortunately, unless you’re working in a really cool top-secret program we probably shouldn’t know about, people are going to need plenty of reminders about rules for work and communication.  

Focus on creating informative documentation that can easily explain tasks and answer basic questions that are likely to pop up throughout the day. You can create documentation around communication processes, specific guidelines around project work, and anything you think your people will find particularly useful. 

It’s important to not limit yourself to written documents when you’re thinking about the best way to communicate certain things. 教學影片、資訊圖表和音頻文件是讓人們保持知情的好方法。 

擁有正確的文檔能讓人們更具靈活性,並幫助確保信息的可接觸性和易於理解。 這可以幫助減少無止盡的來回消息 (這麼長的肩膀輕拍) 並讓每個人更加自主和高效地工作。








檢查您的文檔共享設置,確保您的同事可以訪問適當的文件。 這看起來可能微不足道,但如果有人需要請求訪問,可能會導致幾個小時甚至整整一天的不必要延遲。 


線程的目的是方便進行基於文本的對話。 電子郵件討論是零碎的,並將信息鎖定在只能由發件人和收件人訪問的收件箱中。


在會議之前,使用線程分享相關信息,幫助您的團隊了解當前主題。 會後,請繼續這個主題,以便那些無法參加的人可以找到相關資訊。 您可以在該鏈接中分享會議錄影的鏈接,任何提問的人都會立即在該鏈接中獲得回覆。

通信工具 如 Slack 讓您通過直接將任務添加到項目討論線程中來管理小組項目。 您的團隊可以迅速找到相關的線程以及他們需要開始的資訊,而不是經過各種不連貫的談話。 


通知會破壞您的生產力。 當你永遠在等待智能手機或桌面通知的聲音時,它讓你處於超級敏感的狀態。 每次回應時,需要 25 分鐘 才能重新開始,這導致生產力流失。

相反,使用時間區塊來獲得更多的一天。 如果您一天工作 8 小時,則可以每三小時檢查通知並一次回應。



您可以通過電子郵件、線程或通過 Zoom 會議來溝通什麼?



例如,您的網站下線是一個緊急情況,需要所有人齊心協力立即修復。 下週到期的任務的報告可以通過Slack或在Asana中發送提醒來交流。


非同步溝通失敗的最大原因之一是因為人們沒有制定溝通規則。 這就是為什麼建立非常明確的期望,關於人們之間如何交談是重要的。 當您正確實施時,您降低了誤解或錯誤傳達信息的可能性。 

考慮讓員工創建指定的工作時間,讓他們知道自己會在電腦旁並可以工作。 在您的 Slack 頻道中使用不同的標籤、名稱和主題設置,以便員工知道他們應在其中進行哪些對話


網站或應用程式上出現的公共功能故障是一個緊迫的工作問題。 有關團隊偏好的顏色的便條紙問題則不是。 如果你無法找到區分兩者的方法,那麼每封進來的電子郵件或Slack都會讓你覺得是一個緊急事件。 


設置關於真正構成緊急事宜的指導方針,以及標記該事宜的最佳方式。 制定聯繫誰、採取哪些正確步驟和如何文檔化問題的一套作為行動計劃。 

想更深入了解如何處理工作中的溝通問題? 查看我們的文章 我們對內部溝通的看法 在 Guru。



員工可以設定他們的工作時間,只要他們能保持生產力。 如果他們傾向於早上工作三個小時,晚上工作四個小時以進行不間斷的深度工作,那是可以的,只要他們能達成每月的目標。


實施靈活的工作時間表使您能夠從世界各地招募頂尖人才。 當每個人都無法同時在線時,你自然會傾向於非同步通訊。 


當你的團隊有很多依賴時,你最終會進行更多的會議。 在 Rick 把關於客戶發現的錯誤的更新發送給客戶之前,他必須先確認 Anna 是否修復了這個問題。 沒有人知道任何人正在做什麼,這導致了會議和冗長的電子郵件串。

