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September 13, 2024
XX min read

Access PeopleHR vs Namely


In an ever-evolving business landscape, finding the right HRIS (Human Resources Information System) tool is crucial for the efficient management of human resources. Two prominent players in this space are Access PeopleHR and Namely. Designed for small to mid-sized businesses, Access PeopleHR provides a platform for all key HR functions, including applicant tracking, personnel tracking, performance review, and more. The system includes an employee-tracking database, that allows users to create new employee records, fill in key contact information, and store documents. Access PeopleHR includes unlimited document storage, so users can attach as much paperwork as necessary to each employee profile.

Namely, on the other hand, offers modern, intuitive HCM solutions including scalable technology, expert-managed payroll and benefits services, and fully comprehensive professional employer services. This comparison will delve deep into the features, similarities, differences, and general pros and cons of these two HRIS tools, helping you decide which might be the best fit for your business.

Access PeopleHR Overview

Access PeopleHR is a comprehensive HRIS tool that aims to streamline HR processes for small to mid-sized businesses. Below are some of its key features:

Key Features

  • Applicant Tracking: Facilitates the entire recruitment process from job posting to onboarding new hires.
  • Personnel Tracking: Maintains an up-to-date employee database including contact information, job history, and performance records.
  • Performance Reviews: Allows for structured performance evaluations, goal tracking, and feedback.
  • Unlimited Document Storage: Provides ample storage for all documents related to each employee's profile.
  • Employee Self-Service: Empowers employees to manage their own profiles, request leaves, and update their information.
  • Compliance Tracking: Ensures that all HR activities are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Namely Overview

Namely is structured to cater to various HR functions while offering scalability that meets the needs of growing businesses. Below are its key features:

Key Features

  • Scalable Technology: Supports growing businesses with flexible and intuitive HR solutions.
  • Payroll Services: Offers expert-managed payroll processing, which can be customized according to business needs.
  • Benefits Administration: Comprehensive benefits management, including healthcare plans and employee benefits.
  • Professional Employer Services: Provides access to HR experts and additional administrative support.
  • Employee Self-Service: Endows employees with the capability to manage their records, benefits, and payroll information.
  • Performance Management: Facilitates goal setting, reviews, and feedback, allowing for better employee performance tracking.


Both Access PeopleHR and Namely aim to simplify HR processes, albeit with slightly different approaches. Common features include:

  • Employee Self-Service: Both tools allow employees to manage their profiles and access relevant information.
  • Performance Management: Both platforms offer structured systems for performance reviews and goal tracking.
  • Data Storage: Each system provides robust data storage solutions for employee records.


While Access PeopleHR and Namely share several core functionalities, there are distinct differences worth noting:

  • Target Audience: Access PeopleHR is more focused on small to mid-sized businesses, whereas Namely is scalable for rapidly growing companies.
  • Payroll and Benefits: Namely provides expert-managed payroll and benefits services, which might be more extensive compared to Access PeopleHR's offerings.
  • Professional Services: Namely offers comprehensive professional employer services, including access to HR experts; this feature is less emphasized by Access PeopleHR.
  • User Interface: Namely is often lauded for its modern, intuitive interface, whereas Access PeopleHR focuses more on extensive technical functionalities.

Pros and Cons

Access PeopleHR


  • Comprehensive HR Functions: Covers all major HR processes such as recruitment, personnel tracking, and performance reviews.
  • User-Friendly: Easy to navigate for small to mid-sized businesses.
  • Unlimited Document Storage: No restrictions on document storage per employee profile.
  • Compliance Tools: Ensures adherence to HR regulations.


  • Limited Scalability: May not be as suitable for rapidly growing businesses.
  • Basic Payroll Functions: Payroll and benefits services are less comprehensive compared to specialized solutions.



  • Scalable: Grows with your business and adapts to increasing HR needs.
  • Expert-Managed Services: Offers payroll and benefits managed by experts, reducing administrative burdens.
  • Modern Interface: User-friendly and visually appealing interface.
  • Professional Employer Services: Provides additional support and HR expertise.


  • Higher Cost: May be more expensive due to its extensive services.
  • Complex Setup: Initial implementation might require more time and resources.

Use Cases

Access PeopleHR

  • Small to Mid-Sized Businesses: Ideal for companies with straightforward HR needs that require a robust but user-friendly system.
  • Compliance-Focused Organizations: Businesses needing to ensure HR activities align with regulations.
  • Document-Heavy HR Departments: Perfect for companies requiring extensive document storage and retrieval.


  • Growing Enterprises: Suitable for businesses anticipating growth and requiring scalable HR solutions.
  • Payroll-Intensive Companies: Ideal for organizations needing comprehensive payroll management.
  • Benefit-Rich Workplaces: Perfect for companies offering extensive employee benefits and requiring expert administration.
  • Expert-Need Organizations: Businesses that benefit from additional HR professional services and access to HR experts.


In comparing Access PeopleHR and Namely, it is clear that both HRIS tools offer valuable features tailored to different organizational needs. Access PeopleHR stands out with its comprehensive, user-friendly approach suitable for small to mid-sized businesses. Its unlimited document storage and compliance tracking features make it an excellent choice for businesses focused on maintaining organized records and adhering to regulations.

Namely excels in scalability and offers extensive payroll and benefits management services, combined with a modern interface and professional employer services. This makes it an attractive option for growing businesses that value expert-managed services and comprehensive HR support.

Ultimately, the choice between Access PeopleHR and Namely depends on your business size, growth trajectory, and specific HR needs. Access PeopleHR may be the best fit for businesses looking for an intuitive and comprehensive HRIS tool, whereas Namely might be more suitable for rapidly expanding companies needing scalable solutions with extensive benefits and payroll management.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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