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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Jira Service Management vs Gladly


When it comes to choosing the right ticketing tool to enhance your customer service and support management, two noteworthy options are Jira Service Management and Gladly. Both offer robust solutions but cater to different business needs and operational models.

Jira Service Management empowers Dev and Ops teams to collaborate at high-velocity, enabling them to respond to business changes and deliver exceptional customer and employee service experiences quickly.

On the other hand, Gladly is a radically personal customer service platform built around people, not cases or tickets. It provides a seamless, channel-independent conversation with customers, offering all the context needed to build long-term relationships and loyalty.

Comparing these tools is essential for selecting a solution that aligns with your unique business requirements, whether focusing on efficiency, customer relationships, or operational integration.

Jira Service Management Overview

Jira Service Management, developed by Atlassian, is a robust platform tailored for high-velocity teams aiming to enhance their service management. It is particularly beneficial for Dev and Ops teams seeking to collaborate efficiently, respond rapidly to changes, and deliver excellent service.

Key Features

  • Collaboration and Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Confluence, Bitbucket, and other Atlassian products, fostering collaboration across development and operations teams.
  • Automated Workflows: Offers workflow automation to reduce manual tasks and streamline processes.
  • Incident Management: Real-time incident alerts and tracking to enhance response times and resolution.
  • Service Request Management: Simplifies service request fulfillment with an efficient ticketing system.
  • Knowledge Management: Integrates with Confluence to provide a comprehensive knowledge base, improving information accessibility and employee self-service.
  • Customization: Allows extensive customization of workflows, fields, and forms to fit specific business needs.

Gladly Overview

Gladly is designed to transform customer service by focusing on people rather than tickets. It offers a unified view of customer interactions across all channels, promoting a personalized and consistent customer experience.

Key Features

  • Single Customer View: Provides a lifelong, history-rich conversation record, irrespective of the communication channel.
  • Omnichannel Support: Integrates email, chat, voice, messaging, and social media into a single platform, ensuring seamless support.
  • Customer Context: Displays detailed customer profiles and interaction history to inform every agent-customer interaction.
  • Agent Routing: Intelligent routing to direct customers to the most suitable agent based on context and expertise.
  • Customer Feedback: In-built tools for capturing customer feedback to enhance service quality continuously.
  • Integration capabilities: Integrates with CRM systems, eCommerce platforms, and other business tools to enrich customer data and streamline processes.


Jira Service Management and Gladly share several core functionalities:

  • Service Management Focus: Both tools are designed to improve service management, albeit in different ways—Jira for internal IT and operations, Gladly for customer interactions.
  • Integration Capabilities: Each platform offers extensive integrations with other software and tools, enhancing their versatility and usefulness.
  • Automation Features: Automation is a significant strength for both platforms, reducing manual workload and increasing efficiency.
  • Customizability: Both tools provide a high degree of customization to tailor the user experience to specific business needs.


While there are similarities, Jira Service Management and Gladly differ significantly in their approach and target audience:

  • Target Audience: Jira is primarily geared towards internal IT and Ops teams, whereas Gladly focuses on enhancing customer engagement for service teams.
  • Core Functionality: Jira emphasizes incident management, service request management, and workflow automation. Gladly centers around a unified customer conversation and omnichannel support.
  • User Interface: Jira’s interface is designed to manage projects and issues systematically, while Gladly offers a more intuitive, customer-centric interface.
  • Incident Management: Jira provides robust incident management tools suited for technical environments; Gladly’s focus is on enhancing customer service interactions.
  • Knowledge Management: Jira integrates deeply with Confluence to offer knowledge management capabilities. Gladly focuses instead on providing context through detailed customer interaction histories.

Pros and Cons

Jira Service Management


  • Integration with Atlassian Suite: Seamless collaboration with other Atlassian tools like Confluence and Bitbucket.
  • Operational Efficiency: Strong focus on incident and service request management streamlines operational tasks.
  • Customization: Highly customizable workflows and forms adapt to various business processes.
  • Real-time Updates: Real-time alerts and updates for incident management improve response times.


  • Complexity: May have a steeper learning curve for teams unfamiliar with the Atlassian ecosystem.
  • Customer Interaction: Lacks the depth of customer interaction tools found in platforms like Gladly.
  • Cost: Can become costly, especially for larger teams or organizations with extensive customization needs.



  • Customer-Centric: Built around customers, offering a singular view of their interactions for personalized service.
  • Omnichannel Support: Facilitates interaction across multiple channels seamlessly.
  • Ease of Use: Intuitive interface designed for customer service teams.
  • Customer Insights: Provides rich context and history for every customer interaction.


  • Operational Focus: Less effective for internal IT and operational workflows compared to Jira.
  • Complex Integrations: While offering integrations, syncing with certain platforms may require additional setup.
  • Scalability: May pose challenges for very large enterprises with complex internal processes unless tailored correctly.

Use Cases

Jira Service Management

  • Technical Support Teams: Ideal for IT departments handling internal service requests and incident management.
  • Operations Teams: Suitable for DevOps and operations teams needing to collaborate and respond quickly to issues.
  • Project Management: Effective for teams already using other Atlassian products who want to integrate project tracking with service management.
  • Knowledge Management: Teams looking to centralize their knowledge base and reduce informational silos.


  • Customer Service Teams: Perfect for customer service departments that prioritize personalized interactions and streamlined service.
  • Retail and E-Commerce: Beneficial for brands aiming to build long-term relationships with customers through consistent, omnichannel support.
  • Brand Loyalty Programs: Companies looking to enhance customer lifetime value through detailed interaction histories and personalized service.
  • Agent Empowerment: Great for organizations focusing on turning agents into heroes, offering them detailed customer context to improve service quality.


Comparing Jira Service Management and Gladly reveals unique strengths tailored to different aspects of service management. 

Jira Service Management excels in operational efficiency, incident management, and integration with the broader Atlassian suite. It’s ideal for technical teams and internal service operations looking to enhance collaboration and streamline workflows.

Gladly, conversely, prioritizes customer-centric service with its unified conversation view and omnichannel support. It is perfect for customer service teams focused on building lasting relationships and providing personalized experiences.

In choosing between Jira Service Management and Gladly, consider your primary needs: operational efficiency and internal collaboration favor Jira, while customer engagement and service quality point towards Gladly. Tailoring the choice to your specific business context will ensure you leverage the tool that best fits your objectives.

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