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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Breathe vs Namely


In today’s fast-paced business environment, selecting the right Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is critical to streamlining HR processes, enhancing employee experience, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Among the notable HRIS solutions available are Breathe and Namely.

Breathe is a multi-award-winning, simple, and secure people software that helps UK and Australian SMEs move their core people processes online. Breathe’s offerings are designed to save time, provide peace of mind, and enable businesses to operate effectively regardless of location.

Namely offers modern, intuitive Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions, including scalable technology, expert-managed payroll and benefits services, and fully comprehensive professional employer services. Namely provides an all-in-one solution tailor-made for growing companies looking to manage their HR needs seamlessly.

Comparing these HRIS tools is crucial for businesses aiming to find the solution that best aligns with their unique requirements and organizational goals.

Breathe Overview

Key Features

  • Employee Database: Breathe provides a centralized employee database where you can store, manage, and access all employee information securely.
  • Time-off Management: The tool allows easy management of employee leave requests and approvals, ensuring smooth operation and compliance with labor laws.
  • Performance Management: Breathe features comprehensive performance management tools including appraisal tracking and performance reviews.
  • Reporting: The software offers detailed reports on various HR metrics, helping managers make informed decisions.
  • Document Management: Breathe includes robust document management capabilities, enabling secure storage and easy retrieval of essential HR documents.
  • Absence Management: Automated absence tracking helps in reducing administrative workload and maintaining accurate records.
  • Employee Self-Service: Employees can access their profiles, request leave, and stay informed about company policies through a self-service portal.

Namely Overview

Key Features

  • Employee Database: Similar to Breathe, Namely offers a centralized system to manage and store employee information.
  • Payroll Management: Namely provides an integrated payroll processing service, ensuring timely and accurate payroll management.
  • Benefits Administration: Comprehensive benefits management, including enrollment and tracking, is a strong feature of Namely.
  • Performance Management: Namely offers tools for setting goals, tracking performance, and conducting reviews.
  • Time and Attendance: An integrated time-tracking system allows for seamless management of employee hours and attendance.
  • Compliance Management: Namely assists in ensuring compliance with relevant regulations through automatic updates and alerts.
  • HR Analytics: Robust HR analytics and reporting provide valuable insights into workforce metrics and trends.


Both Breathe and Namely provide central employee databases, making it easy to store, update, and manage employee information within a secure environment. They both offer performance management tools to track and enhance employee productivity and engagement. Additionally, both solutions include features for time-off management, allowing companies to efficiently handle leave requests and maintain compliance with employment laws.

User self-service is another commonality, empowering employees to independently manage their profiles, request leave, and stay informed about company policies. Both systems also offer comprehensive reporting capabilities, enabling HR managers and leaders to derive actionable insights from various HR metrics.


When it comes to payroll management, Namely offers a fully-integrated payroll service, which is absent in Breathe. Namely’s payroll feature ensures accurate and timely processing of employee salaries, including tax calculations and compliance with wage laws. Breathe, on the other hand, would require integration with third-party payroll services to manage this function.

Benefits administration is another distinguishing feature. Namely provides a robust benefits management module, including enrollment and tracking. Breathe focuses more on core HR processes and does not include as comprehensive a benefits management tool as Namely.

Compliance management is a stronger aspect of Namely, with dedicated features to help ensure organizational compliance with labor laws and regulations. Breathe does include compliance elements, but Namely’s offering is more extensive, including automatic updates and alerts to keep the company in line with regulatory changes.

Finally, Namely offers more advanced and comprehensive HR analytics, providing deeper insights into workforce metrics compared to Breathe’s reporting capabilities.

Pros and Cons



  • User-friendly interface
  • Centralized employee database
  • Effective performance management tools
  • Secure document management
  • Affordable for SMEs
  • Simplified time-off and absence management


  • Limited payroll management features
  • Less comprehensive benefits administration
  • Fewer advanced HR analytics capabilities



  • Comprehensive payroll management
  • Robust benefits administration
  • Extensive compliance management
  • Advanced HR analytics
  • Integrated time and attendance system
  • Suitable for growing companies


  • Higher cost compared to Breathe
  • May have a steeper learning curve due to extensive features
  • Overkill for very small businesses

Use Cases


Breathe is ideal for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK and Australia looking for a simple, secure, and affordable HRIS solution to manage core HR processes. Its user-friendly interface and streamlined features such as performance management, employee self-service, and time-off management make it particularly suitable for companies that do not require comprehensive payroll and benefits administration features.


Namely is best suited for growing companies that require a more comprehensive HR solution with integrated payroll, benefits administration, and compliance management. It is ideal for organizations looking to scale their HR processes and need advanced HR analytics and robust compliance management. Namely’s extensive feature set makes it particularly beneficial for mid-sized to larger enterprises.


In comparing Breathe and Namely, each HRIS tool presents unique strengths tailored to different organizational needs. Breathe serves SMEs effectively with its user-friendly approach, affordability, and essential HR functionalities, making it an excellent choice for smaller businesses focused on core HR tasks without needing extensive payroll and benefits management.

Namely stands out with its comprehensive payroll processing, benefits administration, and advanced HR analytics, positioning it as the go-to solution for growing companies needing to scale their HR operations efficiently and securely.

Ultimately, the choice between Breathe and Namely hinges on your organization’s size, budget, and specific HR requirements. For SMEs in the UK and Australia seeking a straightforward and cost-effective HRIS, Breathe is the ideal option. Conversely, if you are a mid-sized to larger company aiming for an all-encompassing HR solution to support growth and compliance, Namely offers the robust features necessary to meet those demands.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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