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June 6, 2024
XX min read

Kustomer vs ServiceNow


Customer service management and ticketing tools hold paramount importance in delivering seamless customer experiences and managing high support volumes. Two leading solutions in this domain are Kustomer and ServiceNow. 

Kustomer stands out as the first-of-its-kind customer service CRM platform, built with a mission to ease the customer service journey by optimizing experiences and enhancing support volume management. 

On the other hand, the Now Platform underpins ServiceNow's offerings as a unifying foundation for digital businesses. It drives transformation by promoting rapid building and automation, future-proofing technologies, and ensuring excellent user experiences through optimized processes, connected data, and accelerated innovation at scale.

Comparing these tools is crucial to identify the best fit for an organization's specific needs, thereby ensuring that customer support processes are efficient and user-friendly.

Kustomer Overview

Key Features

Kustomer prides itself on a variety of features designed to enhance the customer service experience:

  • Unified Customer View: It amalgamates data from various sources to present a consolidated view of the customer, enabling agents to deliver personalized support.
  • Automated Workflows: Offers robust automation capabilities to streamline routine tasks, reducing manual work and enabling agents to focus on complex issues.
  • Omni-channel Support: Integrates multiple support channels including email, chat, social media, and mobile for seamless customer interactions.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots: Leverages AI to offer intelligent routing, quick resolution suggestions, and chatbots to handle simple queries, thus improving efficiency.
  • Customizable Dashboards and Reports: Provides in-depth analytics and customizable dashboards to monitor team performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitates internal collaboration through shared notes and context-specific discussions.

ServiceNow Overview

Key Features

ServiceNow’s Now Platform brings together an extensive suite of features aimed at digital transformation:

  • Workflows Automation: Advanced capabilities to create, operate, and optimize workflows spanning various business functions.
  • Service Catalog and Request Management: Allows the creation of service catalogs enabling users to request and manage services with ease.
  • Incident Management: Efficient handling of incidents with automatic prioritization and routing based on predefined business rules.
  • Knowledge Management: Centralized repository to create, share, and manage organizational knowledge which improves resolution rates.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with other enterprise systems ensuring data consistency and improved process efficiency.
  • Customizable Dashboards and AI-driven Analytics: Provides comprehensive dashboards and AI-driven insights to help businesses make informed decisions.


Both Kustomer and ServiceNow feature robust functionalities that streamline customer service and support processes:

  • Automation: Both platforms offer workflow automation to minimize manual tasks and improve operational efficiency.
  • Omni-channel Support: They support multiple communication channels ensuring customers can reach out via their preferred method.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Integrate AI and machine learning to provide automated suggestions, routing, and handling of routine queries thereby increasing efficiency.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Provide deep analytics and customizable dashboards to monitor performance and derive insights.
  • Integration Capabilities: Both platforms can integrate with various existing systems, allowing a smooth transition and operational coherence.


While Kustomer and ServiceNow share similarities, their differences reflect their unique strengths and focus areas:

  • Core Focus: Kustomer is a CRM-first solution designed specifically to optimize customer service experiences, whereas ServiceNow is a broad digital transformation platform that spans IT, customer service, HR, and more.
  • User Interface: Kustomer features a user-centric, intuitive interface tailored for customer service agents while ServiceNow’s interface is highly configurable to meet the needs of various business units.
  • Incident Tracking: ServiceNow excels in IT incident management with robust capabilities, whereas Kustomer focuses more on customer interaction histories and experience management.
  • Workflow Scope: Kustomer’s workflows are centered around customer service processes, whereas ServiceNow offers enterprise-wide workflow solutions encompassing IT, HR, facilities, and more.
  • Collaboration Tools: Kustomer offers dedicated tools for agent collaboration on customer issues, whereas ServiceNow focuses more on collaboration across different business functions.

Pros and Cons



  • Specialized for Customer Service: Tailored for managing customer service interactions, making it a strong CRM for high-volume support.
  • User-friendly Interface: Simplified, intuitive design that helps agents quickly adapt and manage tasks efficiently.
  • AI Capabilities: Intelligent AI-powered features that enhance support efficiency and customer experience.
  • Omni-channel Integration: Seamless integration with multiple communication channels to provide a unified customer service experience.


  • Limited Scope Beyond Customer Service: Primarily focused on CRM and customer service, may not be as versatile for broader enterprise needs.
  • Higher Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While easy to use at a basic level, mastering its advanced features may require training.



  • Comprehensive Platform: Extends beyond customer service, supporting IT, HR, and other enterprise functions.
  • Advanced Workflow and Automation: Powerful tooling for workflow automation that can be applied across the entire organization.
  • Superior Integration: Excellent integration capabilities with other enterprise systems ensuring well-rounded digital transformation.
  • Incident Management: Best-in-class incident management capabilities designed to enhance IT service management.


  • Complexity: Can be overwhelming for smaller teams due to its extensive features and capabilities.
  • Cost: Generally higher cost which may not be justifiable for businesses focused solely on customer service support.

Use Cases


Kustomer is ideal for scenarios where high volume customer service support is essential:

  • E-commerce Platforms: Businesses with large customer bases requiring efficient support and personalized services.
  • Service-Based Companies: Organizations offering after-sales and technical support where a detailed customer interaction history and experience optimization are crucial.
  • Customer-First Enterprises: Companies aiming to provide top-tier customer service experiences leveraging rich CRM functionalities and omni-channel support.


ServiceNow serves well in situations demanding comprehensive enterprise support and digital transformation:

  • Large Enterprises: Organizations seeking a unified platform for IT service management, HR, facility management, and beyond.
  • Complex IT Environments: Businesses with extensive IT infrastructure needing sophisticated incident management and IT workflow automation.
  • Organizational Integration: Enterprises needing to break down silos across departments and streamline enterprise-wide workflows.


In comparing Kustomer and ServiceNow, each offers unique advantages suited to different organizational needs. Kustomer shines in specialized customer service scenarios with its CRM-first approach and focus on enhancing the customer experience. ServiceNow stands out as a comprehensive platform driving digital transformation across multiple business functions, from IT to HR.

For businesses focused predominantly on high-volume customer interactions and CRM capabilities, Kustomer is a fitting choice. On the other hand, enterprises looking for a versatile, all-encompassing digital transformation platform would benefit more from ServiceNow.

Ultimately, the decision hinges on whether an organization seeks depth in customer service CRM or breadth across enterprise transformation functionalities. Both platforms are robust solutions that, when chosen correctly, can significantly uplift business efficiencies and customer satisfaction.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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