Coinvolgimento dei dipendenti: definizione, strategie e migliori pratiche sul posto di lavoro
What is employee engagement?
Employee engagement is a term used to describe the relationship between an organization and its employees. It’s meant to convey a holistic view of the employer/employee connection by thinking about how emotionally and mentally connected an employee is with their work, teammates, manager, and the organization itself.
Levels of employee engagement
Highly engaged employees
Highly engaged employees are the living embodiment of model employees. They’re invested in their own success as well as the company’s, and they drive that through their productivity and high performance. These employees consistently demonstrate enthusiasm, leadership, ambition, and a rock-solid work ethic.
Characteristics of highly engaged employees
- Efficient in producing high-quality work
- Actively seeks opportunities for change and continuous improvement
- Prioritizes their development and growth
- Seeks ways to support their colleagues and team
- Makes tangible contributions to the workplace
Moderately engaged employees
Moderately engaged employees do their jobs and come to work, but that’s about all you can expect from them. They’re not particularly emotionally connected to their work, and they’re more driven by a paycheck than a need to see their company succeed. This approach to work may sound reasonable at first, but can become problematic if they start to become disengaged.
Characteristics of engaged employees
- Makes contributions to their team
- Meets work deadlines
- Adapts to change as necessary
Actively disengaged employees
An actively disengaged employee is more than just unhappy with their job. Their extreme dissatisfaction and disappointment can cause them to unintentionally (and in some cases, intentionally) negatively affect their peers. These employees may actively look for other jobs and tend not to stay for long.
Characteristics of actively disengaged employees
- Dissatisfied in their role or workplace
- Poor communication
- Decline in quality of work
- Lack of participation
- Low morale
How is employee engagement measured?
There are a variety of metrics and methods HR professionals and managers use to measure employee engagement at their companies. Some look at absenteeism and attrition rates to gauge engagement, while others rely on eNPS surveys and other qualitative ways to gather feedback. Many organizations find that a mixture of methods are the best way to measure engagement at work.
Why is employee engagement important?
Employee engagement can genuinely benefit everyone at work. Every aspect of your business is affected by employee engagement. Engaged employees tend to feel invested and respected at work, and that can lead to improved morale and lower rates of absenteeism and turnover. Businesses with engaged employees tend to have increased revenue and more loyal customers.
Benefits of employee engagement
Stronger company culture
Company culture and employee engagement go hand in hand. Engaged employees play a big role in shaping and maintaining company culture and values through their work and attitude.
Higher employee morale
I dipendenti coinvolti non sono solo ottimi per la produttività, ma sono anche grandi motivatori per il morale. Engaged employees tend to have better morale and more positive associations with their workplace.
Increased profitability & revenue
I dipendenti coinvolti non si limitano a fare un ottimo lavoro, ma sono anche più propensi a fare di più. That great work can lead to more revenue and increased profitability for companies.
Decrease in burnout
Employee burnout can lead to higher attrition rates, decreased productivity, and low morale. Engaged employees feel energized by work instead of overwhelmed, and could also be willing to help lighten the load for overloaded employees.
Employee retention
The cure for quiet quitting and low morale could be to invest in employee engagement strategies. I dipendenti coinvolti sono felici del loro lavoro e dell’azienda, e sono più propensi a rimanere a lungo.
Increased productivity & efficiency
Quando sei coinvolto nel lavoro, sei più disposto a dare il massimo. Engaged employees tend to be more productive, efficient, and willing to put in the extra effort.
Better team performance
Engaged employees are excellent motivators for their team members. They produce stellar work, help people work more efficiently, and can their great attitude can have been infectious to people around them.
Greater employee satisfaction
È difficile essere coinvolti nel lavoro se non sei felice del tuo lavoro. Engaged employees are satisfied with their work and place at the company, and it shows through everything they do.
10 key drivers of employee engagement
Meaningful work
È difficile dare il 100% quando ti sembra che il tuo lavoro non abbia importanza. Showing employees how their work positively impacts their company or team can help them feel more engaged and motivated.
Company culture
Toxic company cultures are employee morale killers. Positive, [knowledge driven work cultures] ( focus on trust, transparency, and rewarding and recognizing hard work are far more likely to have engaged employees.
Everyone from C-level employees to managers should be invested in building a workplace where people can be engaged. Una leadership che incarna i valori culturali di un’azienda può essere un forte motore per il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti.
