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March 14, 2025
7 min read

AI 助手:2025 終極指南 - 定義、示例及其他

With a simple command, you can easily ask AI assistants to help you with daily tasks such as scheduling meetings. But what exactly is an AI assistant? Let’s demystify this concept in this guide. 

Today’s world is AI-powered: experts expect the global AI market to be worth $1.8 trillion by 2030. You might not realize it, but AI is now everywhere, coming to us in a familiar form: as our assistants.

AI assistants are programs that automate tasks and workflows. For example, you can take out your Android or iOS phone and say, “Hey, do my groceries.” Just like that, the AI assistant will place the order for you.

But that’s not enough to define an AI assistant. In this guide, let’s go deeper than that and discover its key features, benefits, and the most common types of AI assistants. 

What is an AI Assistant?

An AI assistant (also known as a virtual or digital assistant) is software that uses advanced technologies to provide users with relevant information and perform various tasks for them, such as making calls, reading text, etc. 

Via natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and large language models (LLM), these personal assistants can understand voice commands or text inputs and generate responses that sound conversational and human-like.

Think of popular voice assistants like Siri and Alexa. But these two are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many types of AI assistants, but we can talk about that later.

For now, let’s focus on the benefits AI assistants provide. 

What are the Benefits of AI Assistants?

What are the perks of using AI assistants? For one, they automate simple yet mundane tasks, like addressing customer concerns. This frees your agents’ time, allowing them to focus on more high-priority issues. 

But it goes beyond scheduling meetings, producing high-quality content, or responding to questions. Here are some of the other benefits: 

  • Provides personalized content: AI chatbots greatly boost customer satisfaction levels and forge stronger connections by delivering more customized content that suits customers’ preferences and needs. 
  • Offers accurate responses: Your personal AI assistant won’t beat around the bush. Using the vast internet as its source, it can answer simple or complex queries with ease, in a precise and timely manner. 
  • Streamlines routine tasks: Tracking orders, changing passwords, and more are tasks that your HR department doesn’t need to worry about anymore, as the AI assistant can easily handle them. 
  • Boosts productivity: With AI taking care of complex tasks, your people can focus on more time-sensitive projects, without distractions. This means a new level of productivity that gives you a competitive edge. 
  • Saves time and costs: Again, using AI assistants to perform tasks frees your agents’ time, allowing them to focus on more impactful work. But it also reduces your costs, as you don’t need to hire a specialized team of people to handle these routine tasks. 

Benefits: check.

Now, let’s go through the key features an AI assistant should have.

What are the Key Features of AI Assistants? 

Every AI assistant should have the following capabilities: 

  • Natural Language Understanding: NLP is suuuper necessary for an AI assistant. It’s how AI assistants communicate with humans in a natural way, allowing them to comprehend and interpret language in order to provide relevant answers and intuitive interactions. 
  • Continual learning and adaptation: Through ML algorithms, the AI assistant continuously learns about the user, gathering enough data to understand their needs better. As a result, the AI assistant will be able to tailor experiences and offer more refined suggestions. 
  • User assistance versatility: AI assistants aren’t just good at answering a few questions. They can handle simple and complex tasks alike, such as setting reminders, scheduling meetings, or handling administrative duties.
  • Providing relevant and timely recommendations: Since AI assistants continuously learn about client needs and preferences, they deliver tailor-made content that engages the client further. Through personalized interactions, users receive assistance AND learn more about their topic of interest. 
  • Third-party integrations: An AI assistant works well alongside plenty of other third-party platforms, allowing you to streamline workflows. With an integrated ecosystem, you can provide seamless interactions between your platforms, letting your workers find the information they need faster. 

Easy to remember, right? With this information in mind, let’s go through the many types of AI assistants. 

What are the Common Types of AI Assistants?

Curious about the most common types of AI assistants? There are coding assistants, for instance, whose market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 41.2% from 2021 to 2028. And then there are customer service assistants. 

