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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Deel vs Lucca


When it comes to Human Resource Information System (HRIS) tools, companies must make a well-informed decision to enhance their internal management processes. Two popular choices in this category are Deel and Lucca. 

Deel simplifies payroll so you can hire anyone, anywhere. We streamline compliance and payments through our independent contractor and Employer of Record (EOR) model. With Deel, generate legally binding contracts that cover local labor laws in over 150 countries, offer flexible withdrawals, and enjoy 24/7 customer support. It’s the modern payments platform built for the future of work.

On the other hand, Lucca offers a suite of HR software. With Lucca’s software, turn spreadsheets into interactive online services and streamline your internal management processes.

Comparing these HRIS tools is essential to find the best fit for your organization’s needs and ensure a seamless HR management experience.

Deel Overview

Key Features

  • Global Hiring: Deel enables businesses to hire contractors and full-time employees from over 150 countries.
  • Compliance Management: Automatically complies with local labor laws and tax regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
  • Legally Binding Contracts: Generate contracts that meet local legal requirements in multiple countries.
  • Payment Solutions: Offers flexible payment options, including multiple currencies and withdrawal methods.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Provides round-the-clock assistance to resolve any issues quickly.
  • Contractor Management: Streamlined onboarding, invoicing, and payment processes for contractors.
  • EOR Services: Allows companies to hire full-time employees without the need for local entities.

Lucca Overview

Key Features

  • HR Suite: Comprehensive suite of tools turning manual spreadsheets into interactive online services for HR management.
  • Employee Data Management: Centralized database for storing and managing employee information.
  • Absence Management: Automated leave and attendance tracking.
  • Time Tracking: Simple tools for recording work hours and managing payroll processes.
  • Performance Management: Tools for setting KPIs, managing performance reviews, and tracking progress.
  • Expense Management: Streamlines the expense reporting and reimbursement process.
  • Customizable Workflows: Tailors HR processes to fit the specific needs of the organization.


Both Deel and Lucca focus on simplifying and automating complex HR processes. 

  • HR Management: Both platforms offer comprehensive HR management solutions, albeit with different focuses.
  • Automation: Deel and Lucca automate repetitive HR tasks to improve efficiency.
  • Compliance: They both emphasize adherence to local legal and regulatory requirements in their respective areas.
  • User-Friendly: Intuitive interfaces designed to make HR tasks easier for users.


Despite their similarities, Deel and Lucca cater to slightly different needs and have different strengths.

  • Global Reach: Deel excels in global hiring and payroll, supporting over 150 countries. Lucca is more focused on internal HR processes rather than global hiring.
  • Service Focus: Deel provides contractor and EOR services, while Lucca offers a broader suite of HR tools, including performance and expense management.
  • Support: Deel offers 24/7 customer support, whereas Lucca’s customer support availability varies.

Pros and Cons



  • Extensive global reach with support for over 150 countries.
  • Simplifies compliance and payments with a focus on remote work.
  • Offers flexible payment options in multiple currencies.
  • Strong contractor management and EOR services.


  • May be overly specialized for companies looking for a broader HR suite.
  • Focuses primarily on payroll and contractor management, with less emphasis on internal HR processes.



  • Comprehensive HR suite covering performance, time tracking, and expense management.
  • Transforms manual processes into automated workflows.
  • Highly customizable to fit specific organizational needs.
  • Strong focus on internal HR processes and data management.


  • Limited global reach compared to Deel.
  • May not support as many local compliance features for international hiring.

Use Cases

  • Deel: Ideal for companies that hire a remote, global workforce and need to manage payments across multiple countries. Perfect for organizations that need legally binding contracts and compliance management for international hires.

  • Lucca: Best for organizations looking to streamline their internal HR processes, such as performance management, time tracking, and expense reporting. Suitable for companies prioritizing automated workflows and internal HR data management.


In summary, both Deel and Lucca are robust HRIS tools, but they serve different primary functions. Deel is excellent for companies with a global workforce, focusing on payroll and compliance across various countries. Conversely, Lucca offers a comprehensive suite tailored for improving internal HR processes.

For companies needing to manage global hiring and compliance, Deel is the clear choice. However, if your organization seeks to automate and streamline broader HR workflows and internal processes, Lucca would be a better fit. Assess your company’s primary needs to make the most informed decision when choosing between Deel and Lucca for your HRIS tool.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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