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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Gladly vs Kustomer


When it comes to customer service management, finding the most suitable tool is essential for maintaining high standards and meeting customer expectations. Two notable tools in this category are Gladly and Kustomer, both offering specialized features to optimize customer service experiences.

Gladly is a radically personal customer service platform that focuses on people rather than cases or tickets. It enables customer service agents to provide a lifelong, channel-independent conversation, equipped with all necessary context to build lasting customer connections and loyalty. Brands like Ralph Lauren, Allbirds, Bombas, Crate&Barrel, Ulta Beauty, and Warby Parker have leveraged Gladly to enhance customer loyalty, increase lifetime value, and create more efficient, empowered service teams. Their philosophy is rooted in creating "loyalty through service."

On the other hand, Kustomer serves as a pioneering customer service CRM platform tailored for managing high support volumes by enhancing experiences throughout the customer service journey. This tool aims to streamline operations and ensure every customer interaction is smoothly managed, providing robust features that scale with growing support demands.

Comparing these customer service tools is critical for any business striving to deliver exceptional support. Each tool has its own strengths, weaknesses, and unique features that could make a significant difference in specific business environments.

Gladly overview

Key Features

  • People-Centric Approach: Unlike traditional ticketing systems, Gladly organizes customer interactions around people. This ensures a seamless, context-rich conversation history, making it easier for agents to provide personalized support.
  • Unified Communication Channels: Gladly integrates various communication channels such as email, chat, phone, SMS, social media, and more. It ensures that customer interactions from different channels are unified in a single thread.
  • Customized Agent Dashboards: The intuitive dashboards provide agents with all relevant customer information at their fingertips, which facilitates quicker response times and more personalized interactions.
  • Customer Insights and History: Gladly captures and consolidates customer history across interactions, giving agents insights that help in providing a memorable and effective customer experience.
  • Proactive Customer Support: With features like real-time notifications and proactive outreach, businesses can stay one step ahead in addressing customer needs.
  • Collaboration Tools: The platform supports internal collaboration among customer service agents and teams, ensuring that complex issues are managed effectively.
  • Automation and AI Integration: Gladly leverages AI to automate routine tasks, route inquiries intelligently, and provide agents with actionable recommendations.

Kustomer Overview

Key Features

  • CRM-Centric Platform: Kustomer stands out by combining CRM capabilities with customer service functionalities, enabling businesses to manage and analyze every aspect of the customer journey.
  • Omnichannel Support: It offers omnichannel support by amalgamating conversations from different channels (email, chat, phone, SMS, social media) into a single customer timeline.
  • Automated Workflows: Kustomer provides robust automation features, streamlining repetitive tasks and ensuring that support teams can focus on more complex issues.
  • Powerful Integrations: It integrates seamlessly with various other tools and platforms like e-commerce platforms, payment systems, and marketing tools, creating a comprehensive customer service environment.
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Kustomer provides in-depth analytics and reporting to help businesses understand performance metrics, customer satisfaction ratings, and other key data.
  • Self-Service Options: The platform supports the creation and management of self-service portals and knowledge bases, allowing customers to find answers independently.
  • Customizable Workspaces: Agents can customize their workspaces, offering adaptability based on individual or team preferences.


Both Gladly and Kustomer share common features as top-tier customer service tools:

  • Unified Communication Channels: Both platforms integrate various communication channels, ensuring that all customer interactions are centralized for easy access and management.
  • Context-Rich Interactions: Both tools maintain detailed customer histories and context to enhance the quality of support provided.
  • Automation: Each platform uses automation to streamline workflows and free up agents to handle more complex issues.
  • Advanced Analytics: In-depth analytics and reporting capabilities to measure support team performance and customer satisfaction.
  • Collaboration: Tools that foster collaboration among support teams to tackle complicated customer service issues effectively.


Examining the distinctions between Gladly and Kustomer reveals the strengths and tailored functionalities of each platform:

  • Core Focus: Gladly is people-centric, prioritizing personalized conversations and connections. Kustomer, however, integrates CRM functionalities, focusing on managing and optimizing the entire customer journey.
  • Workspace Customization: While both allow some customization, Kustomer offers more flexibility with custom workspaces tailored to various roles within the support team.
  • Proactive vs. Reactive: Gladly emphasizes proactive customer support using real-time notifications and proactive outreach. Kustomer tends towards streamlining reactive support through automation and efficient management of high-volume interactions.
  • Use of AI: While both tools utilize AI, their implementation differs. Gladly's AI focuses on automating tasks and routing inquiries, whereas Kustomer’s AI also aims to provide comprehensive insights throughout the customer journey.

Pros and Cons



  • Unified customer interactions around people, not tickets.
  • Seamless integration of various communication channels.
  • Comprehensive customer insights with a rich context history.
  • Proactive support features enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Strong collaboration tools for internal teams.


  • May lack some CRM-specific functionalities.
  • Customization options might be limited compared to highly flexible platforms.
  • Could be complex to use initially for teams transitioning from traditional ticketing systems.



  • Combines CRM and customer service for a holistic management approach.
  • Extensive automation reduces repetitive tasks.
  • Advanced analytics offer deep insights into customer journey and performance.
  • Robust integrations with other tools and platforms.
  • Customizable workspaces enhance user adaptability.


  • CRM features might be overwhelming for those seeking a simple ticketing tool.
  • Potentially higher learning curve due to the breadth of functionalities.
  • May require more setup and maintenance to fully utilize all features.

Use Cases


  • Retail Brands: Ideal for brands focused on creating lifelong customer relationships and enhancing loyalty through personalized support.
  • Luxury Goods: Companies requiring high-touch, individualized customer service to provide a seamless and memorable experience.
  • Service-Oriented Businesses: Any business that aims to prioritize people over tickets to offer exceptional and proactive support.


  • E-commerce: Businesses needing to manage high support volumes efficiently while maintaining a complete view of the customer journey.
  • Subscription Services: Ideal for companies that require in-depth CRM capabilities combined with robust support tools to manage subscription lifecycles.
  • Tech Startups: Startups needing a scalable and flexible solution that integrates various business tools for comprehensive customer service management.


Comparing Gladly and Kustomer reveals that while both platforms share foundational similarities, they cater to slightly different aspects of customer service management. Gladly excels in providing a personalized, people-centered approach, making it ideal for businesses focused on building deep, lasting customer relationships. Its emphasis on proactive support and unified communication channels makes it particularly suitable for retail brands, luxury goods, and service-oriented businesses.

Conversely, Kustomer combines CRM capabilities with customer service, offering a comprehensive solution for managing high support volumes and optimizing the entire customer journey. This makes it a strong contender for e-commerce businesses, subscription services, and tech startups seeking a scalable, integrated platform.

To decide between Gladly and Kustomer, consider your business's specific needs. If your priority is creating personalized, lifelong customer connections with an emphasis on proactive support, Gladly is an excellent choice. However, if you require a robust CRM integration that can handle high support volumes and provide deep insights into customer interactions, Kustomer would be a more fitting solution.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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