But today we’re going to talk about the following types of assistants: 

  • AI search assistants
  • AI email assistants
  • AI scheduling assistants
  • AI transcription assistants
  • AI writing assistants

As we go through each type, we’ll explore some of the best options in that category, so you’ll have a better idea of what to expect from that AI assistant. 

免責聲明: 此列表最後更新於 2025 年 7 月 12 日。 

AI search assistants

An AI search assistant is a tool that helps users find and retrieve information based on their search intent. Basically, it uses NLP and ML to understand user queries and provide accurate or relevant responses, similar to an AI search engine. 

ChatGPT + Guru

Our first AI search assistant is actually two tools in one. 

First, we have OpenAI’s ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that everyone’s familiar with. It mainly uses LLM to interact with users in a conversational manner, generate new content, write code, and summarize documents with a single prompt.

Second, we have Guru, an enterprise AI search, an employee intranet, and a wiki — all in a single tool. With Guru, you can search everything from the internal knowledge base and get instant answers in the tool you use.

What do they achieve together? Well, you have AI search across the internet (via ChatGPT) and all your company information (via Guru). 

Key Features:

  • ChatGPT understands multiple languages, making it easier to write natural-sounding prompts.
  • Guru 為您提供個性化的答案,直接在您的工作流程中,因此您不再需要切換標籤。 
  • 通過允許 ChatGPT 在您的公司內進行搜索,它們將相關的答案放在您的指尖。 

Apple Siri

Apple Siri 是 iOS 和 macOS 操作系統中的流行數位助手。 它使用 AI 語音識別和自然語言處理來理解用戶意圖並執行各種任務。 因此,只需簡單地說「嘿 Siri」,AI 助手可以提供天氣預報、撥打電話或獲取方向。 

內建於 Apple 生態系統中,它無縫整合所有設備和應用程式,甚至允許免提操作。 


  • Siri 擁有多語言和方言支持,因此它對世界各地的很多人都可訪問。
  • Siri 從之前的交互和使用模式中學習,因此它可以提供個性化的回應和建議。 
  • 通過語音命令,Siri 可以自動化任務,例如設置提醒、創建日曆事件等。

Google 助理

另一個流行的 AI 搜索助手,與 Siri 非常相似,是 Google 助理,這是一個使用人工智慧、自然語言處理和語音識別來提供信息和執行任務的工具。 不過,與 Apple 的 Siri 不同,這個助手是供 Android 用戶使用的,因為它與 Google 的硬體和軟件工具整合。 

通過 Google 的搜索引擎在線搜索,這個AI 應用可以輕鬆提供天氣、檢查體育比分或回答問題。 


  • 您可以用兩種方式與這個助手互動:通過語音命令或文本輸入。
  • Google 助理與智能家居整合,使您能夠控制設備,例如燈光、安全攝像頭和家用電器。
  • 這個 AI 助手可以識別不同的聲音並提供個性化的回應。 


我們的 AI 搜索助手列表已經完整。 現在,讓我們來看看 AI 電子郵件助手。 

AI 電子郵件助手

厭倦了丟失重要的電子郵件或在收件箱的混亂中試圖找到秩序嗎? 電子郵件優化對於一個 AI 電子郵件助手來說簡直是小菜一碟,這是一個利用人工智能來對電子郵件進行分類和優先排序以及回覆消息的工具。 


SaneBox 是一款 AI 驅動的電子郵件管理工具,幫助用戶組織他們的電子郵件收件箱,提高效率、增強溝通並減少混亂。 因此,通過優先排序和分類收件的電子郵件,您可以專注於真正重要的電子郵件。 

您可以免費試用 SaneBox,或選擇其更高級功能的計劃。 


  • 通過 SaneLater 功能,您可以將不太重要的電子郵件移出主收件箱,以首先專注於關鍵的電子郵件。 
  • 創建自定義文件夾和過濾器,保持您的收件箱有序。 
  • 設置提醒,以便您可以準時發送電子郵件。 


