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August 16, 2024
XX min read

How to Use Ironclad: A Comprehensive Guide


Ironclad is a comprehensive digital contracting platform designed to streamline every part of your company's contract process. By shifting focus from paperwork to legal work, Ironclad revolutionizes how contracts are made, managed, and stored. Legal teams at renowned companies like Asana, Dropbox, and L’Oréal leverage Ironclad to collaborate seamlessly on contracts, secure better deals, and mitigate business risks, all while accommodating remote work environments. In the modern workplace, where efficiency and precision are paramount, Ironclad stands as a critical tool for legal and business professionals.

Who is Ironclad for

Ironclad is tailored for a variety of users, particularly:

  • Legal teams at any organization
  • Contract managers and administrators
  • Procurement and sales departments
  • Compliance officers
  • Any enterprise dealing with high volumes of contracts

Ironclad is ideal for companies that need more efficient contract workflows, better collaboration tools, and robust contract management systems to mitigate business risks and drive growth.

Key features

Ironclad's platform is packed with features designed to simplify and enhance the contract lifecycle. These features include:

  • Contract Creation: Use intuitive templates and drag-and-drop clauses to create contracts quickly.
  • Collaborative Editing: Real-time editing and collaboration tools allow multiple team members to work on contracts simultaneously.
  • Automated Workflows: Simplify approvals and routing with customizable workflows, reducing time and errors.
  • E-Signatures: Secure and legally binding electronic signatures streamline contract finalization.
  • Data Repository: Centralized storage with powerful search functionalities ensures all contracts are easily accessible and organized.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Automated compliance checks and advanced reporting features help monitor contract performance and adherence to regulations.
  • Audit Trail: Comprehensive audit trails maintain a record of all actions taken on a contract, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Best use cases

Ironclad shines in numerous scenarios, particularly:

Legal Teams

Legal departments can vastly improve their efficiency by using Ironclad to draft, review, and approve contracts. The platform's collaborative capabilities reduce bottlenecks, while automated workflows ensure that contracts move swiftly through each stage of the process.

Sales Teams

Sales departments benefit by accelerating contract turnaround times. Tools like e-signatures and automated workflows ensure that deals are closed faster, which can boost revenue and customer satisfaction.


Procurement teams streamline vendor agreements and manage supplier contracts more effectively. Ironclad's robust reporting features enable better tracking and management of contractual obligations.

Human Resources

HR departments can manage employment contracts and related documentation seamlessly. Ironclad’s centralized repository ensures that HR teams can access the latest contract versions quickly and efficiently.

Technology and SaaS Firms

Tech companies can manage client contracts, service agreements, and NDAs with ease. The platform's extensive integration capabilities, including with tools like Guru, further enhance productivity and knowledge management.

Getting started

  1. Sign Up for Ironclad: Visit the Ironclad website and sign up for an account.
  2. Configure Your Account: Set up user roles, permissions, and integrations based on your organization's needs.
  3. Create Templates: Develop contract templates that suit your most common use cases using Ironclad’s intuitive template builder.
  4. Set Up Workflows: Configure automated workflows for contract approvals and routing.
  5. Onboard Your Team: Add your team members and provide them with the necessary training to use Ironclad.
  6. Start Creating Contracts: Begin drafting contracts using your templates, and utilize the collaborative features to involve relevant stakeholders.
  7. Utilize E-Signatures: Finalize contracts with Ironclad’s secure e-signature capabilities.
  8. Store and Manage Contracts: Organize finalized contracts in the centralized data repository for easy access and management.
  9. Monitor and Report: Use Ironclad's reporting features to track contract performance and compliance.

Tips and best practices

  • Standardize Templates: Create standardized contract templates to ensure consistency and reduce drafting time.
  • Utilize Collaborative Features: Encourage team members to use real-time editing and commenting features for more effective collaboration.
  • Automate Where Possible: Take advantage of Ironclad’s automated workflows to streamline routine processes, such as approvals and routing.
  • Regular Training: Schedule regular training sessions to keep your team updated on new features and best practices.
  • Leverage Reporting: Utilize the reporting features for insights into your contract processes, helping you identify areas for improvement.
  • Maintain an Audit Trail: Ensure all actions taken on contracts are documented to maintain transparency and accountability.

Integration with Guru

Ironclad's integration with Guru enhances productivity and knowledge management. Guru enables AI-powered searches within Ironclad, providing reliable information directly within your contract workflows. The benefits include:

  • Instant Access to Information: Gurus AI-powered search allows users to access crucial information without leaving Ironclad, streamlining workflow.
  • Contextual Suggestions: Boost productivity with Guru's contextual suggestions, offering relevant information precisely when it's needed.
  • Enhanced Knowledge Management: Capture and store important information within Guru, ensuring it’s accessible for future reference.
  • Improved Collaboration: Teams can work more efficiently, accessing and sharing the knowledge they need directly within their Ironclad interface.


Ironclad is a powerful tool for any organization looking to streamline their contract management processes. From creation to storage, Ironclad offers comprehensive features designed to enhance efficiency, collaboration, and compliance. By integrating with Guru, users benefit from AI-powered searches and contextual suggestions, further boosting productivity and knowledge sharing. Whether you're a legal professional, a sales executive, or part of the HR team, Ironclad can help you manage your contracts more effectively and focus on what truly matters. Try Ironclad today and experience the transformation firsthand.

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