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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Top Alternatives to Gong Calls


Gong is a leading revenue intelligence platform designed for sales teams of all sizes. It captures and analyzes customer interactions, with a focus on sales calls, to provide actionable insights. Gong's system includes advanced call recording, transcription, and analysis features that help sales professionals understand customer needs, track deal progress, and identify coaching opportunities. Users can review detailed call summaries, extract key quotes, and monitor conversation trends. Gong's insights enable sales teams to improve their strategies, optimize performance, and drive revenue growth. 

Considering alternatives to Gong is essential, as it allows you to find a solution that best fits your specific needs. By exploring different options, you can ensure that the chosen platform aligns well with your sales process, team requirements, and business objectives.

Alternative 1: is a prominent conversation intelligence platform used by sales teams to capture, analyze, and improve interactions with prospects and customers.

Key features

  • Call Recording and Transcription: Automatically records and transcribes sales calls for review and analysis.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Provides actionable insights from conversations to help improve sales strategies and performance.
  • Deal Intelligence: Tracks deal progress and identifies risks with real-time updates.
  • Coaching Tools: Offers features for coaching and training sales reps based on real conversations.

Similarities to Gong

  • Both platforms offer advanced call recording and transcription capabilities, making it easy to capture and review sales calls.
  • They provide AI-powered insights that help sales teams understand customer needs and improve their strategies.
  • Both tools have deal intelligence features, which help monitor the progression of deals and identify potential risks.

Differences and unique features

  • integrates seamlessly with various CRM systems, providing enhanced data accuracy and alignment with sales processes.
  • The platform offers customized coaching recommendations based on individual rep performance, helping managers tailor their training programs more effectively.
  • places a strong emphasis on collaboration, allowing team members to share snippets of calls and discuss insights within the platform.

Alternative 2: Salesloft

Salesloft is a comprehensive sales engagement platform that helps sales teams automate and optimize their workflow while capturing and analyzing interactions with prospects and customers.

Key features

  • Sales Cadence Automation: Automates the scheduling and execution of sales activities, ensuring consistency in outreach efforts.
  • Conversation Intelligence: Records and analyzes sales calls to provide insights and recommendations for improvement.
  • Email Tracking and Analytics: Monitors email engagement metrics to measure the effectiveness of communication strategies.
  • CRM Integration: Syncs with major CRM systems to ensure data consistency across platforms.

Similarities to Gong

  • Both platforms offer conversation intelligence features that capture and analyze sales calls for actionable insights.
  • Salesloft and Gong provide detailed analytics to help sales teams track deal progress and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • They both emphasize improving sales performance through data-driven insights and recommendations.

Differences and unique features

  • Salesloft focuses heavily on sales cadence automation, helping sales teams manage and optimize their outreach efforts efficiently.
  • The platform provides robust email tracking and analytics, enabling sales professionals to gain insights into the effectiveness of their email communication.
  • Salesloft integrates closely with popular CRM tools, enhancing data synchronization and overall workflow automation.

Alternative 3:, formerly known as RingDNA, is an AI-powered sales software platform that offers a range of tools designed to optimize sales performance and drive revenue growth.

Key features

  • Conversation Intelligence: Captures and transcribes sales calls, providing actionable insights to improve sales strategies.
  • AI-Powered Recommendations: Uses machine learning to deliver personalized coaching and performance recommendations.
  • Automated Call Logging: Streamlines administrative tasks by automatically logging calls and activities in the CRM.
  • Sales Performance Analytics: Provides comprehensive analytics to track individual and team performance metrics.

Similarities to Gong

  • Both platforms offer advanced conversation intelligence features that record and analyze sales calls for actionable insights.
  • Gong and provide AI-powered recommendations to help sales professionals improve their strategies and performance.
  • They offer performance analytics to track key metrics and monitor the progression of deals.

Differences and unique features

  • emphasizes AI-powered recommendations, delivering personalized coaching insights to help sales reps excel in their roles.
  • The platform offers automated call logging, reducing administrative tasks and ensuring accurate data entry in the CRM.
  • delivers a holistic view of sales performance by integrating data from various sources and providing comprehensive analytics.

Alternative 4: Clari

Clari is a revenue operations platform that uses AI and automation to help sales teams manage and optimize their sales processes, providing a holistic view of revenue generation.

Key features

  • Revenue Intelligence: Tracks sales activities and provides insights into deal health and forecast accuracy.
  • Pipeline Management: Helps manage sales pipelines more effectively by identifying potential risks and opportunities.
  • Sales Forecasting: Uses AI to provide accurate sales forecasts based on current pipeline data.
  • Deal Inspection: Allows sales managers to inspect individual deals and assess their likelihood of closing.