Career growth and development
Quanto puoi essere coinvolto in un lavoro in cui non sei sicuro del tuo futuro? Showing employees clear paths for growth and development can help lead to higher levels of engagement.
Nessuno ama sentirsi controllato in modo eccessivo sul lavoro. Giving employees the autonomy they need to work can help them feel more engaged and connected.
A volte un "buon lavoro" può avere un grande impatto sul lavoro. Recognizing employee effort helps people stay engaged at work, and makes them eager to do even more.
Coworker relationships
Relationships matter at work, and they can be your greatest tool for employee engagement. When people feel connected to their coworkers, they can feel more engaged and motivated at work.
Work-life balance
A company that respects the personal time of its people is a company with highly-engaged employees. Setting rules around after-hours communication and encouraging vacation time can do wonders for morale.
Purpose and values
People want to feel like their work matters and like they work for a company that shares their values. Communicating how employees affect purpose and values can be an excellent morale booster.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Working for a company that shares your beliefs can make you feel more motivated and engaged. Companies that invest in diversity, equity, and inclusion show its employees that they care about these values.
What causes poor employee engagement?
A variety of things can negatively impact employee engagement at work. Wages, toxic dynamics, and culture can all have seriously adverse effects on engagement. È importante notare che anche le migliori tattiche di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti non possono aiutare a risolvere problemi sottostanti. È importante affrontare i problemi sottostanti mentre si implementano le giuste strategie di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti per garantire che si possano vedere cambiamenti positivi.
Best practices to improve employee engagement
Alignment on company direction and strategy
Understanding the overall goals of a company can help people feel more engaged. Make sure that managers are conveying to their employees how their work affects the bottom line, and give them insight into decisions leadership makes.
Utilize collaboration tools
Può essere difficile sentirsi coinvolti sul lavoro quando hai problemi a lavorare con i tuoi colleghi. Using the right collaboration tools can help people feel more productive and engaged at work.
Promote two-way communication
Adopting the right communication practices at work can be a great way to help employees feel more engaged. Educate people on the right and wrong ways to give feedback, collaborate, and ask questions to ensure that everyone has their voice heard at work.
Develop an employee experience strategy
Quando pensi alla tua strategia di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti, assicurati di porre molta attenzione sull’esperienza del dipendente. Giving thought to how people experience work and culture at your company can give you helpful insight into what keeps people motivated and engaged.
Encourage cross-functional collaboration
Working in silos can make people feel more disconnected to their work. Encourage teams to work together and give others insight into their work to keep engagement high.
Incorporate team bonding activities
Relationships matter at work, and giving people opportunities to get to know one another can be great for engagement. Both virtual and in-person events can help people know their teammates on a personal level.
Measure employee engagement
Misurare le metriche giuste può aiutarti a determinare se le tue attuali strategie di coinvolgimento dei dipendenti stanno funzionando come speri. There are a variety of ways for companies to measure engagement, here are a few suggestions:
Employee engagement surveys
The occasional survey is a great way to get both qualitative and quantitative and feedback. Assicurati di stabilire una cadenza di invio per garantire che tu stia raccogliendo regolarmente feedback.
1:1 meetings
Managers are your first line of defense against disengagement. Assicurati che i manager abbiano riunioni regolari 1:1 con i loro diretti collaboratori e che siano aperti ad ascoltare suggerimenti per miglioramenti dai loro dipendenti.
Ciclo di valutazione delle performance
Le recensioni dei dipendenti sono un'eccellente opportunità per raccogliere feedback e valutare il coinvolgimento. Scopri come si sentono i dipendenti riguardo al loro ruolo, all'azienda stessa e al loro team.
Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕
Chi è responsabile per il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti?
I manager hanno la capacità più diretta di mantenere i dipendenti coinvolti. Hanno la maggiore influenza sugli orari e sul lavoro delle persone, e hanno il potere di plasmare l'esperienza del dipendente.
Qual è la differenza tra coinvolgimento dei dipendenti ed esperienza del dipendente?
L'esperienza del dipendente coinvolge tutto ciò che forma l'opinione di un dipendente di un'azienda. Questo può essere ciò che vedono, sentono e credono riguardo al loro lavoro.
Il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti è l'impegno emotivo che i dipendenti hanno verso il loro lavoro, l'organizzazione e gli obiettivi complessivi.