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August 16, 2024
XX min read

JumpCloud vs Lano


Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) play a critical role in managing employee data, streamlining HR processes, and enhancing compliance across organizations. Among the numerous HRIS tools available, JumpCloud and Lano stand out due to their comprehensive features and unique offerings.

JumpCloud helps IT teams and managed service providers (MSPs) centralize the management of user identities and devices. This enables small and medium-sized enterprises to adopt Zero Trust security models efficiently. Trust and proven effectiveness are evident, with over 200,000 organizations, including prominent names like GoFundMe and TechStars, relying on JumpCloud’s capabilities. Backed by over $400M from elite investors, JumpCloud combines security and IT management into a singular, efficient platform.

On the other hand, Lano serves as a cloud-based compliance and payments platform, providing seamless solutions for hiring, managing, and paying employees and contractors worldwide. Covering over 150 countries without requiring local legal entities, Lano simplifies global workforce management and ensures full compliance with international labor laws.

Comparing these two HRIS tools, JumpCloud and Lano, helps organizations pinpoint the best fit for their specific needs, ensuring they leverage technology to streamline operations, stay compliant, and optimize workforce management.

JumpCloud Overview

Key Features

  • Centralized Identity Management: JumpCloud centralizes user identity and device management, making it easier to secure, access, and organize organizational data.
  • Zero Trust Security Models: By adopting Zero Trust security models, JumpCloud ensures robust protection against unauthorized access, stricter verification processes, and enhanced overall security.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Whether it's Windows, Mac, or Linux, JumpCloud supports diverse operating systems ensuring compatibility and ease of use across different IT environments.
  • SAML and OIDC Single Sign-On (SSO): Enables users to access various applications with a single set of credentials, improving security and ease of access.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): This adds an extra layer of security by requiring multiple forms of verification from users.
  • Directory Insights: Comprehensive logging and reporting capabilities help organizations monitor user activities, access patterns, and potential security risks.
  • Automated Device Management: Simplifies the management of device policies, configurations, and security settings across an organization’s device fleet.
  • Cloud Directory Platform: Ensures a unified approach to managing user identities and resources both on-premise and in the cloud.

Lano Overview

Key Features

  • Global Workforce Compliance: Lano ensures compliance with local labor laws and regulations across over 150 countries, simplifying the complexity of managing an international workforce.
  • Seamless Payments: Provides a unified solution for processing payroll and contractor payments worldwide, ensuring timely and accurate financial transactions.
  • Hiring and Onboarding: Simplifies the recruitment process with tools that handle job postings, candidate tracking, and streamlined onboarding.
  • Legal Entity Setup: Helps organizations establish local legal entities where necessary, reducing the overhead involved in global recruitment.
  • Time and Expense Tracking: Facilitates accurate monitoring and reporting of employee working hours and expenses, ensuring fair compensation and budget management.
  • Document Management: Centralizes the storage of employee documents and contracts, ensuring they are easily accessible and securely stored.
  • Employee Self-Service Portals: Employees can access their records, payroll information, and other personal data through a self-service interface, reducing HR workload.
  • Performance Management: Tools for setting objectives, conducting performance reviews, and continuous feedback to foster employee growth and productivity.


Both JumpCloud and Lano are designed to enhance organizational efficiency through centralized management and automation of key HRIS functions. 

  • User Management: Both platforms allow centralized user management to ensure efficient handling of identities and access permissions.
  • Compliance and Security: They provide tools to meet compliance and security standards, an essential aspect of managing modern workforces.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Each tool supports multiple operating systems, ensuring their functionality is not limited by the organization’s tech stack.
  • Scalability: They are both scalable solutions, accommodating growing businesses and their evolving needs.


Despite some similarities, JumpCloud and Lano diverge significantly in their core functionalities and areas of focus.

Focus and Core Functionality

  • JumpCloud:
  • Primarily focused on Identity and Access Management (IAM), device management, and security.
  • Ideal for organizations needing a comprehensive directory-as-a-service and robust security protocols.
  • Emphasizes Zero Trust security models and multi-factor authentication.


  • Lano:
  • Focuses on global workforce management, compliance, and payroll.
  • Excellent for businesses with international operations needing streamlined hiring, payment, and compliance solutions.
  • Features extensive tools for handling global payroll, compliance with local labor laws, and legal entity establishment.

Compliance and Payments

  • JumpCloud
  • Primarily focuses on IT security compliance, such as GDPR and SOC 2, ensuring secure handling of user data and device management.
  • Lano
  • Focuses on labor and tax compliance across multiple countries, ensuring businesses meet local legal requirements for hiring and compensating employees.

Device Management

  • JumpCloud
  • Offers comprehensive device management, including automated policy enforcement and security settings across various operating systems.
  • Lano
  • Does not focus on device management but instead provides tools for time tracking and expense management linked to employee records.

Pros and Cons



  • Robust security features with Zero Trust models and multi-factor authentication.
  • Cross-platform support (Windows, Mac, Linux).
  • Comprehensive directory and device management.
  • Extensive reporting and user activity insights.
  • Wide adoption and reliability, backed by significant investment and high-profile customers.


  • Primarily IT-focused, which may not cover all HR-specific needs.
  • Implementation may require IT expertise, especially for smaller businesses.



  • Simplifies global workforce management with compliance across 150+ countries.
  • Unified platform for payroll, compliance, and legal entity setup.
  • Effective for managing international hiring and payments.
  • Employee self-service portals enhance user experience.
  • Time and expense tracking tools linked to payroll functions.


  • Lacks detailed identity and access management features.
  • Limited device management capabilities.
  • Could be overkill for businesses with solely domestic operations.

Use Cases


Ideal for:

  • Organizations prioritizing robust security and comprehensive IT management.
  • Companies requiring centralized directory services across multiple operating systems.
  • Businesses needing strict compliance with IT security standards.
  • MSPs seeking a unified platform to manage multiple clients' IT environments.


Ideal for:

  • Organizations with a significant presence in multiple countries needing seamless compliance.
  • Companies seeking efficient global payroll and contractor payment solutions.
  • Businesses requiring support for establishing legal entities internationally.
  • HR departments looking for comprehensive tools to manage global hiring, onboarding, and employee documents.


Comparing JumpCloud and Lano reveals two distinct but equally powerful HRIS tools serving different organizational needs.

JumpCloud is best suited for organizations requiring robust IT security, centralized identity management, and cross-platform device management. With its focus on Zero Trust security models and multi-factor authentication, JumpCloud ensures a secure and efficient IT environment, making it ideal for enterprises and MSPs with rigorous security demands.

Lano, on the other hand, excels in managing global workforces with its comprehensive compliance, payroll, and hiring solutions. Its ability to handle labor law compliance across over 150 countries and seamless international payments makes it an excellent choice for businesses with global operations.

When choosing between these tools, consider your organization's primary needs. If securing identities and devices within a consolidated IT management framework is critical, JumpCloud is the go-to solution. However, if managing a dispersed, international workforce with simplified compliance and payment processes is your priority, Lano stands out as the better option.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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