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May 17, 2024
January 17, 2024
XX 1 min de lecture

Wiki d'entreprise et base de connaissances : quelle est la différence ?

What is a corporate wiki?

If you’re familiar with how Wikipedia works (open to new content and editing from everyone), you get the basics of what a corporate wiki is — except instead of allowing anyone to access and edit it, only people from the company can. Also known as an internal wiki or company wiki, it's a central database where a community of employees can contribute or edit content related to company processes, projects, products, and services. The idea behind a company utilizing wiki software is to provide a space for experts on various subjects – from client information, to specific training processes, to past and current pricing models – to regularly add to and update information so it is easily searchable by other employees. This reduces the time team members spend searching or shoulder tapping to find the answers to their questions.


Benefits of corporate wikis

A corporate wiki allows employees to share, update, and search information quickly and easily for the benefit of the whole business. When individuals contribute their expertise on a specific topic, that knowledge is available for the next person who needs it, without a time-consuming search. Other benefits include:

  • Preserved knowledge The more knowledge your employees have, the more effectively they can serve customers and perform their job roles. Having a reference point in a company wiki for a particular customer problem, process question, or pricing detail can save employees a lot of time and frustration. 
  • A centralized search point Important company information is inherently scattered throughout manuals, websites, handbooks, emails, recorded conversations, and even the minds of your employees. A company wiki can bring all that knowledge together into one searchable location.

  • A time-saver — Streamlining information and having a single source of truth can not only empower employees to act autonomously, but it can help them save time. Instead of having to go through various channels and ask multiple employees about what is your company’s official policy when a general or specific problem arises, a company wiki can collect the answers to common questions and allow your team to swiftly proceed with confidence.

  • Eliminate confusion As your company evolves, a well-maintained company wiki helps to eliminate confusion about older versions of documents that may be obsolete. Growing enterprises often change the way they do things or accumulate more knowledge in specific areas. Using a company wiki as a single source of truth can help ensure that your team has access to the most accurate, up-to-date information on a given topic at any point in time.

  • Increased collaboration A company wiki encourages team members to share what they have learned with the intention of making your business better. Employees may be inspired to contribute toward this shared success, and individuals contributing potentially linked content may become collaborators on future projects.
  • Linked resources The ability to link user-generated content within the company wiki provides additional depth for the searcher. They can learn more about a specific subject or verify information discussed in more than one area.

Challenges of traditional corporate wikis

To create an effective company wiki, team buy-in is necessary. Why? Because you need regular contributors to add enough useful information to the centralized repository and people to update and edit the content when it needs a refresh. Some challenges companies may encounter to this buy-in with traditional wikis are:

  • The extra work factor Employees are expected to contribute knowledge to the wiki, even though it is not part of their core job role. Creating or editing content for a wiki takes time, so an employee may be reluctant to use their valuable time for this purpose. Communicating from the start that a strong, functioning company wiki will ultimately save everyone time, and that a little work now will reduce the amount of work needed later, is key. 
  • Too much oversight While leaders should keep an eye on the overall quality of the company wiki, the idea is that it is supposed to be collaborative. If a leader is telling employees exactly what they can or cannot contribute or edit, the purpose of an internal wiki is lost.
  • Navigation problems — Some company wikis, especially those that rely on older software, are too complex and not intuitive for user searches. Newer software and collaborative input into your organization strategy can help.
  • Outside of workflows — Traditional wikis typically exist outside of your everyday workflow. That means adding another web application that takes you outside of where you’re working. Content management systems that lack integrations with your existing apps will damage your teams productivity. Access to real-time knowledge on the fly is essential, especially for modern customer support and sales teams. 
  • Lack of analytics Traditional company wikis typically don’t offer much insight as to how employees are consuming content. This results in content gaps. A knowledge base with a built in analytics tool allows you to understand what it is that your team members are frequently searching for. By uncovering these unanswered questions you can strengthen your internal knowledge sharing and cover up those content gaps.

How to create an internal company wiki

Setting up an internal wiki for your business can be relatively easy if you use the right tool. Traditional wikis have numerous limitations: they may be overly complex, unintuitive, or require too much time spent searching by the user. Fortunately, better options are available.

With a user-friendly internal wiki tool, you can build a company wiki that’s easy to search, edit, and navigate with a sensible content hierarchy. Your internal wiki should allow linking between your pages, integrate with your other knowledge management tools, and provide permissions and access rights management.

Here are some simple steps to follow to implement your ideal internal wiki:

1. Select your software 

You want a tool that offers all of the features mentioned above. In most cases, you are also looking for software that is either very easy to install or configure or skips these steps and works right from your browser. Integration with your company’s other tools is key to keeping your internal wiki up to date and providing value to your team. Learn more about choosing a knowledge management software.

2. Import content or start creating

With software that supports integration, you can easily import your company’s existing content into your new internal wiki. The right tool also makes creating and editing new content an easy-to-understand, user-friendly process.

3. Implement internal links

Adding internal links to related, similar, or complementary content on internal wiki pages can make it more efficient for team members to find what they need. Adding internal links to additional content on the wiki allows your users to enhance their understanding of a specific topic or process. 

4. Decide on permissions and access rights

You will need to configure your internal wiki’s permissions and access rights based on what content should be shared with everyone in your company versus what should be private or only available to certain teams. Permissions can be set to determine who is allowed to edit your content, as well as which employees should access your account settings and billing information. 

5. Welcome your team to the wiki and solicit involvement 

A well-designed wiki welcome page can explain its intended benefits for employees and provide guidance on how to use it. It can also answer questions about searches, editing permissions, and key contacts. To make sure your company derives the most benefit from an internal wiki, encourage team members to regularly contribute, calling attention to their areas of expertise and offering incentives for adding and editing content, when appropriate.

