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August 19, 2024
XX min read

AI Prompts: Essential Guide with Types & Best Practices [2024]

If you want the best results from generative AI tools like ChatGPT and MidJourney, there’s something you need to master — writing good AI prompts.

Prompt writing is a highly prized skill. Top performers can earn up to $375,000 per year.

The good news is — you don’t need a background in tech. Forrester expects 60% or more of professionals in various fields to be trained in prompt writing over the next couple of years.

Why not get a head start? 

This guide gives you the lowdown on writing good AI prompts. You’ll find out what prompts are, the different types, and how to optimize for the best possible results.

What is an AI Prompt?

Prompts are the instructions you give to an artificial intelligence tool to get it to produce something. 

For most tools, AI prompts are conversational questions or commands that you type or speak. For example, you might prompt an AI chatbot to “Give me an overview of the main EU economic policies since 2018”.

If you’re using an AI image generation tool, a prompt is written text that describes the image you want to see. You can also write prompts that give you code snippets or analyze datasets.

What are the Different Types of AI Prompts?

There are several types of AI prompts. Which one you use depends on what you want to achieve. 

  • Creative: Create unique content such as text, images, audio, and videos, often stylized to meet specific instructions, e.g. “Write in the style of Charles Dickens.”
  • Instructional: Offer guidance, such as customer service. An instructional prompt could be: “Explain the steps a customer needs to take to upgrade their account.”
  • Informational: Gather and synthesize information, either from training data or uploaded resources such as PDF files. Use informational AI prompts to get summaries or insights.
  • Listicle: Compile lists, from simple to more detailed and structured ones. For instance, ask the AI to generate a list of blog titles or theme ideas. 
  • Interactive: Mimic real-life conversations, such as mock interviews or role-playing scenarios.
  • Reasoning: Analyze information and draw conclusions. For example, use a prompt to identify a target market from sales data.
  • Keyword: Point your AI tool in the right direction, whether pulling insights from data or creating images by using specific keywords. 

How Generative AI Works in Response to Prompts

Artificial intelligence systems use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). The AI models are trained to understand the way humans speak and write. They also get smarter with time, as they learn from every interaction.

Some AI tools, especially commercial chatbots, have something called “intent recognition”. This helps them figure out what you’re really looking for, not just from the words you use, but also the sentiment and context.

Let's say you're using a customer service chatbot on a banking website. You type in, "I'm worried I made a mistake on my last transfer". A chatbot with intent recognition understands the underlying worry, responding in a way that reassures you while checking your transaction history and suggesting how to rectify any issues found.

What are the Benefits of Prompt Engineering? 

  • Saves time: Instead of going back and forth with the AI trying to get it to understand what you want, a well-engineered prompt gets it right (or nearly right) the first time. 
  • Streamlines complex tasks: Automate the more complex, yet tedious elements of your workflows with good prompts. For example, you can automate data processing or report generation. You can also prompt AI to break down complex tasks into smaller parts, making them easier to handle.  
  • Improves accuracy: Better prompts get responses that are more aligned with your needs. This reduces frustration as you’re less likely to need follow-ups and corrections.
  • Results in better outcomes: When you prompt AI well, you get more consistent results. This is important if you’re using it for customer-facing tasks like answering queries. 
  • Boosts the user experience: Tailored prompts lead to more relevant AI responses, which improves user experience and satisfaction.

9 Effective AI Prompt Best Practices

1. Start simple

Begin with straightforward prompts that are clearly written. This helps you establish a baseline understanding with the AI and avoid overwhelming it. You can always build up from there with follow-up prompts.

Prompt examples:
"List the steps involved in making an omelet."
"Summarize the main plot of the novel '1984' by George Orwell."
"Describe the basic rules of soccer."

2. Be specific

Make sure you get relevant responses with specific requests that dial in the details. This helps the AI sift through the mountain of available options and provide more focused and useful output. 

Prompt example: 

Can you recommend a restaurant in Paris that offers vegetarian options, has outdoor seating, and is located within a 10-minute walk from the Louvre Museum? I'm looking for a place with a romantic atmosphere and good reviews.

3. Provide context

Set the tone by telling the AI who the information is for. Directing the AI carefully with context means you’ll get responses from a specific perspective.

Prompt example: 

Analyze the attached sales data from the past five years and current economic trends to identify which product categories will likely see increased demand, considering recent online shopping behavior shifts. Present your findings clearly for the marketing team.

4. Give examples

Giving the AI examples shows what you expect and provides a template to follow. Include examples of text, data layouts, or snippets of code. 

