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August 16, 2024
XX min read

HR Partner vs Lano


When choosing an HRIS (Human Resource Information System) tool, the decision can significantly impact the efficiency and satisfaction of HR managers and their teams. Two popular HRIS tools in the market are HR Partner and Lano. HR Partner is a beautifully designed, easy-to-use Human Resource management tool for small to medium businesses. It enables you to track and keep all sorts of employment-related information against each of your employees, including training, education, absences, company assets on loan, general notes, performance reviews, skills, and many others. On the other hand, Lano is a cloud-based compliance and payments platform. It provides a unified solution for hiring, managing, and paying employees and contractors in full compliance in over 150 countries worldwide, without setting up a legal entity.

Comparing HRIS tools like HR Partner and Lano is crucial for finding the best fit for your organization, as each tool offers unique features and benefits that may better align with specific business needs.

HR Partner Overview

HR Partner is designed with small to medium-sized businesses in mind, offering a user-friendly interface that simplifies human resource management tasks.

Key Features

  • Employee Database: Store and manage comprehensive employee records, including personal information, job details, and contact info.
  • Document Management: Keep track of all employee-related documents such as contracts, performance reviews, and certifications.
  • Absence Tracking: Monitor and record employee leave and absences, ensuring accurate tracking.
  • Performance Reviews: Conduct and store performance appraisals, providing a clear overview of employee performance over time.
  • Training & Development: Track employee training and development activities, helping to identify skill gaps and development opportunities.
  • Recruitment Module: Simplify the recruitment process with tools for job postings, applicant tracking, and candidate evaluation.
  • Compliance Tracking: Manage compliance with legal and company regulations regarding employee information and records.

Lano Overview

Lano focuses on providing a comprehensive solution for global workforce management, which includes compliance and payment capabilities.

Key Features

  • Global Hiring Compliance: Hire employees and contractors in over 150 countries without the need to set up local legal entities.
  • Unified Payroll: Centralize payroll operations to manage payments for both local and international team members efficiently.
  • Automated Payments: Streamline the payment process with automated payments to employees and contractors.
  • Time Tracking: Track employee work hours and ensure accurate compensation for time worked.
  • Expense Management: Simplify the management of employee expenses and reimbursements.
  • Worker Classification: Ensure correct worker classification to stay compliant with local labor laws.
  • Onboarding: Seamlessly onboard new employees and contractors, ensuring they meet all compliance requirements.


Despite their different focuses, HR Partner and Lano share several similarities as HRIS tools:

  • Employee Record Management: Both platforms offer robust capabilities for storing and managing employee records.
  • Onboarding: Each tool provides features that facilitate the onboarding process for new hires.
  • Compliance: Ensuring compliance with local labor laws and regulations is a key feature for both HR Partner and Lano.
  • Document Management: Both HR Partner and Lano have functionalities for managing and storing necessary employee documents.


Though HR Partner and Lano have similarities, their distinctions make them suitable for different types of businesses:

  • Target Audience: HR Partner is designed primarily for small to medium-sized businesses, whereas Lano is geared towards companies with a global workforce.
  • Global Reach: Lano provides a solution for managing employees and contractors in over 150 countries, while HR Partner focuses more on domestic HR functions.
  • Payment and Compliance: Lano excels in offering a unified payroll and automated payment system for international teams, which HR Partner doesn't provide.
  • Focus Area: HR Partner emphasizes comprehensive HR management including performance reviews and training, while Lano emphasizes compliance and payment management for a globally distributed workforce.

Pros and Cons

HR Partner


  • User-friendly interface designed for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Comprehensive employee database management.
  • Strong performance review and training tracking features.
  • Effective absence and document management.
  • Simplified recruitment modules.


  • Lacks extensive global compliance and payment management features.
  • Primarily suited for domestic rather than international operations.
  • May require integration with other tools for payroll and international hiring.



  • Excellent for managing a global workforce in over 150 countries.
  • Unified payroll and automated payments streamline financial management.
  • Ensures compliance with local labor laws worldwide.
  • Effective worker classification to avoid misclassification issues.
  • Comprehensive time tracking and expense management.


  • May be overly complex for small businesses with a primarily domestic focus.
  • Can be more expensive due to global compliance features.
  • Less focus on performance review and internal training tracking compared to HR Partner.

Use Cases

  • HR Partner: Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses looking for an easy-to-use HRIS tool to manage employee records, performance reviews, training, and recruitment efforts. It's particularly suited for companies that operate primarily within a single country and need a comprehensive HR management solution without the complexity of global compliance.

  • Lano: Best suited for companies with a global workforce that need to manage hiring, payments, and compliance across multiple countries. Lano is perfect for businesses that handle international employees and contractors without having to set up local legal entities, ensuring seamless global operations and compliance.


Choosing between HR Partner and Lano depends largely on the specific needs and operational scope of your business. HR Partner is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses looking for a comprehensive, user-friendly HR management tool focused on performance reviews, training, and recruitment. It streamlines HR processes within a domestic context but may need additional integrations for expanded functionalities.

Lano, on the other hand, stands out as a robust solution for companies managing an international workforce. Its ability to handle global compliance, unified payroll, and automated payments makes it indispensable for businesses operating across multiple countries. While it may be more complex and costly than HR Partner, its features offer unparalleled convenience for global HR operations.

Ultimately, the decision should be guided by your business size, geographic scope, and specific HR management needs. For domestic-focused, small to medium-sized enterprises, HR Partner is the tool of choice. For globally operating organizations needing robust compliance and payment solutions, Lano offers unparalleled value.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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