안녕하세요, 우리는 구루입니다. 👋

정보 과부하의 시대에, 우리는 소음을 뚫고 모든 팀이 최고의 작업을 수행하는 데 필요한 신뢰할 수 있는 정보를 제공하는 것을 우리의 사명으로 삼았습니다. 함께 하시겠습니까?

우리의 리더십 팀

Rick Nucci childhood photoRick Nucci headshot
릭 누치
공동 창립자, CEO
Mitch Stewart childhood photoMitch Stewart headshot
미치 스튜어트
공동 창립자, CTO
Dennis Sevilla childhood photoDennis Sevilla headshot
데니스 세비야
COO 및 재무 책임자
Jess Lantis childhood photoJessica Lantis headshot
제스 란티스
인사 부서 VP
에드 브레넌
엔지니어링 부서 VP
조아 에반스
제품 디자인 부서 VP
힐러리 커런
고객 솔루션 엔지니어링 선임 이사
크리스틴 리차드슨
크리에이티브 디렉터
톰 레이스
신규 및 기존 계정 선임 관리자
우리의 투자자들
Our company core values
Seek and share knowledge
Learn and grow together. Great minds think differently.
Create advocates
Every contribution is a customer experience. Empower customers.
Don't take yourself too seriously
Have a curious mind. Openness over ego.
Embrace the journey
Be intentional. Have a marathon mindset.
Give and receive graciously
Give to yourself, your colleagues, and your community.

Diversity at Guru

We know that diverse teams do better, so we created an intentional and deliberate strategy to ensure we're actively building one. We continuously refine our hiring practices, track metrics, educate our team, and partner with our community. As Guru grows, we're committed to creating a work experience where all employees feel a sense of inclusivity and belonging.

Work from anywhere

Work from our hub office, the comfort of your own home, a combination of both, or choose your own adventure! You're the best person to decide where you do your best work.

Perks and benefits

Healthcare, unlimited vacation time, free snacks—the only thing we're not generous with is room to list all of our perks right here.
View our benefits one-sheet
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Our flexible PTO policy and Work From Anywhere policy give you the ability to do your best work where you see fit. Employees can work from our hub office in Philadelphia, as often as they like, or can be 100% remote.

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