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ما هو بحث المؤسسات؟ Definition, Benefits, and Examples

كم عدد تطبيقات مكان العمل التي تستخدمها شركتك؟ If it’s anything like the average company, the answer is over 200!

That’s more than 200 applications in which useful information can be siloed, lost, and left beyond the reach of team members who might need it.

While most of the apps your company uses presumably add a lot of value and increase productivity in some ways, they also could be reducing productivity too–silently.

With so many apps to navigate, it’s harder than ever for employees to find the information they need to do their jobs. They often don’t know which apps store what information. And even when they do, they struggle to find the specific information they’re looking for.

It’s an issue that’s quietly dragging down the efficiency of teams everywhere. And it’s an issue that a growing number of companies are solving with enterprise search software.

This is a rapidly evolving software category that gives employees the ability to search across their internal data, files, and applications to access the information they need more easily.

Read on to learn what enterprise search is, how it works, and what features to look for when considering an enterprise search platform in 2024.

Enterprise Search Definition

Enterprise search is a type of workplace software that employees use to search across their company’s internal data, documentation, and applications and quickly find the information they’re looking for.

It is sometimes nicknamed ‘Google for work’ or ‘ChatGPT for work’ because it offers a similar user experience to those products. And it’s sometimes referred to as cognitive search or an insights engine.

There are a few different types of enterprise search, including unified search, federated search, and enterprise search. These types of enterprise search are broadly similar but have subtle yet important differences. Let’s take a look at each one in more detail.

ما هو البحث الفيدرالي؟

Federated search is a type of technology that allows users to search across multiple content sources, data repositories, and software applications from a single user interface. With federated search, each digital location is indexed separately and results are usually provided as a list of sources.

A key benefit of federated search is its ability to give users a single point of access to a vast range of data. One drawback however is that results are not organized by relevance, meaning users may get some unuseful or duplicative results.

ما هو البحث الموحد؟

Unified search is a technology with which users can search across a wide range of data sources, content repositories, and information silos from a single application. It differs from federated search because instead of indexing each content source separately, it creates one unified index. This means that the results provided by unified search software are organized by relevance, automatically deduplicated, and generally more useful than those provided by a federated search tool.

An upside of unified search is the relevance of the search results it can provide to a user. A downside is the fact that, in some cases, unified search platforms can only connect to a limited number of sources, meaning their reach is limited.

ما هو البحث الخاص بالمؤسسات؟

بحث المؤسسات هو فئة من التكنولوجيا التي تمنح المستخدمين القدرة على البحث عبر مستودعات ضخمة من البيانات - بما في ذلك الوثائق وقواعد المعرفة والملفات - من شريط بحث واحد. This type of enterprise search leverages artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing to generate unique answers to each query, sourced from the data it has access to.

It is emerging as the most effective type of enterprise search because of its ability to provide instant answers to users’ questions. However, if an enterprise search product doesn’t have a reliable mechanism for ensuring the accuracy of the answers it generates, users may find that results are sometimes untrustworthy.

كيف يعمل بحث المؤسسات؟

The value of enterprise search lies in its simplicity. But there’s a lot of complex technology at work in the background to create a simple experience for users–from connecting sources to indexing data to generating results. Let’s take a look at how enterprise search works.

  • Connecting: When a company purchases enterprise search software, the first thing it needs to do is set up “connectors.” Simply put, it has to give the enterprise search platform access to the apps it wants employees to be able to search across. Some enterprise search platforms come with built-in connectors. These are often the most popular applications in various software categories like file storage systems and CRM tools. Sources that aren’t natively built into an enterprise search product can usually be connected via APIs.
  • Crawling: When an enterprise search tool has a number of connectors set up, it can then crawl those sources. In other words, it can scan and extract data from them. Some of the data it indexes might be structured data, which is organized in a way that allows it to be easily searched and may include things like excel files. Other data may be unstructured data, which isn’t organized by design and may include things like documents, chat messages, and video transcripts.
  • Indexing: Once an enterprise search product has crawled a company’s sources and extracted data, it then indexes that data. In short, it organizes the data into relational databases, otherwise known as “indexes.” The indexing process is what ultimately makes the data findable by the enterprise search engine.
  • Querying: This is the part of the enterprise search process that users are most familiar with. When a user types a question into a search bar, the enterprise search engine will match that query to the relevant data that’s been indexed to provide a result.


ما هي فوائد بحث المؤسسات؟

More and more companies of all sizes are turning to enterprise search software to overcome app overload, break down silos, and give their employees a simple yet powerful way to access information. And many are seeing instant, impressive results. Here are some of the benefits of enterprise search software.

Improved employee productivity

عندما يكون لدى الموظفين المعرفة الجماعية لشركتهم متاحة أمامهم، فإنهم يقضون وقتاً أقل في البحث عن المعلومات أو التحقق المزدوج، ووقتاً أكثر في أداء العمل الذي تم توظيفهم للقيام به. Enterprise search has been shown to dramatically increase employee productivity.

Greater company efficiency

If every employee is able to access trusted information quickly and by extension improve their productivity, a company’s efficiency improves too. Decisions are made faster, projects are completed on time more often, and products are shipped at a quicker rate.