使用遠程檢查使會議成為異步。 這是團隊共享他們正在進行的工作的方式,而不會干擾他們的工作流程。


  • 一個中心入口,團隊每天共享他們正在進行的專案
  • 一個像 Asana 的項目管理工具,讓您在多個項目上建立工作流程並跟蹤進度
  • 像Slack這樣的消息工具,團隊可以發佈自己正在進行的工作,並與 內部通訊平台 如Guru無縫整合




  • 每週檢查時的時間,每個人都必須參加
  • 對電子郵件和Slack消息的回應時間(可能是12-24小時)
  • 在不同時區和緊急情況下溝通的程序


信任和獨立性是異步通信建立的價值。 你需要相信你的團隊會按時交付,讓隊友不必擔心任何人不遵守承諾。 當員工在不受控制的情況下獨立工作時,這會鼓勵創新並提升他們的信心。

讓我們給人們一些寬容。 直到最近,幾乎不可能使異步工作有效……工作。 多虧了現代技術的創新,遠程工作比以往任何時候都更容易,但重要的是要記住,我們現在享受的工作環境在20年前甚至10年前的一些情況下是無法實現的。 

記住,您和您的同事為了一個原因在一起工作。 你們所有人都被認為是高效、有才能且有能力的員工。 除非有人給你理由相信他們無法處理非同步工作所帶來的責任,信任他們能在你的工作環境中處理下一步。


81% 的員工 在無法獲取完成任務所需的信息時感到沮喪。 

內部 知識管理 (KM) 系統可以最大限度地減少員工詢問問題的需要。 它成為所有公司文件的中央存儲庫,例如員工入職、流程文檔、發布指南和品牌價值。 您選擇的系統應該直觀,易於搜索並與您的工作流程整合。


我們之前提到,擁抱非同步溝通模型並不意味著你正在拒絕同步工作。 當你是分布式工作隊伍的一部分時,每次會議都很重要。 疫情迫使我們重新審視我們如何利用會議時間,並真正思考如何最佳利用每個人的時間。 

在你啟動日程安排工具之前,花時間考慮會議的目的和主要目標。 問問自己,這是否是需要現場討論的事情,或者您是否可以在發送電子郵件或 Slack 後獲得同樣的結果。

會議前的工作對於那些正在進行異步工作的員工來說可能是一個寶貴的工具。 讓人們在正式會議之前檢查文件、觀看影片或帶著問題或想法來會議,可以縮短會議時間,並使您共度的時間更具影響力。 

而且不要忘記錄製會議的價值。 儘管你竭力而為,總會有一些人無法參加會議。 錄製的會議可以 為人們提供他們需要的信息 以繼續工作。



您可以通過安排定期活動來填補這一空白,促進關係建設和團隊團結。 例如,您可以安排每月的一個星期五遊戲時間、Zoom 上的飲料會議以便聯絡,或每年舉行兩次的面對面靜修。




Guru 是一種內部通信工具和知識共享平台,提供您團隊中專家的驗證信息。 員工可以在他們工作的地方訪問這些信息。 把 Guru 想成是公司維基,與您的工作流程集成,因此您始終擁有完成工作的必要信息。

Google 工作區

Google 工作區 是一組雲計算和生產力工具,方便在一個位置跨項目進行協作。 Google 工作區中的工具包括聊天、Gmail、日曆、文檔、幻燈片、電子表格、表單和雲端硬碟。

多個人可以在文檔上協作,針對不清楚的地方留下評論,並即時解決問題。 所有內容都保存在Google雲端硬碟上,因此你不必擔心丟失文件或無法訪問檔案。  


像 Slack 和 Microsoft Teams 這樣的即時通訊應用程序消除了需要在電子郵件主題上進行冗長討論的必要性,並通過消息平台簡化了通信。 

您可以按不同主題為不同團隊組織主題,以提高談話的質量和相關性。 團隊成員可以根據感興趣的主題或可用性選擇如何接收通知。 



使用 Asana 將項目和截止日期分配給您的隊友,而無需發送電子郵件或組織會議。 您可以標記您的員工,對項目發表評論,甚至在 Asana 中鏈接關鍵項目文檔,以提供他們完成工作的所有必要信息。 


