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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Sage HR vs Lano


When choosing an HRIS (Human Resource Information System) tool, understanding the differences and similarities between available options can help you make an informed decision. Sage HR, a comprehensive HR software, helps solve HR challenges and focuses on building businesses through various modules and functionalities. Lano, on the other hand, is a cloud-based compliance and payments platform that offers a unified solution for hiring, managing, and paying employees and contractors in full compliance across over 150 countries, without setting up a legal entity. This comparison aims to provide insights into which tool might better suit your business needs.

Sage HR Overview

Key Features

  • Core HR Management: Streamlines HR processes, allowing for effective management of employee data, absences, and workflows.
  • Employee Directory: A centralized place where all employee information is stored, easily accessible to authorized users.
  • Leave Management: Automated leave tracking, making it easier to manage vacation requests and approvals.
  • Performance Management: Tools to set and track objectives, conduct performance reviews, and gather continuous feedback.
  • Recruitment: Simplifies job postings, application tracking, and candidate management.
  • Timesheets and Expenses: Allows employees to log work hours and expenses, facilitating payroll processing.
  • Onboarding: Structured onboarding modules to ensure new hires are integrated smoothly.

Lano Overview

Key Features

  • Global Employment Solutions: Enables businesses to hire internationally without setting up a local legal entity. Lano handles compliance, taxes, and local laws.
  • Payment Processing: Simplified payroll and contractor payment management across multiple currencies and countries.
  • Contractor Management: Efficiently manages freelancer and contractor agreements and payments.
  • Time Tracking: Built-in tools for tracking work hours for both employees and contractors.
  • Expense Management: Simplifies the submission and approval of expenses.
  • Compliance and Legal Support: Ensures all employment and payment processes comply with local regulations.
  • Unified Dashboard: Provides a centralized platform to manage international teams and operations.


  • Both Sage HR and Lano are cloud-based solutions, offering easy access from anywhere.
  • Both platforms provide comprehensive employee management, including data, leave, and performance tracking.
  • Each has built-in time tracking and expense management features.
  • Both tools are designed to streamline HR processes and improve operational efficiency.


  • Geographical Focus:
  • Sage HR primarily focuses on HR management within a single country or region.
  • Lano specializes in global HR solutions, making it easier to manage international teams and compliance issues across over 150 countries.
  • Core Functionalities:
  • Sage HR emphasizes traditional HR functions like performance management, recruiting, and onboarding.
  • Lano combines HR management with payment processing and compliance support, making it a more comprehensive solution for international operations.
  • Payroll Processing:
  • Sage HR includes timesheets and expense tracking but does not offer international payroll management.
  • Lano streamlines payroll across different countries, ensuring legal and tax compliance in various jurisdictions.
  • Target Audience:
  • Sage HR is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses looking to streamline their HR processes internally.
  • Lano caters to businesses of all sizes with a focus on companies looking to expand their workforce internationally without setting up local entities.

Pros and Cons

Sage HR

  • Pros:
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Comprehensive set of HR functionalities.
  • Excellent for managing traditional HR tasks.
  • Strong performance and leave management features.
  • Cons:
  • Limited functionalities for handling international teams.
  • No built-in payroll processing for multiple countries.
  • May require additional integrations for global operations.


  • Pros:
  • Outstanding for managing international teams and compliance.
  • Simplified global payroll processing.
  • Centralized platform for both HR and payment functions.
  • Legal and compliance support in over 150 countries.
  • Cons:
  • Can be overwhelming for small businesses not operating internationally.
  • Higher cost due to comprehensive global features.
  • Less focus on traditional HR functions like recruiting and performance management.

Use Cases

  • Sage HR
  • Small to medium-sized enterprises focusing on improving internal HR processes.
  • Organizations looking for a robust performance management system.
  • Companies needing an efficient leave and attendance tracking solution.

  • Lano
  • Businesses expanding their operations across multiple countries.
  • Companies needing a solution for managing global payroll and compliance.
  • Organizations employing a large number of freelancers and contractors worldwide.


Choosing between Sage HR and Lano depends on your business requirements and operational scope. Sage HR is an excellent choice for businesses focused on enhancing their internal HR processes with a strong emphasis on performance management and recruitment. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it ideal for small to medium-sized businesses.

On the other hand, Lano stands out for its ability to handle international HR needs. If your business operates or plans to operate across multiple countries, addressing compliance, payroll, and contractor management, Lano's comprehensive global solutions are unmatched. The platform seamlessly integrates payment processing and legal support with HR management, making it a powerful tool for global organizations.

In summary, Sage HR is perfect for organizations seeking to streamline traditional HR functions, whereas Lano excels in supporting businesses navigating the complexities of international employment and compliance. Consider your business size, geographical scope, and specific HR needs to determine the best fit for your organization.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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