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September 13, 2024
XX min read

Access PeopleHR vs Lucca


In the ever-evolving world of human resources, selecting the right Human Resources Information System (HRIS) can make or break the efficiency of HR operations within a company. Access PeopleHR and Lucca are two prominent players in this field, each offering a robust suite of tools designed to streamline HR tasks, improve data management, and enhance overall employee experiences.

Access PeopleHR is designed primarily for small to mid-sized businesses. It provides a comprehensive platform covering all key HR functions such as applicant tracking, personnel tracking, performance review, and more. One of its standout features is an employee-tracking database that allows users to create new employee records, fill in key contact information, and store documents. Access PeopleHR also offers unlimited document storage, enabling robust record-keeping for each employee profile.

Lucca, on the other hand, offers a suite of HR software focusing on transforming spreadsheets into interactive online services and streamlining internal management processes. Its capabilities span various HR domains, providing a more digital-first approach to managing HR activities.

Choosing between these two HRIS tools involves considering the specific needs of your organization. This comparison aims to dissect the features, similarities, differences, pros, cons, and unique characteristics of Access PeopleHR and Lucca to help you determine which might be the best fit.

Access PeopleHR Overview

Key Features

  • Applicant Tracking: Streamlines the recruitment process, allowing HR teams to track candidates from initial application through to hiring.
  • Personnel Tracking: Maintains comprehensive employee records, covering personal details, job history, and performance records.
  • Performance Review: Facilitates regular performance evaluations, enabling managers to provide feedback and set objectives.
  • Unlimited Document Storage: Allows users to attach an unlimited number of documents to employee profiles, ensuring thorough record-keeping.
  • Employee Self-Service: Provides employees with access to their personal information and documents, allowing them to manage some of their own HR tasks.
  • Leave Management: Simplifies the process of requesting and tracking leave, with built-in approval workflows.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Offers a range of customizable reports to gain insights into various HR metrics and performance indicators.

Lucca Overview

Key Features

  • Digitalizing Spreadsheets: Converts traditional HR spreadsheets into interactive online services, enhancing data management and accessibility.
  • Payroll Management: Integrates with various payroll systems to ensure accurate and timely compensation processes.
  • Time and Attendance Tracking: Automates attendance records and time tracking, reducing manual efforts and errors.
  • Employee Self-Service Portals: Empowers employees to manage their personal information, submit leave requests, and access company documents.
  • Talent Management: Covers the entire talent lifecycle, from recruitment to development and retention.
  • Expense Management: Simplifies expense reporting and reimbursement processes, ensuring compliance and transparency.
  • Customizable Workflows: Allows HR teams to create and manage their workflows suited to organizational needs.


Both Access PeopleHR and Lucca offer comprehensive HRIS solutions designed to streamline various aspects of human resource management. Here are some key similarities:

  • Employee Self-Service Portals: Both platforms offer self-service portals that enable employees to manage their personal information and some HR tasks.
  • Applicant Tracking: Recruiting and managing job applicants is a feature common to both, aiding HR departments in streamlining the hiring process.
  • Leave Management: Each tool provides robust leave management systems to help HR teams track and approve leave requests seamlessly.
  • Document Storage: Both solutions offer document management capabilities, although Access PeopleHR shines with unlimited storage.
  • Performance Review: Both platforms include functionalities to facilitate regular performance evaluations.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Each tool offers customizable reports to help organizations gain insights and make data-driven decisions.
  • Time and Attendance Tracking: Automates the process of keeping track of hours worked by employees.


Despite their similarities, Access PeopleHR and Lucca also have distinct differences that cater to different organizational needs:

  • Ease of Use: Access PeopleHR is designed for smaller to mid-sized companies and boasts a more intuitive interface for users who may not be as tech-savvy. Lucca targets a broader range, offering more advanced features that might require a steeper learning curve.
  • Document Storage: Access PeopleHR offers unlimited document storage, making it particularly strong in this area. Lucca also offers document management but is not specifically noted for unlimited storage.
  • Focus Areas: While Access PeopleHR covers core HR functions extensively, Lucca’s strength lies in its ability to turn traditional spreadsheets into interactive online services and streamline broader internal management processes.
  • Payroll Integration: Lucca offers extensive payroll integration options, which may be more advanced compared to Access PeopleHR.
  • Customization: Lucca provides more opportunities for custom workflows and configurations, catering to specific organizational needs.
  • Use Case Focus: Access PeopleHR focuses primarily on traditional HR functions such as employee tracking and performance reviews, whereas Lucca offers extended functionalities like expense management.

Pros and Cons

Access PeopleHR


  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy for small to mid-sized businesses to navigate without extensive training.
  • Unlimited Document Storage: Ensures comprehensive record-keeping without the worry of running out of space.
  • Comprehensive Core HR Features: Covers essential HR functions extensively.
  • Employee Self-Service: Empowers employees to manage their information, reducing the workload on HR teams.
  • Performance Management: Facilitates ongoing performance evaluation, critical for employee development.


  • Limited Advanced Customization: May not offer the level of workflow customization suitable for larger or more complex organizations.
  • Basic Payroll Integration: Compared to Lucca, payroll integration options may be limited.
  • May Lack Some Advanced Features: Organizations looking for more specialized HR tools may find Access PeopleHR lacking in certain areas.



  • Advanced Payroll Integration: Ensures seamless and accurate payroll processes.
  • Customizable Workflows: Allows for tailored HR processes suited to specific organizational needs.
  • Digital Spreadsheet Conversion: Transforms traditional HR management into a more interactive and digital-first approach.
  • Comprehensive Suite of Tools: Offers a wider range of HR tools beyond just basic functionalities.
  • Expense Management: Streamlines expense reporting and ensures transparency.


  • Steeper Learning Curve: May require more training and time to get used to, especially for non-tech-savvy users.
  • Potential Overkill for Small Businesses: Some features may be too advanced or unnecessary for smaller companies.
  • Document Storage: Not specifically noted for unlimited document storage like Access PeopleHR.

Use Cases

Access PeopleHR

Ideal for:

  • Small to Mid-Sized Businesses: Organizations with limited resources looking for an easy-to-use, comprehensive HR solution.
  • Companies Needing Extensive Document Management: Businesses that require robust document storage and management.


Ideal for:

  • Organizations with Complex HR Needs: Larger companies or those with specialized HR processes requiring advanced customization.
  • Businesses Leveraging Digital Transformations: Companies looking to digitalize HR operations extensively, moving away from traditional management practices.
  • Expense-Heavy Organizations: Firms that deal with substantial employee expenses and need a streamlined, transparent expense management system.


In navigating the comparison between Access PeopleHR and Lucca, each HRIS tool offers distinct advantages based on specific organizational needs. Access PeopleHR is particularly well-suited for small to mid-sized businesses seeking a user-friendly, comprehensive HR solution with robust document management capabilities. Its simplicity and accessibility make it an excellent choice for companies with straightforward HR requirements.

Conversely, Lucca is geared towards larger organizations or those with more complex HR needs. Its advanced payroll integrations, customizable workflows, and digital-first approach make it a powerful tool for businesses looking to modernize their HR operations comprehensively.

Ultimately, the decision between Access PeopleHR and Lucca boils down to your business’s size, complexity, and specific HR management priorities. For streamlined, core HR functionalities with easy navigation, Access PeopleHR stands out. For a more advanced, customizable, and digital HR suite, Lucca is likely the better choice. Consider your organization’s unique needs and how each solution aligns with your strategic HR objectives to make the most informed decision.

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