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August 16, 2024
XX min read

How to Use Humaans: A Comprehensive Guide


In the fast-evolving landscape of modern workplaces, managing employee data and streamlining HR processes is crucial for growth and efficiency. That's where Humaans, an advanced HRIS, comes into play. Built from the ground up as the foundation layer of an organization's HR tech stack, Humaans is designed to help modern HR teams at fast-growing companies onboard, manage, and grow their employees through fast workflows, automation, and quick access to data. In this guide, we will explore how Humaans can transform your HR workflows, provide detailed insight into its features, and show you how to get started quickly and efficiently.

Who is Humaans for

Humaans is tailor-made for HR teams in fast-growing companies that need to manage employee data effectively and automate various HR processes. It is the ideal solution for:

  • HR Managers: Who need a streamlined process to manage employee life cycles.
  • HR Administrators: Seeking to automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual workload.
  • People Operations Teams: Looking to implement efficient onboarding and offboarding workflows.
  • Talent Acquisition Teams: Aiming to enhance the new hire experience through structured onboarding.

Key features

Humaans offers a suite of powerful features that make it a comprehensive solution for modern HR needs:

  • Employee Onboarding: Simplifies the onboarding process through automated workflows, document management, and personalized onboarding experiences.
  • Data Management: Quick access to employee data ensures up-to-date records and easy-to-fetch information when needed.
  • Performance Tracking: Tools to manage performance reviews, goals, and feedback, helping to cultivate a growth-oriented culture.
  • Integrations: Seamless integration with other HR tools and platforms, ensuring data consistency across systems.
  • Self-Service Portal: Empowers employees to manage their data, fill out forms, and update personal information without HR intervention.
  • Compliance Management: Keeps track of all necessary compliance documentation and alerts HR teams about upcoming requirements and deadlines.

Best use cases

Humaans shines in various scenarios and industries. Here are a few examples of how different teams can benefit:

  • Tech Startups: Fast-growing tech startups can use Humaans to onboard new hires swiftly, manage performance reviews efficiently, and ensure compliance through automated processes.
  • Retail Chains: For companies with a large number of part-time and full-time employees, Humaans makes it easy to keep track of employee data, schedule shifts, and manage payroll.
  • Healthcare Providers: Streamline the onboarding of new staff, ensuring all certifications and compliance documents are up to date, while reducing the manual workload of HR teams.
  • Education Institutes: Manage faculty and staff information, handle onboarding for new members, and keep records of performance reviews and tenure requirements.

Getting started

  1. Sign Up and Setup: Begin by signing up for Humaans on their website. Follow the guided setup wizard to configure your account.
  2. Import Data: Import existing employee data from your current HR system or manually enter details. Humaans provides tools to ensure a smooth transition.
  3. Customize Workflows: Set up onboarding, offboarding, and other HR workflows according to your company's needs.
  4. Configure Permissions: Assign roles and permissions to ensure that sensitive data is accessed only by authorized personnel.
  5. Integrate with Other Tools: Connect Humaans with your other HR tools, such as payroll and benefits platforms, for a seamless experience.
  6. Invite Your Team: Add your team members and notify them of the new system. Provide necessary training if needed.
  7. Monitor and Optimize: Use the analytics and reporting features in Humaans to monitor the effectiveness of your HR processes and make improvements over time.

Tips and best practices

  • Regularly Update Employee Data: Ensure that employee information is always up-to-date to avoid inconsistencies.
  • Automate Where Possible: Leverage Humaans' automation features to reduce manual tasks and focus more on strategic HR activities.
  • Encourage Self-Service: Promote the use of the self-service portal among employees to allow them to manage their own data, reducing the administrative burden on HR teams.
  • Utilize Performance Tracking: Take full advantage of performance tracking tools to align employee goals with company objectives, fostering growth and development.
  • Maintain Compliance: Regularly review compliance requirements and use Humaans' tools to keep track of necessary documentation and deadlines.

Integration with Guru

Humaans integrates seamlessly with Guru, an Enterprise AI search solution, to further enhance your HR processes. Here's how the integration can benefit your team:

  • Centralized Knowledge: With Guru, all your HR information, policies, and procedures stored in Humaans can be accessed easily and quickly, ensuring that team members have up-to-date information at their fingertips.
  • Efficient Information Retrieval: Guru’s AI search capabilities allow you to find HR documents, onboarding checklists, and compliance information instantly, without sifting through multiple files or directories.
  • Proactive Information Delivery: Guru captures important HR information and proactively delivers it to employees when they need it, enhancing their efficiency and reducing the dependency on HR teams for information retrieval.
  • Enhanced Productivity: By integrating Humaans with Guru, employees have a personal AI assistant that can answer their HR-related questions in real-time, freeing up HR teams to focus on strategic tasks.


Humaans offers a powerful, streamlined solution for modern HR teams, ensuring efficient management of employee data, enhanced onboarding experiences, and automated processes. By integrating with Guru, you can further boost productivity and ensure that critical information is always accessible. Start using Humaans today and see how it can transform your HR workflows, making your organization more efficient and productive.

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