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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Sesame vs Gusto


Choosing the right Human Resource Information System (HRIS) tool can significantly shape your company's HR operations. In this comparison, we'll dive deep into the features, functionalities, pros, and cons of two popular HRIS tools: Sesame HR and Gusto. Sesame HR is designed to digitize and automate HR processes, offering managers a way to save time and enhance employee experience. Gusto, on the other hand, is renowned for its modern HR features, including payroll, benefits, and management resources all in one place. Comparing these tools will help you determine which best fits your organization's unique needs.

Sesame HR Overview

Sesame HR aims to transform traditional HR operations by simplifying and automating routine tasks. This software is built to help HR managers, executives, and other leaders save time, improve efficiency, and focus more on employee experience enhancement.

Key Features

  • Time and Attendance Management: Track employee hours, manage leave requests, and monitor absences with ease.
  • Document Management: Digitally store and manage important HR documents, ensuring secure and easy access.
  • Employee Self-Service: Empower employees to manage their own HR-related tasks, such as updating personal information and submitting leave requests.
  • Performance Management: Facilitate performance reviews and track employee progress over time.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Generate detailed reports to gain insights into various HR metrics, aiding in informed decision-making.
  • Onboarding: Streamline the onboarding process for new hires, ensuring they have all the information and resources they need from the start.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate with other software tools to ensure smooth data flow across systems.

Gusto Overview

Gusto has built a strong reputation for offering comprehensive HR features that support modern HR departments in their entirety. From payroll to benefits and more, Gusto provides a suite of tools necessary for effective human resource management.

Key Features

  • Payroll Management: Easy-to-use payroll software that automates tax filings, payments, and year-end reporting.
  • Benefits Administration: Manage employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and more, ensuring compliance and ease for your team.
  • Hiring and Onboarding: Simplify the hiring process with tools for posting jobs, tracking applicants, and onboarding new employees.
  • Time Tracking: Accurately track working hours, manage time-off requests, and ensure compliance with labor laws.
  • Employee Self-Service: Employees can access their pay stubs, benefits, and personal information through a dedicated portal.
  • Compliance: Stay compliant with workplace regulations through features that help manage tax forms, new hire reports, and more.
  • Integration: Integrates with several other business software to streamline HR processes across platforms.


Both Sesame HR and Gusto share several similarities as HRIS tools designed to enhance HR functionalities:

  • Employee Self-Service: Both platforms empower employees to manage their own information and HR-related tasks.
  • Onboarding: Streamlined processes for onboarding new hires are integral parts of both tools, ensuring a smooth start for new employees.
  • Document Management: Both offer robust document management features to securely store and manage HR documents.
  • Integration: Seamless integration capabilities allow both tools to work effectively with other business software.


Despite their similarities, Sesame HR and Gusto also have distinct differences that set them apart:

  • Core Focus: Sesame HR primarily emphasizes automating routine HR tasks and enhancing efficiency for HR managers. Gusto focuses significantly on payroll and benefits administration.
  • Payroll Features: Gusto offers a comprehensive payroll management system, which includes tax filings and compliance, while Sesame HR has more limited payroll functionalities.
  • Performance Management: Sesame HR includes features for tracking employee performance and conducting reviews, whereas Gusto does not emphasize this aspect as strongly.
  • Compliance Features: Gusto provides robust tools for staying compliant with tax and labor laws, areas where Sesame HR is less comprehensive.
  • User Interface and Experience: The user experience may vary, with each platform having a different design and feature prioritization based on their core focus.

Pros and Cons

Sesame HR


  • Excellent for automating routine HR tasks.
  • Strong focus on improving employee experience.
  • Comprehensive performance management tools.
  • Good integration capabilities.
  • User-friendly interface tailored for HR managers.


  • Limited payroll features compared to Gusto.
  • Compliance features are not as robust.
  • May not be as comprehensive for benefits management.



  • Comprehensive payroll management, including tax filing and compliance.
  • Strong benefits administration capabilities.
  • User-friendly employee self-service portal.
  • Robust compliance features.
  • Integration with a wide range of software tools.


  • Less emphasis on performance management.
  • May lack some specific automation features tailored for HR managers.
  • Can be more expensive depending on the feature set required.

Use Cases

Sesame HR

  • Small to Medium Enterprises: Ideal for companies looking to automate routine HR tasks and improve overall efficiency without needing extensive payroll features.
  • Performance-Oriented Teams: Great for organizations that prioritize employee performance tracking and management.
  • HR-Centric Operations: Best for HR teams focusing on enhancing employee experience through streamlined processes.


  • Growing Companies: Perfect for organizations that need a robust payroll system along with benefits management and compliance support.
  • Complex Benefits Management: Suitable for companies offering various employee benefits who need a tool to manage them efficiently.
  • Compliance-Heavy Industries: Excellent for businesses that require strong compliance features to manage tax and labor law adherence.


When comparing Sesame HR and Gusto, it's clear that each tool excels in different areas of HR management. Sesame HR is perfect for organizations looking to automate routine HR tasks, enhance employee experience, and focus on performance management. Conversely, Gusto is the go-to solution for businesses needing strong payroll and benefits management, along with robust compliance features.

If your primary need is to streamline routine HR tasks and enhance the employee experience, Sesame HR could be your best fit. However, if you require comprehensive payroll management and benefits administration, Gusto should be your choice. Consider your company’s specific needs, size, and industry to make the best decision between these two powerful HRIS tools.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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