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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Breathe vs Charlie


In the realm of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) tools, two prominent options often considered by SMEs are Breathe and Charlie. Both platforms aim to streamline HR processes, ultimately enhancing efficiency for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Breathe is a multi-award-winning, simple, and secure people software tailored to help SMEs in the UK and Australia. It moves core people processes online, saving time, providing peace of mind, and enabling businesses to function smoothly regardless of their work location. 

On the other hand, Charlie is a holistic, cloud-based HR software that simplifies all HR processes. It facilitates onboarding new hires, storing company documents, booking and managing time off, running productive reviews, and obtaining professional HR advice. Charlie is designed to provide an all-encompassing solution for managing HR needs effectively.

Choosing the right HRIS tool is crucial for any business as it impacts the day-to-day HR functions and overall organizational productivity. This comparison seeks to provide an in-depth analysis of Breathe and Charlie, helping you decide which is the best fit for your needs.

Breathe Overview

Key Features

Breathe offers a variety of features designed to streamline HR processes for SMEs. Some of the standout features include:

  • Employee Records: A centralized database for storing and managing employee information securely.
  • Absence Management: Automated tracking and management of employee leave and absences.
  • Performance Management: Tools to set goals, conduct performance reviews, and track employee development.
  • HR Reporting: Comprehensive reports on various HR metrics, aiding in data-driven decision-making.
  • Document Management: Secure storage and easy access to HR documents.
  • Integrations: Seamless integration with other software tools to enhance functionality.
  • User Permissions: Customizable user permissions to ensure data security and proper access controls.

Charlie Overview

Key Features

Charlie also provides a suite of features to streamline HR processes, ensuring easy management and operational efficiency:

  • Onboarding: Comprehensive tools to onboard new hires smoothly and effectively.
  • Time Off Management: Tools for employees to book and manage their leave, and for managers to approve or track these requests.
  • Performance Reviews: Intuitive systems to run productive performance reviews and manage employee appraisals.
  • Document Storage: A secure repository for storing company documents and important HR files.
  • HR Advice: Access to professional HR advice to handle complex HR issues.
  • Task Management: Tools to assign and track tasks related to HR processes.
  • Compliance: Ensures company adherence to HR compliance requirements.


Despite their differences, Breathe and Charlie share several common features that make them strong contenders in the HRIS market for SMEs:

  • Centralized Employee Information: Both platforms offer a centralized database for storing and managing employee records securely.
  • Time Off Management: Automated systems to manage and track employee leave and absences effectively.
  • Performance Management: Tools to conduct performance reviews, track goals, and facilitate employee development.
  • Document Management: Secure storage systems for HR and company documents, ensuring easy access and compliance.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Both platforms are designed for ease of use, ensuring quick adoption and minimal training required.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with other business tools to enhance overall functionality and productivity.


While Breathe and Charlie share many similarities, they also have distinct features and approaches that set them apart:

  • Geographical Focus: Breathe specifically caters to SMEs in the UK and Australia, whereas Charlie does not emphasize a particular regional focus, making it more globally applicable.
  • HR Advice: Charlie includes professional HR advice as part of its offering, providing SMEs with expert support for handling complex HR issues. Breathe does not offer this feature directly within the platform.
  • Compliance: Charlie places a strong emphasis on ensuring HR compliance, offering tools and guidance to help companies adhere to legal requirements. Breathe, while secure and reliable, does not highlight compliance to the same extent.
  • Onboarding: Charlie focuses heavily on onboarding new hires, offering comprehensive tools to streamline this process. Breathe’s onboarding features are less extensive in comparison.
  • HR Reporting: Breathe provides more detailed and comprehensive HR reporting capabilities, allowing businesses to generate reports on various HR metrics for better decision-making. Charlie’s reporting tools, while useful, are not as in-depth.

Pros and Cons



  • Ideal for UK and Australian SMEs with specific regional needs.
  • Comprehensive HR reporting capabilities for data-driven decision-making.
  • Secure and centralized storage for employee records and documents.
  • Intuitive user interface with easy adoption and minimal training.
  • Strong performance management tools.


  • Limited onboarding functionalities compared to Charlie.
  • Lacks built-in professional HR advice.
  • Compliance features are not as prominent.



  • Excellent onboarding tools for new hires.
  • Includes professional HR advice for handling complex issues.
  • Strong emphasis on compliance, ensuring adherence to legal requirements.
  • Holistic approach with a variety of HR tools in one platform.
  • Intuitive task management and performance reviews.


  • Reporting capabilities are not as comprehensive as Breathe’s.
  • May be less tailored to specific regional requirements compared to Breathe.
  • Document management is less advanced than Breathe.

Use Cases

Ideal Scenarios for Breathe:

  • SMEs in the UK and Australia looking for a secure and simple HRIS tool.
  • Companies needing detailed HR reporting for data-driven HR strategy.
  • Businesses focusing on performance management and comprehensive employee records.
  • Organizations requiring easy integration with other business tools.

Ideal Scenarios for Charlie:

  • Global SMEs needing an all-in-one HRIS solution with strong compliance features.
  • Companies looking for comprehensive onboarding tools to streamline new hire processes.
  • Businesses requiring access to professional HR advice directly within their HRIS tool.
  • Organizations needing intuitive performance reviews and task management.


In comparing Breathe and Charlie, both HRIS tools have their unique strengths and targeted use cases. Breathe is particularly well-suited for UK and Australian SMEs, offering strong performance management, secure document storage, and detailed HR reporting. Its focus on integrating with existing tools and ease of use makes it ideal for businesses aiming for operational efficiency without needing extensive onboarding tools.

Charlie, on the other hand, is a more holistic solution, ideal for global SMEs needing robust onboarding, compliance, and access to professional HR advice. Its intuitive task management and performance review systems make it a great choice for organizations looking to streamline and professionalize their HR processes comprehensively.

Ultimately, the choice between Breathe and Charlie will depend on your specific business needs, geographical focus, and the importance of features like HR compliance, onboarding, and professional HR advice. For UK and Australian SMEs needing robust HR reporting and performance management, Breathe might be the best fit. For global SMEs looking for an all-encompassing HRIS solution with strong compliance and onboarding capabilities, Charlie would be the preferred choice.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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