Prompt example: 

Create an ad for our eco-friendly T-shirts highlighting comfort, durability, and environmental benefits. Use a youthful, energetic tone for eco-conscious consumers in their 20s and 30s.


Headline: Wear the Change You Want to See

Body: Feel the difference with our EcoWear T-shirts — crafted for comfort, built to last, and designed for the planet. Every shirt is made from recycled fabrics, perfect for trendsetters who care about the future and fashion.

Call to Action: Grab your T-shirt today and make sustainability trendy!

Please ensure the ad embodies our brand's voice and targets the same customer demographic.

5. Say exactly what you do and don’t want

Don’t leave your prompts open to interpretation. Be really clear and tell the AI tool exactly what to deliver and what to avoid. 

Prompt example:

Act as if you are my running coach. Create a 12-week marathon training schedule. Do include a mix of long runs, interval training, and rest days. Don’t include any workouts that require gym equipment or any running on consecutive days.

6. Offer a frame of reference

Getting the AI chatbot to adopt a persona boosts relevance and precision. Giving the AI a role to play aligns its answers with a particular perspective or area of expertise. 

This is especially useful when you need to draw out domain-specific knowledge or use the right tone and terminology for the situation.

Prompt example: 

Imagine you are an experienced industrial engineer working in a manufacturing plant. Please create a detailed checklist for daily maintenance of the factory’s conveyor belt system. Include safety protocols, essential tools, and a step-by-step process for checking the belts, motors, and sensors. Ensure that new technicians can easily follow the instructions.

7. Mention the tone of voice and target audience 

If you want content that lands well with your target readers, you need to specify the tone and style. 

Prompt example: 

Write a blog post for expectant mothers about the benefits of prenatal yoga. The tone should be supportive, calming, and encouraging, as if speaking to a friend. Include practical tips on how to get started, what to expect in a typical class, and the physical and mental benefits of prenatal yoga. Ensure the language is accessible and reassuring, avoiding any medical jargon that might be confusing.

8. Break complex tasks into multiple easy prompts

Do you feel better when you’re given one big complex project to handle or several smaller, simpler tasks? AI is the same. Step-by-step instructions help the AI build up the kind of response you want.

Prompt example: 

Create a detailed outline for a white paper titled ‘Transforming Factories with Industry 4.0 Technologies’. The outline should include an introduction that defines Industry 4.0 and its relevance to modern manufacturing. Break the body into sections covering the following key areas:

- Smart Manufacturing: Discuss the integration of IoT, AI, and machine learning in factory operations.

- Predictive Maintenance: Explain how advanced analytics and sensors can predict equipment failures before they happen.

- Cyber-Physical Systems: Describe the interaction between physical production processes and digital technologies.

- Data-Driven Decision Making: Highlight the role of big data and real-time analytics in enhancing production efficiency.

- Challenges and Solutions: Identify common challenges in implementing Industry 4.0 technologies and propose potential solutions.

- Case Studies: Include examples of factories that have successfully adopted Industry 4.0 technologies and the benefits they’ve experienced.

Each section should have at least three subsections providing detailed information and insights. Conclude with a summary that outlines the future of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing.

9. Give feedback

Treat the AI like a teammate and give it feedback to improve the generated content. After a response, let the AI know what parts worked well and what could be better. If something’s off or incorrect, point it out so the AI can adjust and learn from it.

Prompt example: 

This is a great start, but can you make the tone a bit more casual and friendly? The structure is good, but let’s change a few phrases to make it sound less stiff and more conversational.

Different AI Prompt Examples & Templates by Use Case

Content writing prompts

A clear and detailed prompt helps guide the AI to produce high-quality, relevant written content. For instance, you can use ChatGPT to generate content for your brand for social media posts, blog posts, emails, etc.

  • Create a blog post titled: '10 Cool Games To Play With Your Dog.' For each game, provide 1) a creative and catchy name, 2) a practical scenario where the game can be played, and 3) an insightful explanation of its benefits for both the dog and the owner. 
  • Compose a persuasive email aimed at a potential client who is interested in our productivity software. They are hesitating due to budget concerns. Emphasize the software’s value, offer possible financing options, and highlight the long-term cost savings and productivity benefits. Write in a friendly and empathetic tone.
  • Write a product description for our EcoMax Insulated Water Bottle. Highlight these features: double-wall vacuum insulation, sustainable materials, 24-hour cold retention, 12-hour heat retention, and leak-proof design. Mention benefits like maintaining drink temperature, eco-friendliness, and suitability for outdoor and daily use. Use an enthusiastic tone.