Higher customer satisfaction

يمكن أن يحسن بحث المؤسسات درجات رضا العملاء (CSAT) ودرجات نقاط صافي المروجين (NPS) للشركة. عندما يتمكن الموظفون الذين يتعاملون مع العملاء من العثور على معلومات موثوقة بسرعة، فهذا يعني أنهم قادرون على الاستجابة للعملاء بشكل أسرع وتقليل خطر مشاركة تفاصيل غير مكتملة أو غير دقيقة.

Better cross-team collaboration

لكي يتعاون الموظفون في فرق مختلفة بفعالية، يحتاجون إلى فهم أولويات وأعمال وقوة الفريق الآخر. In many modern workplaces, team-specific information is siloed in whatever tools each team uses. لكن مع بحث المؤسسات، من الممكن للموظفين الوصول إلى معرفة الفرق التي لا ينتمون إليها، ونتيجة لذلك تحسين جودة تعاونهم.

Lower costs through tool consolidation

When a company has an enterprise search tool working well, they may be able to cancel subscriptions to other tools and consolidate their tech stack. يتضمن منتج بحث المؤسسات من جورو إمكانيات ويكي و إنترانت ، مما يعني أن الشركات يمكن أن تستفيد من ثلاثة منتجات في منصة واحدة قوية.

ما هي أهم ميزات بحث المؤسسات؟

The enterprise search category has been growing in recent years, and with the breakthrough of generative AI technology, that growth is set to accelerate. 

Not all enterprise search products are the same, though. Some prioritize certain capabilities over others, but there are some features that are essential across the board. إليك نظرة عامة على الميزات الأهم التي يجب البحث عنها عند النظر في برنامج بحث المؤسسات لشركتك.

Connectors and integrations

The effectiveness of an enterprise search product often depends on the number of connectors it has, or the ease of adding new connectors. إذا كان لدى الشركة الكثير من البيانات في قاعدة معرفة أو منصة CRM ولكن لا يمكنها ربط ذلك بأداة بحث المؤسسات، فلن ترى الكثير من الفائدة. تعتبر المكونات التكاملات ضرورية لربط جميع أنظمة الشركة ومنح الموظفين الوصول إلى المعرفة الجماعية، بغض النظر عن مكان تخزينها.

Permission controls

For enterprise search software to add meaningful value to a company, it needs to have a water-tight permission control system in place. هذه هي المفتاح لضمان عدم مشاركة المعلومات الحساسة بشكل غير مقصود مع الموظفين الذين لا ينبغي لهم الوصول إليها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تساعد أدوات التحكم في الأذونات القوية في خلق تجربة أكثر تخصيصاً للمستخدمين، من خلال مشاركة النتائج التي تأخذ في الاعتبار دور الموظف، وسنّه، وموقعه، ونشاطه الأخير في المنصة.

Security and privacy

نظرًا لمدى الوصول إلى البيانات التي تمتلكها أداة بحث المؤسسات، فإن من الضروري أن يمتثل البرنامج لسياسات الأمان الخاصة بكل شركة، وأن يكون لديه الشهادات اللازمة مثل SOC2، وأن يلتزم باللوائح ذات الصلة لحماية البيانات، مثل GDPR. When an enterprise search product has robust security and privacy policies in place, users can be confident that their internal data will not be shared with any third-party without their knowledge.

Data accuracy

An enterprise search tool is only as good as the data it has access to. As the saying goes:bad data in, bad data out. لذلك، من الضروري أن يحتوي برنامج بحث المؤسسات على آلية لتقييم جودة البيانات التي يعتمد عليها لضمان أن المستخدمين يمكنهم الوثوق بالنتائج التي يحصلون عليها. This is a capability that Guru prides itself on, which is why we developed an AI training center to ensure that data quality is always improving.

Artificial intelligence

AI capabilities are no longer a “nice to have” in enterprise search software. إنها ضرورية. تحتاج منصات بحث المؤسسات الحديثة إلى منح الموظفين القدرة على كتابة سؤال أو استفسار، والبحث عبر جميع معلومات الشركة، والحصول على نتيجة شخصية باللغة الطبيعية. Generative AI technology plays a key role creating this type of experience and is now a fundamental feature of any enterprise search product.

Top Enterprise Search Software Platforms

In recent years the number of enterprise search products on the market has exploded, accelerated by advancements in AI technology. بفضل قدرتها على منح الموظفين وصولاً فوريًا إلى المعلومات المخزنة عبر تطبيقاتهم وأنظمتهم، فهي قادرة بشكل فريد على كسر الحواجز، وحل مشكلة الزيادة في التطبيقات، وزيادة إنتاجية الموظفين.

In this article we explained what enterprise search is, we explored some of its benefits, and outlined key features. إذا كنت تبحث عن خيارات بحث المؤسسات، اقرأ عن أفضل برامج بحث المؤسسات.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

ما هو بحث المؤسسات؟

Enterprise search is a type of workplace software that allows employees to quickly find information by searching across their company's internal data, documentation, and applications. There are a few different types of enterprise search, including unified search, federated search, and enterprise search, which are broadly similar but have subtle yet important differences.

ما هي الميزات الرئيسية لبحث المؤسسات؟

The key features of enterprise search are: connectors and integrations, permission controls, security and privacy, data accuracy, and artificial intelligence.

ما هي فوائد بحث المؤسسات؟

The benefits of enterprise search include higher productivity, better company efficiency, more satisfied customers, improved workplace collaboration, and cost savings as a result of consolidating tools.

كيف يعمل بحث المؤسسات؟

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