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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Nmbrs vs ChartHop


In the modern HR landscape, organizations seek robust tools to manage their HR and payroll processes efficiently. Two notable Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) tools in this space are Nmbrs and ChartHop. Nmbrs BV is recognized for its cutting-edge online HR and payroll applications, leveraging the latest Microsoft technologies. In contrast, ChartHop is a dynamic People Operations Platform designed to unify and visualize people data, fostering organizational insights and alignment. This comparison delves into these tools' features, similarities, and differences, helping you determine the best fit for your organization.

Nmbrs Overview

Nmbrs BV is an IT-service provider specializing in online HR and payroll applications. Employing the latest Microsoft technologies, Nmbrs aims to streamline HR processes and payroll management through advanced software solutions.

Key Features

  • HR and Payroll Integration: Nmbrs seamlessly integrates HR and payroll functions, ensuring accurate and timely salary processing.
  • Employee Self-Service Portal: Offers a user-friendly portal where employees can access payslips, manage personal information, and submit leave requests.
  • Automated Workflows: Automates routine HR tasks such as onboarding, performance reviews, and leave management.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Provides customizable dashboards for HR metrics, offering real-time insights into key HR data.
  • Compliance Management: Features tools to ensure adherence to local labor laws and tax regulations.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Supports integration with various external systems and applications.

ChartHop Overview

ChartHop is a comprehensive People Operations Platform designed to unify and visualize all people data, facilitating insights, alignment, and informed decision-making within organizations.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Org Charts: Automatically updates organizational charts, reflecting real-time changes in team structure and roles.
  • Data Visualization: Provides powerful data visualization tools for workforce analytics, compensation planning, and performance tracking.
  • Employee Profiles: Creates detailed employee profiles with data on roles, skills, performance, and compensation.
  • Collaboration Tools: Supports cross-departmental collaboration through shared insights and planning features.
  • Scenario Planning: Allows for scenario planning to visualize the impact of organizational changes on headcount and budget.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrates with various HR tools, including performance management, payroll systems, and more.


Both Nmbrs and ChartHop offer robust solutions for HR management:

  • Comprehensive HR Tools: Both platforms provide extensive features for managing HR processes effectively.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Enable users to create custom views of HR metrics and data.
  • Employee Self-Service: Both solutions offer portals where employees can manage their information and perform certain HR-related tasks.
  • Automated Workflows: Automate routine HR processes such as onboarding and performance evaluations.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Support integration with various other systems to extend functionality.
  • Data Security: Prioritize data security and compliance with relevant regulations.


Nmbrs and ChartHop cater to different aspects of HR management, distinguishing themselves in several ways:

  • Primary Focus: Nmbrs emphasizes HR and payroll integration, while ChartHop focuses on people data visualization and operational insights.
  • Org Chart Management: ChartHop excels in dynamic org chart creation and scenario planning, which Nmbrs lacks.
  • Data Visualization: ChartHop offers advanced tools for visualizing workforce data, whereas Nmbrs primarily focuses on HR and payroll metrics.
  • Compliance Management: Nmbrs provides comprehensive tools for compliance with local labor laws and tax regulations, which is less pronounced in ChartHop.
  • User Interface: Nmbrs boasts a user-friendly interface for managing HR tasks, while ChartHop’s interface is designed for in-depth data analysis and visualization.

Pros and Cons



  • Seamless HR and Payroll Integration: Simplifies payroll processing with integrated HR features.
  • Compliance Tools: Robust compliance management to ensure adherence to local regulations.
  • User-Friendly Portal: Employee self-service portal enhances user experience.
  • Automation: Effective automation of routine HR tasks.


  • Limited Data Visualization: Less focused on advanced data analytics compared to ChartHop.
  • Org Chart Management: Lacks dynamic org chart creation and scenario planning features.
  • Scalability: May not be as scalable for larger enterprises with complex needs.



  • Advanced Visualization: Exceptional tools for visualizing and analyzing people data.
  • Dynamic Org Charts: Automatically updates org charts in real-time.
  • Scenario Planning: Allows for effective planning of organizational changes.
  • Collaboration Features: Supports cross-departmental collaboration for HR planning.


  • Compliance Management: Less emphasis on compliance tools compared to Nmbrs.
  • Payroll Integration: Lacks integrated payroll processing features.
  • Learning Curve: May require more time for users to become familiar with its advanced features.

Use Cases


  • Small to Medium-sized Businesses: Ideal for organizations needing integrated HR and payroll solutions.
  • Compliance-focused Entities: Suitable for businesses that require robust compliance management with local regulations.
  • User-friendly Interface: Best for companies seeking a straightforward and user-friendly HR platform.


  • Data-driven Organizations: Perfect for companies that prioritize data visualization and insights for decision-making.
  • Dynamic Workforce Management: Beneficial for organizations that frequently re-organize or plan significant organizational changes.
  • Collaboration-heavy Environments: Useful for teams that require extensive collaboration and shared planning features.


Both Nmbrs and ChartHop offer powerful tools for managing HR functions, but they cater to different needs. Nmbrs excels in integrating HR and payroll processes with strong compliance tools, making it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses focused on payroll accuracy and regulatory adherence. On the other hand, ChartHop shines with its advanced data visualization, dynamic org charts, and collaboration features, making it ideal for data-driven organizations and those requiring detailed workforce analytics.

When choosing between Nmbrs and ChartHop, consider your organization's specific needs. If compliance and payroll integration are your top priorities, Nmbrs is the clear choice. However, if you seek dynamic visualization of people data and robust scenario planning, ChartHop is the better fit. Both tools provide valuable benefits, and the decision should align with your operational goals and HR management strategies.

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