Shortwave 由一支前谷歌團隊創建,是一款現代 AI 電子郵件助手,利用智能算法來對電子郵件進行分類和優先排序,確保您首先查看最重要的電子郵件。 

此外,它擁有強大的搜索功能,使用戶能夠輕鬆找到他們尋找的電子郵件。 簡而言之,這個 AI 工具提高了電子郵件的生產力和管理,使使用者體驗更流暢。 


  • Shortwave 擁有一個功能,將相關的電子郵件打包在一起,以便輕鬆找到他們。 
  • 通過合作功能,例如評論,您可以促進溝通和團隊合作。 
  • 使用自定義標籤和過濾器,根據某些標準組織您的電子郵件。


Mailbutler 是一個使您的收件箱更智能、更有組織的工具。 借助其為 Microsoft Outlook、Gmail 和 Apple Mail 提供的智能 AI 助手,您可以更好地管理電子郵件並提高生產力。 

Mailbutler 擁有 Smart Compose,一個允許您用幾個關鍵字草擬電子郵件的功能。 此外,如果您不想花太多時間回覆電子郵件,可以讓 AI 助手為您生成回應。 


  • Mailbutler 擁有可自定義的電子郵件模板,您可以用於重複的電子郵件。 
  • 跟踪已發送的電子郵件,查看有多少封電子郵件已被打開或閱讀等。 
  • 向您的電子郵件添加註釋或任務,您可以與您的團隊共享和協作。 


我們的下一个 AI 助手類型專注於排程。 讓我們結識他們。 

AI 排程助手

您多久會忘記未在日曆中記錄的會議? 這很可能經常發生。 這就是為什麼 AI 排程助手可以幫助您通過自動化組織會議的任務並識別最佳時間槽來跟踪您的日曆。 


Clockwise 是一個 AI 驅動的時間管理和日曆優化解決方案,幫助您更高效地組織日程,成功地允許您以您偏好的方式協調工作和約會。 

這是一個根據您的獨特需求和偏好計算會議和任務最佳時間的工具。 Clockwise 與 Google 日曆整合,能夠自動組織會議和事件,最小化干擾,最大化生產力。 


  • 借助共享日曆,您和您的團隊可以找到最佳的會議時間。
  • Clockwise 與工作管理工具(如 Slack 和 Asana)整合,因此您可以直接在工作空間獲取通知。 
  • 這個工具為您提供有關您如何使用時間的見解,並提供有用的生產力報告。 


Kronologic 是一款 AI 排程工具,簡化會議和時間敏感約會的安排。 這個工具使用 AI 根據您的團隊的可用性提出並安排會議,同時考慮到他們的偏好。 

此外,Kronologic 提供智能的時間建議,根據參與者的時區和工作時間表,確定會議的最佳時間段。 


  • Kronologic 與流行的電子郵件提供者整合,以自動化排程過程。 
  • 這個 AI 排程助手確保與流行的日曆系統同步您的會議。 
  • 使用 Kronologic 排程候選者更容易,因為它會發送提醒以確保每個人都準備好。 

Scheduler AI

Scheduler AI 是您自己可自定義的對話式 AI 代理,可以優化排程過程。 通過使用 AI,這個工具改善您的時間管理,並通過找到最佳的約會時間來提高您的生產力。 



  • 使用這個工具,為多位參與者設置會議及找到共同可用時間變得更容易。 
  • Scheduler AI 自動化重複性排程,因此可以定期安排例行會議。 
  • 如果您需要時間專注於工作,Scheduler AI 會自動分配時間塊來幫助您更好地管理時間。 


這就是關於 AI 排程助手的所有內容,接下來讓我們探索 AI 轉錄助手。 

AI 轉錄助手

一般來說,AI 轉錄助手自動化筆記過程,幫助您輕鬆將音頻或視頻錄音中的口語轉換為書面文字。 此外,根據筆記,它還提供會議摘要,使其對與利益相關者和同事共享結果非常有用。 是一款 AI 驅動的轉錄工具,能夠將任何口語實時轉換為文本。 您可以用它來錄音和轉錄對話、講座和會議。 您只需在會議期間啟動這個工具,它就會自動轉錄所說的內容。 準確地完成這些任務,使您能夠輕鬆組織內容並促進團隊之間的協作。 


