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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Sapling vs Rippling


In the realm of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) tools, finding the right fit for your organization can significantly impact efficiency and employee satisfaction. Two notable HRIS tools in the market are Sapling and Rippling. 

Sapling, a Kallidus product, leverages Kallidus's extensive experience in learning, performance, and talent management to enhance its core HR functionalities, such as onboarding, offboarding, and people operations. 

Rippling, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive platform that integrates HR, IT, and Finance services. It amalgamates various workforce systems including payroll, expenses, benefits, and even device management into one unified system. This comparison aims to provide a thorough understanding of these tools to help you decide which best suits your organizational needs.

Sapling Overview

Sapling is specialized for simplifying complex HR processes, making it a notable choice for mid-sized companies looking to enhance their people operations. 

Key Features

  • Onboarding: Automates the onboarding process to ensure new hires have a seamless transition.
  • Offboarding: Securely and efficiently handles the offboarding process.
  • Core HR Management: Centralizes employee data, making it easier to manage records and comply with regulations.
  • People Operations: Streamlines processes like approvals, employee requests, and workflow management.
  • Learning and Performance Management: Benefit from Kallidus’s expertise in learning platforms, offering tools for employee development.
  • Talent Management: Tools to aid in the hiring, assessment, and retention of talent.

Rippling Overview

Rippling stands out by integrating HR, IT, and finance systems to offer a one-stop solution for managing the entire employee lifecycle.

Key Features

  • Unified HR, IT, and Finance: Manages payroll, taxes, benefits, expenses, and even IT devices from one platform.
  • Onboarding and Offboarding: Includes automated workflows that span across HR, IT, and Finance to ensure nothing is missed.
  • Global Capabilities: Offers solutions that are compliant with international regulations.
  • Payroll: Handles payroll management, including automating pay runs and tax filings.
  • Expense Management: Automates the tracking, reporting, and reimbursement of expenses.
  • Device Management: Allows management of company devices such as computers and software provisioning.


Despite their varied approaches, both Sapling and Rippling share several core functionalities that ensure streamlined HR processes:

  • Onboarding and Offboarding: Both tools excel in automating these critical phases in the employee lifecycle.
  • Core HR Management: They provide centralized repositories for storing employee data.
  • Workflow Automation: Each platform automates routine tasks to increase efficiency.
  • Compliance Management: Both assist in maintaining compliance with labor laws and other regulations.
  • User Experience: Both are designed to provide a user-friendly experience for HR teams and employees.



While sharing core features, Sapling and Rippling differ significantly in their additional functionalities and focus areas:

  • Integration Scope: Rippling extends beyond HR to include IT and finance, while Sapling focuses primarily on HR and talent management.
  • Learning and Development: Sapling benefits from Kallidus’s experience in learning and performance, providing specialized tools for employee training and development.
  • Global Management: Rippling offers robust global HR management features, making it suitable for multinational companies.
  • Device Management: Unique to Rippling, this feature manages company devices and software, tying IT services directly with HR processes.
  • Expense Management: Rippling’s integrated expense management is a significant differentiator over Sapling.


Pros and Cons



  • Specializes in HR and people operations.
  • Strong onboarding and offboarding automation.
  • Integration with Kallidus’s learning and talent management tools.
  • User-friendly interface and robust support.


  • Limited integration with non-HR systems (e.g., IT and finance).
  • May require additional tools for comprehensive expense and device management.



  • Comprehensive integration of HR, IT, and finance functions.
  • Strong global HR management capabilities.
  • Advanced device management features.
  • Unified expense management system.


  • Can be overkill for smaller organizations with simpler needs.
  • Learning and development tools may not be as robust as those integrated with Sapling.

Use Cases


  • Mid-Sized Companies: Ideal for organizations that need focused, specialized HR management.
  • Learning & Development Focused: Companies prioritizing employee training and performance will benefit from the integration with Kallidus.
  • Streamlined Onboarding: Organizations that want to automate complex onboarding processes.


  • Large Enterprises: Suitable for large or globally distributed companies needing a unified platform.
  • Integrated IT and Finance: Best for businesses looking for a single tool to manage HR, IT, and finance together.
  • Device and Expense Management: Companies needing to manage company devices and automate expense tracking.


Comparing Sapling and Rippling reveals that while both tools excel in HR management, their unique features cater to different organizational needs. Sapling's strengths lie in its specialized HR and people operations functionalities, bolstered by Kallidus’s expertise in learning and talent management. It’s a compelling choice for mid-sized companies focused on efficient onboarding and robust employee development tools.

Rippling, with its comprehensive integration of HR, IT, and finance, offers a more holistic solution for larger enterprises or those needing to manage global operations and company devices. Its extensive range of features makes it an excellent choice for organizations seeking a single platform to handle multiple facets of workforce management.

Ultimately, the choice between Sapling and Rippling will depend on your organization's specific needs. If your focus is on specialized HR functions with strong learning and development capabilities, Sapling is the way to go. However, if you need a broad, integrated platform that covers HR, IT, and finance, Rippling’s extensive feature set will likely serve you better.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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