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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Re:amaze vs Freshdesk


When it comes to offering exceptional customer support, selecting the right ticketing tool is crucial for businesses. Re:amaze and Freshdesk are two prominent solutions in this space, each offering a robust suite of features to help businesses handle customer queries efficiently.

Re:amaze is a helpdesk and customer messaging platform specifically designed for websites, stores, and apps. With Re:amaze, businesses can provide exceptional customer support through multiple channels, including live chat, email, social media, mobile SMS/MMS, VOIP, and FAQ Knowledge Bases.

Freshdesk, a product of Freshworks Inc., helps businesses delight their customers effortlessly with modern and intuitive software for customer support. Freshdesk converts requests coming in via email, web, phone, chat, messaging, and social into tickets and unifies ticket resolution across channels. Additionally, its strong automation and AI capabilities, such as automating ticket assignment, prioritizing tickets, agent assist, and canned responses, help streamline the support process.

Comparing these two ticketing tools is vital to determine which tool aligns best with an organization's specific needs and operational style.

Re:amaze Overview

Key Features

Re:amaze offers a comprehensive set of features tailored to modern customer support needs:

  1. Multi-Channel Support: Integrates channels like live chat, email, social media, SMS/MMS, and VOIP into a single platform.
  2. Unified Team Inbox: Consolidates customer communications across various channels into one inbox for seamless team collaboration.
  3. Automation: Facilitates automation of repetitive tasks, including automated replies and workflow triggers, to enhance efficiency.
  4. Customer CRM: Provides an integrated CRM to track customer interactions and histories for personalized support.
  5. Knowledge Base: Allows the creation of FAQ Knowledge Bases to offer self-service options to customers.
  6. Live Chat and Chatbots: Equipped with live chat functionalities and customizable chatbots to engage with customers in real-time.
  7. Customizable Workflows: Offers the ability to design workflows specific to the business process.
  8. Analytics and Reporting: Provides detailed reports and analytics on team performance and customer interactions.

Freshdesk Overview

Key Features

Freshdesk stands out by offering a diverse range of features backed by solid automation and AI capabilities:

  1. Omnichannel Support: Converts requests from email, web, phone, chat, messaging, and social into tickets, providing a unified resolution platform.
  2. Automation: Automates routine support tasks such as ticket assignment, prioritization, and canned responses.
  3. AI Capabilities: Utilizes AI to assist agents, predict support issues, and provide in-depth customer insights.
  4. Collaboration Tools: Features like Team Huddle and Shared Ownership to improve internal team collaboration on complex issues.
  5. Third-Party Integrations: Easily integrates with various third-party tools to extend functionality and streamline workflows.
  6. Field Service Management: Manages field operations efficiently by offering robust field service management capabilities.
  7. Reporting and Analytics: Delivers comprehensive reporting and analytics features to understand support performance and business insights.
  8. Customization: Allows for extensive customization options to align with specific business processes and needs.


Both Re:amaze and Freshdesk share several commonalities as versatile ticketing tools:

  1. Multi-Channel Support: Both platforms support a wide array of communication channels, including email, chat, social media, and phone.
  2. Unified Inbox: Each tool consolidates customer communications into a unified team inbox, facilitating seamless collaboration.
  3. Automation: Re:amaze and Freshdesk both offer automation features to streamline routine support tasks and improve efficiency.
  4. Customer Insights: Both platforms provide functionalities to track customer interactions for more personalized support.
  5. Knowledge Base Support: Each tool enables the creation of self-service knowledge bases to help customers find answers independently.
  6. Collaboration Tools: Both offer features designed to enhance teamwork and communication within support teams.


Despite their similarities, Re:amaze and Freshdesk differentiate themselves with unique offerings:

  1. AI Capabilities: Freshdesk features advanced AI tools such as agent assist and predictive capabilities, whereas Re:amaze focuses more on real-time customer engagement through chat and social channels.
  2. Field Service Management: Freshdesk provides robust field service management capabilities, a feature not available in Re:amaze.
  3. Customization and Integration: Freshdesk offers broader customization options and extensive third-party integrations compared to Re:amaze.
  4. Chat and Messaging: Re:amaze puts more emphasis on live chat and messaging functionalities with a strong presence in e-commerce and in-app support.
  5. Reporting: While both have reporting features, Freshdesk’s reports tend to be more advanced and customizable with additional predictive analytics.
  6. User Experience: Freshdesk has a more modern interface with a smoother user experience, while Re:amaze focuses on simplicity and ease of use for small to mid-sized teams.

Pros and Cons



  • Strong multi-channel support, including live chat and social media.
  • Simple to use with an intuitive interface, ideal for small to mid-sized businesses.
  • Good automation features for routine tasks.
  • Real-time customer engagement through robust chat and messaging functionalities.
  • Unified inbox that simplifies communication management.


  • Lacks advanced AI capabilities compared to competitors.
  • Limited customization and integration options.
  • Reporting and analytics features are not as in-depth as other tools.



  • Comprehensive AI and automation capabilities that enhance support efficiency.
  • Robust field service management capabilities.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics for in-depth performance insights.
  • Extensive customization options to tailor the tool to specific needs.
  • Strong collaboration tools to improve team efficiency.


  • Can be overwhelming for smaller teams due to its diverse feature set.
  • Higher learning curve compared to simpler tools.
  • Pricing can be relatively high, especially with advanced features.

Use Cases

  • Re:amaze

   Ideal for small to mid-sized businesses focusing on multi-channel customer engagement, real-time support, and simple yet effective helpdesk functionalities, particularly in e-commerce and in-app customer service.

  • Freshdesk

   Best suited for businesses looking for an advanced, highly customizable platform with strong AI and automation features, comprehensive reporting, and the ability to manage complex support and field service operations.


When choosing between Re:amaze and Freshdesk, businesses must consider their unique needs and operational complexities.

Re:amaze is ideal for smaller teams or businesses requiring a straightforward, user-friendly platform with excellent real-time engagement capabilities. It's particularly well-suited for e-commerce and in-app support scenarios.

Freshdesk, on the other hand, caters to larger organizations that demand advanced AI and automation, extensive customization, and robust field service management. Its comprehensive features and capabilities make it a solid choice for businesses aiming to scale their support operations and analyze performance deeply.

In summary, smaller businesses or those focusing on direct customer interactions via chat and social channels may find Re:amaze more aligned with their needs. Conversely, larger enterprises or those needing extensive customization and automation capabilities might find Freshdesk to be the better fit.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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