Similarities to Gong

  • Both platforms offer revenue intelligence features that help sales teams track and analyze sales activities.
  • Clari and Gong provide insights into deal health and progress, helping sales professionals identify risks and opportunities.
  • They both use AI to improve sales forecasting and provide accurate predictions based on the sales pipeline.

Differences and unique features

  • Clari places a strong emphasis on revenue operations, providing tools to manage and optimize the entire sales process.
  • The platform offers advanced pipeline management capabilities, helping sales teams identify and mitigate potential risks in their pipelines.
  • Clari integrates closely with CRM systems, enhancing data alignment and providing a unified view of revenue generation across the organization.

Alternative 5: ExecVision

ExecVision is a conversation intelligence platform that focuses on extracting actionable insights from sales calls to improve sales performance and drive revenue growth.

Key features

  • Call Transcription and Analysis: Automatically transcribes and analyzes sales calls to identify key trends and insights.
  • Performance Coaching: Provides tools for managers to coach and train sales reps based on real conversations.
  • Keyword Tracking: Tracks the usage of specific keywords and phrases to identify areas of improvement.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Offers customizable dashboards to track key performance metrics and monitor progress.

Similarities to Gong

  • Both platforms provide advanced call transcription and analysis capabilities to capture and review sales calls.
  • ExecVision and Gong offer performance coaching tools that help managers train their sales reps effectively.
  • They both provide insights into key trends and metrics, helping sales teams improve their strategies and performance.

Differences and unique features

  • ExecVision places a strong emphasis on keyword tracking, allowing sales teams to monitor the usage of specific phrases and identify areas for improvement.
  • The platform offers customizable dashboards, enabling users to track and visualize key performance metrics tailored to their needs.
  • ExecVision focuses heavily on performance coaching, providing managers with the tools to deliver targeted training based on real conversations.

Alternative 6: Outreach

Outreach is a sales engagement platform that helps sales teams automate and optimize their communication efforts while providing deep insights into sales activities and performance.

Key features

  • Sales Automation: Automates sales outreach tasks to ensure consistency and efficiency.
  • Conversation Intelligence: Records and analyzes sales calls to provide actionable insights.
  • Multichannel Communication: Supports communication across multiple channels, including email, phone, and social media.
  • CRM Synchronization: Integrates with CRM systems to ensure data accuracy and alignment.

Similarities to Gong

  • Both platforms offer conversation intelligence features that capture and analyze sales calls for insights.
  • Outreach and Gong provide tools to improve sales performance through data-driven recommendations.
  • They both emphasize the importance of consistent and efficient sales outreach efforts.

Differences and unique features

  • Outreach focuses heavily on sales automation, helping sales teams streamline their outreach efforts across various channels.
  • The platform supports multichannel communication, enabling sales professionals to engage with prospects through email, phone, and social media.
  • Outreach integrates closely with CRM systems, ensuring data accuracy and enhancing overall workflow efficiency.

Alternative 7: CallRail

CallRail is a call tracking and analytics platform designed to help businesses understand customer interactions and improve marketing effectiveness.

Key features

  • Call Tracking: Tracks and records inbound calls to provide insights into customer interactions.
  • Conversation Intelligence: Analyzes call recordings to identify trends and insights.
  • Lead Scoring: Scores leads based on call interactions to prioritize follow-ups.
  • Integrations: Integrates with CRM and marketing automation platforms for seamless data flow.

Similarities to Gong

  • Both platforms offer call tracking and recording capabilities to capture customer interactions.
  • CallRail and Gong provide conversation intelligence features that analyze call recordings for actionable insights.
  • They both offer integrations with CRM systems to ensure data consistency and alignment.

Differences and unique features

  • CallRail focuses primarily on call tracking and analytics, helping businesses understand the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.
  • The platform offers lead scoring features, allowing sales teams to prioritize follow-ups based on call interactions.
  • CallRail integrates with marketing automation platforms, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions across channels.


Choosing the right conversation intelligence or revenue intelligence platform for your sales team is crucial for optimizing performance and driving revenue growth. Gong offers advanced call recording, transcription, and analysis features that provide actionable insights to improve sales strategies. However, exploring alternatives such as, Salesloft,, Clari, ExecVision, Outreach, and CallRail can help you find a solution that better fits your specific needs and business objectives.

Consider the key features, similarities, and unique aspects of each alternative to make an informed decision. By finding the best fit for your sales team, you can enhance your sales processes, improve performance, and achieve your revenue goals.

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