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August 16, 2024
XX min read

ChartHop vs Lano


In the crowded HRIS space, selecting the right tool for your business can mean the difference between streamlined operations and ongoing administrative headaches. ChartHop and Lano offer unique solutions designed to meet the needs of organizations in different ways.

ChartHop is a dynamic People Operations Platform that connects and visualizes all your people data to empower your organization through insights, alignment, and action. This robust platform focuses on providing a comprehensive view of people's operations, enabling better decision-making through data-driven insights.

On the other hand, Lano is a cloud-based compliance and payments platform, offering a unified solution for hiring, managing, and paying employees and contractors in full compliance in over 150 countries, without the need to set up a legal entity. Its primary goal is to simplify global workforce management, making international hiring and compliance easier.

It’s crucial to compare these HRIS tools to understand their features, similarities, and differences, helping you find the best fit for your business's unique needs.

ChartHop Overview

ChartHop positions itself as a versatile and dynamic platform designed to offer a holistic view of people operations. Here’s a look at its main features and functionalities.

Key Features

  • Data Visualization: ChartHop consolidates people data from various sources and presents it through interactive and visually appealing charts and dashboards.
  • Org Chart Creation: Automatically generates and updates organizational charts, providing a clear structure and hierarchy within the organization.
  • People Analytics: Offers advanced analytics capabilities, enabling users to track performance metrics, diversity ratios, and employee engagement levels.
  • Compensation Planning: Facilitates robust compensation planning with visual tools to plan pay scales and merit increases.
  • Onboarding and Offboarding: Streamlined processes for onboarding new employees and offboarding those leaving the company.
  • Performance Tracking: Comprehensive tools for tracking employee performance, setting goals, and conducting reviews.

Lano Overview

Lano focuses on offering solutions that streamline global compliance and payments for companies with a decentralized workforce. Here’s a look at its main features and functionalities.

Key Features

  • Global Hiring: Lano simplifies the process of hiring employees and contractors across over 150 countries without the need to establish a local legal entity.
  • Payroll Management: Offers a unified platform for managing payroll services across different countries, ensuring compliance with local regulations.
  • Compliance and Legal: Ensures full compliance with local laws and regulations, reducing legal risks when hiring internationally.
  • Invoice and Payment: Simplifies the payment process with automatic invoicing and global payment solutions.
  • Contractor Management: Comprehensive tools for managing relationships with contractors, including contracts, payments, and compliance.
  • HRIS Integration: Seamless integration with existing HRIS systems to simplify workflows and centralize data.


When comparing ChartHop and Lano, several similarities emerge, given that both platforms aim to streamline HR operations:

  • Centralized Data: Both platforms offer centralized repositories for essential employee and contractor data, facilitating easier access and management.
  • Compliance Focus: Each solution places a strong emphasis on compliance, helping organizations adhere to relevant laws and regulations.
  • Integration Capabilities: Both ChartHop and Lano integrate with other HR and business systems, ensuring seamless data flow across platforms.
  • Global Reach: While Lano explicitly targets global operations, ChartHop’s analytics and visualization tools also cater to organizations with a distributed workforce.


Despite their similarities, ChartHop and Lano differ significantly in their core functionalities and target use cases:

  • Primary Focus: ChartHop is primarily a people operations platform that excels in data visualization, organizational structure, and performance metrics. Lano, in contrast, is focused on compliance, global hiring, and payments.
  • Data Utilization: ChartHop leverages data to drive insights and strategic decision-making across HR functions. Lano uses data to ensure compliance and streamline payment processes.
  • Target Audience: ChartHop is ideal for organizations looking to improve internal operations and analytics. Lano is better suited for companies that need to manage international hiring and payments.
  • Feature Set: ChartHop’s features include advanced people analytics, performance tracking, and compensation planning. Lano specializes in payroll management, international compliance, and contractor management.

Pros and Cons



  • Comprehensive data visualization and analytics.
  • Automatically updated organizational charts.
  • Advanced tools for compensation and performance management.
  • Streamlined onboarding and offboarding processes.
  • Integrates smoothly with other HR and business tools.


  • Primarily focuses on internal HR operations, not on global hiring.
  • Can be complex to set up initially, especially for smaller organizations.
  • May require training for users to fully utilize all features.



  • Simplifies global hiring without the need for local entities.
  • Ensures compliance with local employment laws across 150+ countries.
  • Unified payroll management system suitable for a global workforce.
  • Detailed contractor management with automated invoicing and payments.
  • Integrates with existing HRIS systems to centralize data.


  • Limited focus on internal people operations and performance analytics.
  • Primarily geared toward organizations with international operations.
  • Dependence on third-party services for some integrations and functionalities.

Use Cases


ChartHop is ideally suited for organizations looking to enhance their internal HR operations:

  • Mid-sized to large companies: Organizations needing a comprehensive view of their workforce through advanced data visualization and analytics.
  • Dynamic and growing businesses: Companies experiencing rapid growth that require up-to-date organizational charts and streamlined onboarding processes.
  • Performance-driven cultures: Businesses with a strong focus on performance management and compensation planning.


Lano is perfect for companies that have a distributed workforce and require robust compliance solutions:

  • International companies: Businesses operating across multiple countries needing a unified platform for hiring, managing, and paying a global workforce.
  • SMEs expanding globally: Small to medium-sized enterprises expanding their workforce internationally without setting up local legal entities.
  • Contractor-heavy firms: Companies that rely on a large number of contractors and require efficient management and payment processes.


ChartHop and Lano offer distinct solutions within the HRIS space, each catering to different aspects of HR and organizational needs.

ChartHop stands out for its powerful data visualization, comprehensive organizational management, and advanced performance tracking capabilities, making it an excellent choice for companies focused on optimizing internal people operations.

Lano, with its emphasis on global compliance, payroll management, and simplified international hiring, is tailored for businesses looking to manage a decentralized workforce efficiently.

Ultimately, the choice between ChartHop and Lano depends on your organization’s specific needs. If your priority is enhancing internal HR functions and performance analytics, ChartHop is the better fit. However, if your business requires robust solutions for international hiring and compliance, Lano is the ideal choice.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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