Loom 是一種視頻消息工具,您可以錄製您的屏幕、面部和聲音以創建視頻,並通過電子郵件或鏈接立即分享。 您可以使用 Loom 紀錄流程、為新員工入職以及與同事分享知識。

作為一種異步通信工具,您可以在自己的時間框架內發送視頻消息,您的同事則可以方便地觀看視頻。 這是一個很好的方式來解釋產品路線圖,告訴你的隊友如何修正錯誤,或解釋你為何做出某些決策。


協作過度的情況發生在員工花太多時間回覆請求和與團隊互動而傷害了自己的工作。 協作過度的一些原因包括:


根據《哈佛商業評論》,員工目前在協作上花費的時間比20年前多 50% 。 

想想 工作日的80% 都用在電子郵件通訊上, 15%的公司時間 用在開會上,還有 每天超過200條Slack訊息 。 員工的時間是寶貴的,公司應該 評估他們目前的內部溝通做法 是否對他們有助或有害。

這種持續溝通的趨勢意味著整個日子都圍繞著會議安排,之間的時間用於核心工作功能。 這通常導致員工在工作日和周末超時工作(不加班費)以完成指定任務。


如果工作人員總是參與即時溝通,那麼他們就無法控制自己的日程。 與其設定自己的議程並提高生產力,你的團隊一整天都在回應請求。 為了彌補失去的時間,他們加快工作速度,這導致了更大的壓力、更高的挫折感和壓力。 結果就是倦怠和缺乏出現的動力。


第一個回覆可能不是你最好的回覆。 當你需要立即回應時,沒有時間考慮你的答案並提供深思熟慮的回答,因為你正處於壓力之下。  對話的質量受到影響,解決方案往往不盡人意。


工作的未來是分散且多樣的。 越來越多的公司意識到他們不需要在同一時區內就能取得成果。 因此,成功現在取決於結果和產出,而不是你出現的幾個小時。

採用異步系統使你能夠利用全球最佳人才。 這給了你的團隊自選工作的時間,當他們最有生產力時最大化產出,而不必隨時在線。 這是一個很好的方式來進行更深層次的工作,當你需要時斷開聯繫,並重新充電後回來。

在需要面對面交流的時候,選擇 工具 以結合同步和非同步的通訊,以實現簡化的工作流程。

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕


一項對16,000名員工的斯坦福研究顯示,遠程工作者的生產力提高了13%。 在另一項評估中,一家公司轉向遠程工作,記錄到增加的$1.3億年價值。

不再匆忙的上下班通勤,吸入碳基燃料的空氣,參與辦公室政治,或必須始終存在,即使你不想。 你有更多時間投入到家庭和愛好中,因為你重新掌控了你的一天以及如何計劃你的活動。


在一個以遠程為主,完全異步的環境中,你可以選擇你想幾點起床,看到郵箱中的電子郵件,不感到回覆的壓力。 所以你拿著飲料,完成晨間例行事務,然後坐到桌前開始一天的工作。



異步溝通意味著在沒有實時談話的情況下進行互動——回覆可以延遲。 一個很好的例子是電子郵件。 在這種方法中,人們不會安排會議,回覆的時間要求較低。




在你能夠回覆的時候,異步溝通給予你根據自己的最有效率的時間來計劃工作日的自由。 與其在不停的消息中切換標籤,你可以在有時間的時候批量回覆。


更誠實的溝通 雖然異步溝通更慢,但質量往往比膝跳反應的回覆更高。 這使你能夠思考一個特定的想法,整理你的思緒,並在你準備好的時候提出回覆。 這使得其他人更容易有效理解你的信息,並避免不必要的來回。

由於默認情況下會保存通信,因此提供更大的透明度。聊天消息和Slack主題都以書面形式發生並自動保存,以便你和你的團隊可以稍後參考它們。 這導致公司之間的透明度增加,並確保沒有人錯過重要信息。





更不用說,員工可以通過異步信息共享大幅提高生產力,以節省時間和減少壓力。 我們精心策劃了最佳的商業模板,以幫助你的團隊節省時間,並迅速建立新員工的信心。

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