  • 根據關鍵字或短語搜索您的筆記。 
  • 將轉錄內容組織成文件夾,您可以輕鬆匯出為 PDF、TXT 或 DOCX 等各種格式。 
  • 添加自定義術語、名稱和首字母縮略詞,以提高轉錄的準確性。 


Gong 是一個專注於銷售對話的 AI 平台。 這意味著什麼? 這意味著它使用人工智慧來分析和提取銷售通話、會議和互動中的有價值信息。 使用這些見解,您可以改善銷售結果並增加收入。 

通過使用自動通話錄音和對話智能,Gong 能夠捕獲音頻和視頻,並在後者進行分析以提取見解。 


  • Gong 是一個很好的教練工具,因為它允許經理查看錄音並提供反饋。
  • 這個 AI 平台使用最新的安全技術來確保您的數據安全。
  • 通過綜合分析,Gong 確定成功所需的模式、趨勢和最佳實踐。

Fireflies 是一個多用途的 AI 驅動工具,可以自動化筆記,使您的團隊能夠輕鬆轉錄、總結和分析會議及語音對話。 

通過 Google Meet、Teams 和 Zoom,您可以獲得自動筆記、跟進行動項以及從會議中提取有價值的信息。 因此,您能夠提高決策能力並簡化通訊。 


  • 通過 AI 驅動的摘要,您可以查看會議中討論的關鍵點和行動項目。
  • Fireflies 擁有講者識別功能,使工具能夠在轉錄中識別講者,獲得更好的可見性。
  • 搜索特定關鍵字,以檢索您最感興趣的信息。 


我們即將探索的最後一種 AI 助手是AI 編寫助手。 讓我們開始吧! 

AI 編寫助手

需要改善您的寫作技巧,並停止犯這麼多語法或拼寫錯誤嗎? 一個 AI 寫作助手正是您所需的良藥,以提升您的寫作,因為它突顯錯誤,提出改進建議(在不同的寫作風格中),因此幫助您撰寫高質量的內容。 


Rytr 是一款免費的寫作助手和內容生成器,幫助各種大小的團隊快速創作內容,包括電子郵件、元標題或 LinkedIn 帖子。 由於其多功能性,您可以從超過 40 種內容模板中選擇以開始撰寫內容。 

您還可以選擇寫作的語氣和風格。 或者給 Rytr 一個您的寫作範本,因為它在起草新文檔時可以輕鬆模仿它。 


  • 自動完成功能,讓它能夠完成您的句子,促進更加流暢的流程。 
  • 每當您遇到寫作障礙時,使用 Rytr 生成獨特的創意和大綱。 
  • Rytr 擁有多語言支持,迎合不同人群。 


Grammarly 是一款流行的 AI 寫作助手,您可以利用它來改善日常寫作並提升工作質量。 它擁有多種工具,包含拼寫修正、風格改進到詞彙增強。 

Grammarly 提供根據您的寫作語氣和風格量身訂製的建議,因此它完全適合您的目標觀眾。 它還可以生成 AI 驅動的內容。 


  • Grammarly 擁有抄襲檢查工具,以確保您的內容是 100% 原創的。 
  • 您可以在手機上使用 Grammarly,得益於 iOS 和 Android 設備的移動應用程序。
  • 為了衡量您的進展,Grammarly 提供每週有關您進步的報告。


Wordtune 是我們最後一個 AI 寫作助手,是一種免費工具,能夠增強您的書面內容。 它通過重寫句子和改進使用的語言來實現,提供有關如何改善文本清晰度的建議。 

它還使用人工智能生成或重新表述各種語氣的整個句子,但也可以從頭開始創建句子。 可以自信地使用它來寫電子郵件、創建簡報或與朋友聊天。 


  • Wordtune 確保您的書面文本無錯誤,通過改善您的語法。 
  • 通過重寫您的內容以清晰表達來傳達正確的信息。
  • Wordtune 還具有總結功能,可以縮短長篇內容的閱讀時間。 