What is a knowledge base?

A knowledge base is an online repository of information that your team can access at-will to learn more about your company’s offerings, policies, services, and more. Usually located online, a knowledge base helps a company effectively collect, organize, and retrieve information for internal use – or for use by customers or the general public. Company knowledge base software helps companies with customer self-service, so employees can spend less time answering standard questions and more time on complex issues. 

There are several types of knowledge bases. An internal knowledge base allows employees to capture and share mission-critical information, important trainings, detailed products FAQs, onboarding procedures for new employees, and more. Learn more about knowledge bases with our reference guide.

Benefits of knowledge bases

Modern knowledge base software offers some significant benefits for employees — and your overall business — versus a company wiki. 

  • A fast and reliable search function Knowledge base software often offers more advanced document search engine and linking capabilities compared to a company wiki.
  • User-friendly editing tools — Knowledge base software lets users update content without using special markup language. Your content oversight team will benefit from this type of curation and customization control. Additionally, when your team members are able to edit content, they’ll have the ability to make it more digestible and user-friendly. 
  • The ability to define roles and permissions Grâce à une base de connaissances, vous pouvez définir des autorisations pour permettre à des personnes spécifiques de créer et de modifier des types et sujets de contenu spécifiques. Cela améliore la qualité du contenu et facilite la vérification. Il permet également aux utilisateurs de confiance que les informations qu'ils trouvent sont à jour et exactes.
  • Intégration d'analyses Obtenez une meilleure idée de votre contenu le plus populaire et le plus utile, ainsi que de la visibilité sur la prochaine navigation des utilisateurs. Les analyses intégrées à la base de connaissances peuvent vous donner des informations sur les domaines dans lesquels vous avez besoin de plus de contenu et de liens intuitifs.
  • Intégration aux flux de travail — Les wikis traditionnels existent généralement en dehors de votre flux de travail quotidien. Les systèmes de gestion de contenu qui ne sont pas intégrés à vos applications existantes peuvent nuire à la productivité de vos équipes. L'accès à des informations en temps réel à la volée est essentiel, en particulier pour les équipes modernes de support client et de vente. Une base de connaissances solide devrait vous apporter les informations dont vous avez besoin où tu es déjà.
  • Révision et vérification du contenu — Les fonctionnalités du logiciel de base de connaissances permettent l'identification automatique du contenu dupliqué, obsolète ou contradictoire, afin que les utilisateurs puissent supprimer ou modifier plus facilement ce contenu et fournir une expérience de recherche optimisée.

Les défis des bases de connaissances

Bien qu'une base de connaissances présente de nombreux avantages par rapport à un wiki d'entreprise, la création d'une base de connaissances comporte des défis qui peuvent être résolus grâce à une planification de mise en œuvre judicieuse :

  • L'adhésion des employés — Les employés vont-ils percevoir votre nouvelle base de connaissances comme le prochain nouveau protocole d'une longue série d'initiatives qui concernent aujourd'hui et demain ? Seront-ils mécontents que l'on remplace leurs propres méthodes de recherche et de partage de l'information ? Votre plan de mise en œuvre de la base de connaissances doit inclure des moyens de définir les attentes en matière d'utilisation de la base de connaissances, de former tous les employés à son utilisation et de récompenser les comportements positifs.
  • Sécurité de la plateforme — Votre base de connaissances n'est que cela : la vôtre. Des autorisations sécurisées doivent être établies afin que les connaissances soient partagées avec les employés concernés et non avec vos concurrents.
  • Exactitude des connaissances — Assurez-vous que votre base de connaissances dispose de règles intégrées pour modérer et valider tout le contenu, ainsi que pour signaler le contenu à mettre à jour.

Principaux points à retenir 🔑🥡🍕

Qu'est-ce qu'un wiki d'entreprise ?

Si vous connaissez le fonctionnement de Wikipédia (ouvert à de nouveaux contenus et modifiable par tout le monde), vous connaissez les bases de ce qu'est un wiki d'entreprise, sauf qu'au lieu de permettre à tout le monde d'y accéder et de le modifier, seules les personnes de l'entreprise peuvent le faire. Un wiki d'entreprise est une base de données centrale dans laquelle une communauté d'employés peut contribuer ou modifier du contenu lié aux processus, projets, produits et services de l'entreprise. L'idée qui sous-tend une entreprise utilisant un logiciel wiki est de fournir un espace aux experts sur divers sujets — des informations sur les clients aux processus de formation spécifiques, en passant par les modèles de tarification passés et actuels — afin d'ajouter et de mettre à jour régulièrement des informations afin qu'elles soient facilement consultables par les autres employés. Cela réduit le temps que les membres de l'équipe passent à chercher ou à taper sur les doigts pour trouver les réponses à leurs questions.

Qu'est-ce qu'une base de connaissances ?

Une base de connaissances est un référentiel en ligne d'informations auquel votre équipe peut accéder à volonté pour en savoir plus sur les offres, les politiques, les services de votre entreprise, etc. Généralement disponible en ligne, une base de connaissances permet à une entreprise de collecter, d'organiser et de récupérer efficacement des informations destinées à un usage interne, ou à l'usage des clients ou du grand public. Le logiciel de base de connaissances de l'entreprise aide les entreprises à mettre en place un service client en libre-service, de sorte que les employés peuvent passer moins de temps à répondre à des questions standard et plus de temps à traiter des problèmes complexes.

Rédigé par
Alexa Krzyzanowski
Une version de cet article a été initialement publiée en 2020.
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