Data analysis prompts

Data analysis is all about uncovering patterns and correlations and AI can help. Here are some examples of data analysis prompts designed to help you get insights from your data.

  • Examine the relationship between our online marketing budget and revenue growth over the last quarter. Identify which specific campaigns yielded the highest ROI. Provide insights on optimizing future ad spend for better performance.
  • Analyze the engagement metrics from our latest Instagram marketing campaign. Break the data down by post type (image, video, carousel), time of day, and audience demographics.
  • Analyze the web traffic patterns of our e-commerce platform over the past year. Identify peak sales periods and correlate them with marketing activities, product launches, and seasonal trends. 

AI art prompts

Use AI art generators to create whatever you see in your mind’s eye. Good AI image-generation prompts are all about using descriptive language to get the desired output.

  • Draw a vibrant abstract digital image of urban nightlife. Use neon colors, geometric patterns, and dynamic lines to give a sense of energy and movement.
  • Draw an oil painting portrait of a futuristic space explorer with a sleek, high-tech suit, neon helmet, and glowing gadgets. Set the character against the backdrop of a distant galaxy, filled with colorful nebulas.
  • Generate a serene coastal landscape with gentle waves and sandy beaches. Include palm trees in the foreground. In the background, draw a sunset with vibrant hues of orange and pink, reflecting off the water.

Programming prompts

Use prompts that quickly generate code snippets. Just be aware that you’ll need to check the code for errors, as AI doesn’t always get it right, especially for more complex coding tasks.

  • Create a Python script that sorts a list of student grades in descending order using the quicksort algorithm.
  • Develop a JavaScript function that verifies whether a given phrase is a palindrome, ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization. 
  • Design a regular expression pattern to validate URLs, ensuring they start with 'http://' or 'https://' and include a domain name and optional path parameters.

Customer service prompts

Enhance your customer service with thoughtful responses, generated using the right prompt. 

  • Create detailed and personalized responses to customer questions about the benefits and uses of our fitness tracking device. Ensure each reply highlights key features such as heart rate monitoring, GPS tracking, and sleep analysis, and provide suggestions on how these features can enhance their fitness journey.
  • Write a compassionate and reassuring reply to a customer who has experienced a delayed shipment of their holiday gift order. Apologize for the inconvenience, explain the cause of the delay, and offer a solution such as expedited shipping or a discount on their next purchase.
  • Write a series of three follow-up emails for new homeowners who have recently purchased home insurance. The first email should welcome them and provide an overview of their policy benefits. The second email should offer tips for maintaining home safety and reducing risk. The third email should express appreciation for their business and invite them to provide feedback on their experience.

Over To You!

Now it’s your turn to write some AI prompts that make your life easier. 

Remember to keep things simple, specific, and context-driven to get the best results. 

If you’re looking for a way to collect your company knowledge and easily search it — including docs, chats, and apps — all in one interface, then try the Guru GPT. It stores company content, both internal and external, for future use. All you have to do is write a conversational prompt to get the info you need. 

With Guru's AI-powered tools, you can centralize your company's information and access it easily. Sign up for Guru today.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

What are some good AI prompts?

Good AI prompts are clear, specific, and provide context to guide the AI in generating relevant and accurate responses. They often include instructions, desired outputs, and examples.

What are prompts in AI?

Prompts in AI are the instructions or inputs given to an AI model to guide its output, helping it generate responses, content, or perform tasks based on the provided context.

What is the hottest topic in AI?

The hottest topic in AI currently is generative AI, particularly in creating content, images, and even music, which has wide-ranging implications across industries.

What is the AI that draws with prompt?

The AI that draws with prompts is typically referred to as "text-to-image" models, with popular examples being DALL-E and Stable Diffusion, which generate images based on descriptive text inputs.

How can my AI interactions benefit from AI prompts?

AI text prompts are a set of instructions that guide the AI towards relevant responses. You can use prompts to retrieve information from the vast dataset the AI was trained on, like a really powerful search engine. You can also use them to generate unique creative content, analyze data, or write code snippets.

What are common mistakes of AI prompting?

The biggest mistake people make is overcomplicating things. Prompts that have too many steps, provide confusing instructions, or don’t give enough context, lead to poor responses. You also need to be aware of AI’s limitations, such as fabricating sources and URLs.

How can I optimize my AI prompts?

The best way is to observe the results, and then refine and tweak your prompts to improve the output. It’s an ongoing process of simplifying and providing context or examples.

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