這就是我們對不同類型的 AI 助手要說的一切。 現在讓我們來談談如何選擇合適的一個。 

如何為您的需求選擇最佳的 AI 助手

以下是選擇最佳 AI 助手的標準: 

  • 使用者友好性: 確保您選擇的工具具有易於使用的介面,甚至初學者也能快速理解它。 
  • 有效的任務處理: 思考您想用這個工具達成什麼目標。 例如,您知道生成式 AI 用於內容創建 提高了 58%的性能,所以如果這是您的目標,請選擇僅針對這一特定任務的解決方案。 
  • 成本效益: 如果您只需要轉錄會議記錄,則不要選擇多用途平台。 將來可能會太昂貴。
  • 準確性和可靠性: 您的 AI 寫作助手應該能夠輕鬆且準確地完成任務,這意味著它在您業務增長的過程中必須保持可靠。 
  • 數據安全: 由於 AI 助手在處理敏感數據,確保您選擇的提供商擁有所有必要的安全措施,以保護它免受風險。 

就這樣! 讓我們總結一下。 


在所有這些 AI 助手中,有一個獨特的助手您一定要嘗試。 您能猜出它是哪一個嗎? 

ChatGPT + Guru 是改善工作流程的最佳工具組合。 您也可以自己嘗試 Guru,因為它將您的聊天、文件和應用連接在一個簡化的平台上。 



Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

What can an AI assistant do?

An AI assistant can perform the following tasks: 

  • Schedule meetings
  • Manage calendars
  • Set reminders
  • Search for information
  • Manage to-do and shopping lists
  • Control smart home devices

What are the AI assistants?

AI assistants are software applications that use artificial intelligence to perform tasks, answer questions, and provide assistance to users through natural language processing and machine learning.

Which is the best AI assistant?

The best AI assistant varies depending on user needs, but popular options include Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri, each known for their robust features and integrations.

Can you use AI as a personal assistant?

Yes, AI can be used as a personal assistant to manage schedules, set reminders, answer questions, and perform various tasks to help with daily activities and productivity.

Is ChatGPT an AI assistant?

Yes, ChatGPT can function as an AI assistant, capable of answering questions, providing information, and assisting with a variety of tasks through text-based interaction.

What is the most popular AI assistant?

The most popular AI assistant is likely Google Assistant due to its integration with a wide range of devices and services, followed closely by Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri.

How to use AI as your assistant?

To use AI as your assistant, you can activate it on your device (such as a smartphone or smart speaker), use voice or text commands to interact with it, and integrate it with your calendar, email, and other apps to streamline your tasks and manage your daily activities.

How do AI assistants work?

AI assistants use the LLM model and a large amount of data (which they’ve been trained on) to generate contextually appropriate responses to simple or complex queries. 

The best part about AI assistants is that you can embed them into existing tools and workflows, so you stop switching between apps. 

Are AI assistants worth it?

Yes, AI assistants are worth the effort because they streamline many routine tasks, such as scheduling meetings or transcribing notes. 

However, keep in mind that they’re not a replacement for humans. Shane Barker, a digital marketing consultant, says: 

Let me be clear: AI assistants cannot do the same job as copywriters. Writing requires creativity and a deep understanding of context to create meaningful content. 

AI assistants are still fairly new, so they don’t yet have all these capabilities. [...] So, I suggest that you always have a pair of human eyes go through content written or edited by AI programs to avoid any silly mistakes.” 

AI 助手有哪些限制?

Here are the drawbacks of using AI assistants: 

  • They rely on their training data — if it’s outdated, so is the content it generates.
  • They don’t have creativity and can’t engage in abstract thinking.
  • They won’t ever understand human emotions and empathize with them. 

What is the best AI assistant app for my business?

In our opinion, Guru is. Aside from being a good search assistant, it’s also a portal for teams to communicate, collaborate, and connect. By giving teams a customizable homepage experience, they can work more efficiently and seamlessly. 

Check out Guru’s features if you want to learn more.

Search everything, get answers anywhere with Guru.

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