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September 13, 2024
XX min read

Access PeopleHR vs Lano


Choosing the right HR software can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your human resources management. In this article, we will compare two popular HRIS tools: Access PeopleHR and Lano. Access PeopleHR is designed for small to mid-sized businesses, providing comprehensive HR functionalities including applicant tracking, personnel tracking, performance reviews, and document storage. Lano, on the other hand, offers a cloud-based compliance and payments platform, enabling businesses to manage and pay employees and contractors globally without setting up a legal entity. Understanding the nuances of these tools is essential to finding the best fit for your organization.

Access PeopleHR Overview

Access PeopleHR is a robust HRIS tool tailored to meet the needs of small and mid-sized businesses. It streamlines various HR functions to improve operational efficiency and support the complete employee lifecycle.

Key Features

  • Applicant Tracking: Efficiently manage the hiring process from posting jobs to onboarding new hires.
  • Personnel Tracking: Maintain detailed employee records, including contact information, roles, and status.
  • Performance Reviews: Conduct, track, and manage employee performance reviews.
  • Document Storage: Unlimited document storage, facilitating organized and easily accessible employee records.
  • Self-Service Portal: Employees can access and update their information, improving data accuracy and engagement.
  • Absence Management: Track and approve leave requests with ease.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate detailed reports to gain insights into HR metrics and support data-driven decisions.

Lano Overview

Lano offers a comprehensive cloud-based platform for global compliance and payment management, specifically designed for companies with a geographically dispersed workforce.

Key Features

  • Global Hiring: Hire employees and contractors in over 150 countries, ensuring full compliance with local regulations.
  • Payments: Seamlessly manage and process payments for a global workforce.
  • Compliance Management: Handle tax, legal, and employment regulations without needing a local entity.
  • Onboarding: Simplified onboarding processes that comply with regional requirements.
  • Time Tracking: Monitor work hours and productivity across different time zones.
  • Cross-Border Payroll: Manage payroll across multiple currencies with ease.
  • Document Management: Store and manage employee and contractor documents in a centralized location.


Both Access PeopleHR and Lano offer robust solutions for human resources management, albeit with different focal points. They share several key similarities as HRIS tools:

  • Centralized Information Management: Both platforms centralize employee information, making it accessible and organized.
  • Document Storage: Each tool provides document storage capabilities, ensuring important records are securely stored and easily retrievable.
  • Employee Self-Service: Both solutions feature self-service portals, enabling employees to access and manage their own information.
  • Onboarding Processes: They streamline the onboarding process, making it efficient and compliant with regulations.
  • Global Reach: Although Lano is more focused on global compliance, Access PeopleHR also supports global operations with various localization features.


While Access PeopleHR and Lano share some common functionalities, they differ significantly in their core offerings and target markets:

  • Main Focus: Access PeopleHR is centered on providing comprehensive HR management functionalities for small to mid-sized businesses. Lano focuses on global compliance and payments management for companies with international workforces.
  • Target Users: Access PeopleHR suits HR departments looking for an all-encompassing HR solution. Lano caters to organizations needing to hire and manage a global workforce without setting up local entities.
  • Compliance Management: Lano excels in managing complex compliance requirements across multiple countries, a feature that is not as prominent in Access PeopleHR.
  • Payments Integration: Lano's strengths lie in its ability to handle international payments and payroll, while Access PeopleHR focuses more on traditional HR record-keeping and process management.
  • Feature Depth: Access PeopleHR includes more in-depth HR-specific functionalities such as performance reviews and absence management, which are not the primary focus of Lano.

Pros and Cons

Access PeopleHR


  • Comprehensive HR functionalities suitable for various HR tasks.
  • Unlimited document storage ensures all employee records are well organized.
  • Easy to navigate self-service portal enhances employee engagement.
  • Detailed performance review capabilities support employee development.


  • Limited in-depth compliance and payment functionalities compared to Lano.
  • May not be as well-suited for companies with a highly international workforce.



  • Exceptional global compliance and payments management.
  • Simplifies hiring and managing employees and contractors in over 150 countries.
  • Ensures compliance with local regulations without needing a local entity.
  • Facilitates seamless cross-border payroll and tax management.


  • Lacks some of the deeper HR-specific functionalities such as performance reviews provided by Access PeopleHR.
  • More complex to set up for businesses not requiring extensive global operations.

Use Cases

Access PeopleHR

  • Small to Mid-Sized Businesses: Ideal for companies looking for a comprehensive HR management tool that covers all major HR functions.
  • HR Departments: Suitable for HR teams needing efficient personnel tracking, performance management, and document storage capabilities.
  • Employee Self-Service: Beneficial for organizations wanting to provide employees with the ability to manage their own HR information.


  • Global Enterprises: Perfect for businesses managing international teams, ensuring compliance across multiple jurisdictions.
  • Payroll Management: Best fits companies needing robust cross-border payroll functionalities.
  • Contractor Management: Ideal for organizations hiring and managing contractors worldwide without setting up local entities.
  • Compliance-Heavy Industries: Suitable for companies that need to strictly adhere to varying regional compliance and employment laws.


When comparing Access PeopleHR and Lano, the choice hinges on your organization's specific needs and structure. Access PeopleHR is well-suited for small to mid-sized businesses seeking an all-in-one HR solution with comprehensive functionalities for employee management and performance tracking. In contrast, Lano shines in handling the complexities of global hiring, compliance, and payments, making it an excellent choice for international enterprises.

For businesses primarily focused on optimizing traditional HR processes, Access PeopleHR offers a robust and user-friendly platform. Conversely, for companies operating across multiple countries seeking seamless global workforce management, Lano provides unparalleled compliance and payment solutions. Assessing your core requirements and understanding the distinct capabilities of each platform will guide you to make the best choice that aligns with your organizational goals.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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