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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Top Alternatives to Intercom Articles


Intercom is a customer messaging platform designed to help businesses improve customer engagement and support. One of its standout features is Intercom Articles, which allows companies to create, organize, and publish help articles. These articles provide customers with self-service options, helping them find answers quickly and reducing the volume of support tickets. By delivering relevant content exactly when and where customers need it, Intercom Articles streamline support processes and enhance customer satisfaction. However, it's critical to explore alternatives to determine which tool best fits your specific requirements.

Alternative 1: Zendesk Guide

Zendesk Guide is a knowledge management solution that enhances customer self-service and supports agents with robust help center functionalities.

Key features

  • Knowledge base management and customer self-service portal
  • AI-powered article suggestions for customers and agents
  • Content categorization and customizable templates
  • Multilingual support for global teams
  • Integration with other Zendesk products and third-party apps

Similarities to Intercom Articles

  • Both platforms offer comprehensive tools to create, organize, and publish support articles.
  • Seamless integration with accompanying customer support features.

Differences and unique features

  • Zendesk Guide includes more advanced AI functionalities, like Answer Bot, to provide article suggestions automatically.
  • Stronger integration with other Zendesk tools like Chat, Talk, and Support, providing a more holistic suite for customer service.
  • Enhanced reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing detailed insights into content performance and user engagement.

Alternative 2: Freshdesk Knowledge Base

Freshdesk Knowledge Base from Freshworks is a robust solution designed to empower customers with self-service options and support agents with accessible information.

Key features

  • Comprehensive knowledge base creation and management
  • Article versioning and review workflows
  • Customizable themes and templates for help centers
  • Multilingual capabilities
  • Built-in SEO options to improve article visibility

Similarities to Intercom Articles

  • Both solutions provide tools for creating and managing a knowledge base aimed at reducing support ticket volume.
  • User-friendly interfaces that enable easy navigation and content creation.

Differences and unique features

  • Freshdesk Knowledge Base offers advanced customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the look and feel of their help centers.
  • The integration with other Freshworks products, such as Freshchat and Freshsales, creates a seamless ecosystem for customer engagement.
  • Advanced SEO features help enhance the discoverability of support articles, driving more organic traffic.

Alternative 3: Help Scout Docs

Help Scout Docs is a nimble knowledge base solution that helps companies deliver instant answers to customers, improving overall user satisfaction and efficiency.

Key features

  • Simple and intuitive knowledge base creation
  • SEO-optimized articles
  • Customizable branding for docs sites
  • Easy-to-use content organization with collections and categories
  • Integration with Help Scout’s help desk

Similarities to Intercom Articles

  • Both tools provide functionalities for creating, organizing, and managing help articles.
  • Integration with chat and email support tools to offer seamless customer support.

Differences and unique features

  • Help Scout Docs focuses on simplicity and ease of use, making it ideal for smaller teams or businesses that prefer a streamlined solution.
  • Customizable branding features ensure the knowledge base aligns with the company's visual identity effectively.
  • Competitive pricing makes Help Scout an attractive option for small to medium-sized businesses.


When considering alternatives to Intercom Articles, it's essential to evaluate your organization's specific needs and preferences. Zendesk Guide offers a powerful, AI-driven knowledge management system with deep integration capabilities. Freshdesk Knowledge Base provides robust customization and SEO features, making it a strong contender for businesses looking to create a highly tailored knowledge base. Help Scout Docs, with its simplicity and consumer-friendly approach, is ideal for smaller teams seeking an intuitive yet effective knowledge management solution.

By exploring these alternatives, you can find a tool that aligns perfectly with your business processes, enhancing your ability to deliver exceptional customer support and improve overall efficiency.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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