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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Re:amaze vs Gorgias


When choosing a helpdesk and customer service platform, businesses often consider multiple tools before making a decision. Re:amaze and Gorgias are two popular options that cater to different types of organizations, especially within the e-commerce sector.

Re:amaze is a helpdesk and customer messaging platform designed for websites, stores, and apps. Use Re:amaze to provide exceptional customer support through live chat, email, social media, mobile SMS/MMS, VOIP, and FAQ Knowledge Bases.

Gorgias is a helpdesk designed for e-commerce stores, providing multichannel customer service from a single app. Gain productivity with automated responses to common requests.

Comparing these tools is essential to find the best fit for your specific business needs, ensuring that your customer support infrastructure is robust and efficient.

Re:amaze Overview

Re:amaze offers a comprehensive suite of customer support tools designed to integrate seamlessly with websites, e-commerce platforms, and mobile apps, enhancing the support experience across multiple channels.

Key Features

  • Multichannel Support: Handle customer inquiries via live chat, email, social media, SMS/MMS, and VOIP, centrally integrating all interactions.
  • FAQ Knowledge Bases: Create, manage, and share knowledge base articles to assist customers and reduce inquiry volume through self-service.
  • Automations and Workflows: Automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows to increase efficiency and reduce the burden on support teams.
  • CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrate with popular CRM systems to ensure your support team has full visibility into customer history and interactions.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Generate detailed reports to measure performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Advanced Customization: Tailor the platform to your brand with customizable chat widgets, email templates, and automated responses.

Gorgias Overview

Gorgias primarily targets e-commerce businesses, offering specialized features that streamline customer service and enhance productivity through automation.

Key Features

  • Multichannel Support: Manage customer interactions from email, live chat, phone, Facebook, Instagram, and more within a single application.
  • Automation: Use automated responses and rules to handle common inquiries, speeding up response times and reducing manual work.
  • E-commerce Integration: Integrate deeply with e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce, providing instant access to order details and customer history.
  • Macros and Templates: Utilize preconfigured macros and response templates for consistency and efficiency in customer communication.
  • Performance Metrics: Track essential customer service metrics, including response times, resolution times, and customer satisfaction scores.
  • Revenue Dashboard: Monitor how customer support impacts revenue, helping to justify investment in customer service improvements.


Re:amaze and Gorgias share several similarities that make them both strong contenders in the helpdesk and customer service space.

  • Multichannel Support: Both platforms consolidate customer interactions from various channels into a single, manageable interface, ensuring no inquiry goes unnoticed.
  • Automation: Each tool includes automation capabilities that help handle repetitive tasks and streamline workflows, enhancing team productivity.
  • E-commerce Focus: While Re:amaze integrates with general websites and apps, both solutions have strong capabilities suited for e-commerce support.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Users can access comprehensive performance metrics and reports to gauge the effectiveness of customer support efforts.
  • Customization Options: Both platforms allow for customization of responses, workflows, and integration points to align with specific business needs.


Despite their similarities, Re:amaze and Gorgias cater to somewhat different audiences and offer distinct capabilities.

  • Target Market: Gorgias is particularly tailored for e-commerce businesses, whereas Re:amaze supports a broader range of industries, including websites and mobile apps.
  • Integration Depth: Gorgias offers deep integrations with e-commerce platforms like Shopify, providing specialized functions like access to order data directly within support tickets. Re:amaze, while integrative, offers a more general range of CRM and business system connections.
  • Knowledge Base: Re:amaze includes built-in FAQ and knowledge base features, enabling businesses to provide self-service options for customers. Gorgias does not offer a native knowledge base solution.
  • VOIP Support: Re:amaze includes support for VOIP communications, providing another channel for customer interactions, whereas Gorgias focuses more on traditional channels and direct messaging.
  • Revenue Impact Analysis: Gorgias offers a specific revenue dashboard feature, which directly links customer service quality with sales performance—an e-commerce-centric feature that Re:amaze lacks.

Pros and Cons



  • Broad Channel Support: Comprehensive support for multiple communication channels, including VOIP.
  • Built-in Knowledge Base: Reduces inquiry volume and enhances customer self-service options.
  • Versatility: Suited for a range of industries beyond e-commerce.
  • CRM Integration: Allows for seamless access to customer data.
  • Advanced Customization: Highly customizable to fit various branding and workflow requirements.


  • Complexity: The extensive features might come with a steeper learning curve for some users.
  • Cost: Might be pricier compared to solutions tailored exclusively for e-commerce.
  • E-commerce Specifics: Lacks some of the specialized e-commerce features like revenue impact analysis found in Gorgias.



  • E-commerce Integration: Deep and seamless integrations with platforms like Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce.
  • Automation Efficiency: Excellent automation and macro capabilities tailor-made for e-commerce inquiries.
  • Revenue Dashboard: Helps businesses understand the direct impact of customer support on sales.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with simplicity in mind, making it easy for teams to adopt.
  • Response Time Optimization: Specialized features for fast and consistent customer communication.


  • Limited Channels: Lack of built-in knowledge base and VOIP support.
  • E-commerce Focused: Less versatile for businesses outside of the e-commerce industry.
  • Customization: Limited when compared to the extensive customization options in Re:amaze.

Use Cases


Re:amaze is ideal for businesses that:

  • Operate across various industries, including e-commerce, health, education, and more.
  • Require a robust customer service solution supporting multiple communication channels, including VOIP.
  • Need an integrated knowledge base for self-service support.
  • Seek advanced CRM integration to provide personalized customer experiences.
  • Want a highly customizable platform to align with specific business processes and branding.


Gorgias is best suited for:

  • E-commerce businesses looking for deep integration with platforms like Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce.
  • Teams focused on improving productivity through automation of common support tasks.
  • Companies that want to monitor the impact of customer service on revenue closely.
  • Support teams that prioritize fast response times and use preconfigured macros and templates for efficient communication.
  • Businesses that need a user-friendly interface with minimal setup and learning curve.


In comparing Re:amaze and Gorgias, it's evident that both platforms offer powerful features tailored to different aspects of customer support. Re:amaze provides a versatile and comprehensive solution for various industries, integrating multiple communication channels and advanced customization options. On the other hand, Gorgias excels in e-commerce environments, offering deep integrations, robust automation, and insights into the direct revenue impact of customer services.

For businesses needing a versatile customer support solution with extensive customization and integration options, Re:amaze is a strong choice. However, if your focus is specifically on e-commerce, Gorgias offers unique features and a streamlined experience that can significantly boost productivity and effectiveness.

Ultimately, the choice between Re:amaze and Gorgias will depend on your specific business needs, the industry you operate in, and the complexity of your customer support requirements. Consider the features, capabilities, and focus areas of each platform to make an informed decision that aligns with your organization's goals.

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