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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Helpscout vs Freshdesk


Choosing the right ticketing tool for your business can significantly impact the efficiency of your customer support operations. Help Scout and Freshdesk are two popular options in this category, each offering a range of features to help businesses manage their customer support processes effectively.

Help Scout is a remote company that provides customer support software, including an email-based customer support platform, knowledge base tool, and embedded search/contact widget. On the other hand, Freshdesk, a product of Freshworks Inc., helps businesses delight their customers effortlessly with modern and intuitive software for customer support. It converts requests coming in via email, web, phone, chat, messaging, and social into tickets, unifying ticket resolution across channels.

Comparing these tools can help businesses find the best fit for their unique needs, whether they prioritize ease of use, specific features, or scalability.

Help Scout Overview

Help Scout is designed to provide an efficient, user-friendly experience for customer support. It focuses on email-based support, making it ideal for teams that rely heavily on email communication. Additionally, its knowledge base tool and embedded search/contact widget provide customers with self-service options and easy access to support.

Key Features

  • Email-Based Customer Support: Help Scout’s primary focus is on managing customer support via email, offering a shared inbox for team collaboration.
  • Knowledge Base Tool: The Docs feature allows businesses to create a comprehensive knowledge base, making it easy for customers to find answers to common questions.
  • Embedded Search/Contact Widget: The Beacon widget can be embedded on a website, enabling customers to search the knowledge base or contact support directly from the site.
  • Automated Workflows: Help Scout includes automation features like workflows and triggers to streamline repetitive tasks and ensure timely responses.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Detailed reports and analytics help teams track performance, customer satisfaction, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Customer Profiles: Keep track of customer interactions and view their history from a single profile, providing context for support agents.

Freshdesk Overview

Freshdesk is designed to handle customer support across multiple channels, making it a versatile choice for businesses of all sizes. It focuses on converting requests from various sources into tickets and offers strong automation and AI capabilities to streamline the support process.

Key Features

  • Multi-Channel Ticketing: Freshdesk converts requests coming in via email, web, phone, chat, messaging, and social into tickets, providing a unified interface for ticket resolution.
  • Automation and AI: Features like automating ticket assignment, prioritizing tickets, agent assist, and canned responses help streamline operations and improve efficiency.
  • Team Collaboration: Freshdesk offers features like shared ownership, parent-child ticketing, and linked tickets to enhance team collaboration.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Integrates with a wide range of third-party tools, including CRM, payment gateways, and project management software.
  • Predictive Support: Utilizes machine learning to predict ticket properties and suggest solutions, improving the speed and accuracy of support.
  • Field Service Management: Manages service requests that require field visits, ensuring efficient scheduling and resolution.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Comprehensive reporting and analytics provide insights into team performance, customer satisfaction, and service trends.


Both Help Scout and Freshdesk share several similarities, making them robust competitors in the ticketing tools category:

  • Centralized Ticket Management: Both tools provide a central platform for managing customer support tickets, ensuring no query is lost or overlooked.
  • Automation: They offer automation features to streamline processes, from routing tickets to sending automated responses.
  • Knowledge Base: Both include robust knowledge base options, allowing customers to find answers without needing to contact support directly.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Detailed reporting and analytics capabilities help businesses track performance and make data-driven decisions.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Both tools emphasize ease of use with intuitive interfaces that allow support teams to get up and running quickly.
  • Integration Capabilities: They integrate with various third-party applications, facilitating seamless workflows across different tools.


While Help Scout and Freshdesk share many similarities, they also have notable differences:

  • Primary Focus: Help Scout primarily focuses on email-based customer support, whereas Freshdesk offers a multi-channel approach, converting requests from various sources into tickets.
  • Automation and AI: Freshdesk has more advanced automation and AI capabilities, including predictive support and sophisticated ticket routing. Help Scout’s automation features are solid but less advanced.
  • Customer Interaction: Help Scout emphasizes a personal touch with customer profiles and continuous threads, while Freshdesk is designed for high scalability with features like parent-child ticketing and shared ownership.
  • Field Service Management: Freshdesk includes field service management features, making it suitable for businesses that need to manage on-site service requests. Help Scout does not offer this functionality.
  • Team Collaboration: Freshdesk provides more advanced collaboration features, such as linked tickets and team huddle. Help Scout’s team collaboration features are more basic.
  • Customization and Integrations: Freshdesk offers extensive customization options and a wider range of integrations compared to Help Scout.

Pros and Cons

Help Scout


  • Simplified Email Support: Ideal for teams that prioritize email communication.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use, with a clean and intuitive design.
  • Personal Touch: Customer profiles and continuous threads enhance the personalized support experience.
  • Effective Knowledge Base: The Docs feature helps create a comprehensive self-service portal.


  • Limited Multi-Channel Support: Primarily focused on email, with fewer options for handling support across other channels.
  • Basic Automation: Lacks the advanced automation and AI capabilities found in competitors like Freshdesk.
  • Limited Collaboration Features: Basic team collaboration features may not meet the needs of larger or more complex support teams.



  • Multi-Channel Capabilities: Converts requests across multiple channels into tickets, providing a unified support experience.
  • Advanced Automation and AI: Strong automation features and AI capabilities streamline the support process.
  • Team Collaboration: Advanced collaboration features like parent-child ticketing and team huddle enhance teamwork.
  • Field Service Management: Manages field service requests efficiently, making it suitable for businesses that require on-site support.


  • Complexity: The wide range of features and capabilities might be overwhelming for smaller teams or those with simpler support needs.
  • Cost: Can be more expensive compared to other tools, especially for businesses that require advanced features and integrations.
  • Learning Curve: The extensive features and customization options may require a steeper learning curve for new users.

Use Cases

Help Scout

Help Scout is best suited for:

  • Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: Especially those that rely heavily on email for customer support.
  • Teams Seeking Simplicity: Businesses that prefer a straightforward, easy-to-use interface.
  • Personalized Support: Organizations that prioritize a personalized support experience with customer profiles and continuous threads.
  • Knowledge Base Focused: Businesses looking to provide a robust self-service portal with a comprehensive knowledge base.


Freshdesk is ideal for:

  • Medium to Large-Sized Businesses: Those requiring support across multiple channels.
  • Complex Support Operations: Teams that need advanced automation, AI capabilities, and extensive team collaboration features.
  • Field Service Businesses: Companies that need to manage on-site service requests efficiently.
  • Highly Customized Workflows: Organizations that need extensive customization options and integrations with various third-party applications.


Both Help Scout and Freshdesk offer compelling features for managing customer support, but they cater to different needs.

Help Scout’s strength lies in its simplicity and focus on email-based support, making it a great choice for smaller teams or businesses that prioritize a personal touch and robust knowledge base. On the other hand, Freshdesk’s multi-channel capabilities, advanced automation and AI, and extensive customization options make it suitable for larger teams or businesses with more complex support needs.

When choosing between Help Scout and Freshdesk, consider the size of your team, the complexity of your support operations, and the channels through which your customers most frequently reach out. This will help ensure you select the tool that best aligns with your business requirements and customer support goals.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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