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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Sesame vs Charlie


Choosing the right HR Information System (HRIS) is a pivotal decision for any organization looking to streamline human resources processes. Two popular options in this category are Sesame HR and Charlie. 

Sesame HR is a software designed to automate and simplify routine HR processes. It acts as a valuable ally for managers, executives, and HR professionals, enabling them to save time and focus on improving employee experience.

Charlie is a cloud-based HR tool aimed at making HR processes seamless. It offers features like onboarding new hires, storing company documents, managing time off, running performance reviews, and even providing professional HR advice. 

A detailed comparison of these two HRIS tools is essential for organizations to find the best fit for their unique needs.

Sesame HR Overview

Key Features

Sesame HR brings several powerful features to the table:

  • Automation of Routine Processes: Sesame HR excels in digitizing and automating everyday HR tasks, saving valuable time for managers and HR professionals.
  • Employee Time Tracking: Simplifies the process of tracking employee hours, making it easier to manage payroll and attendance.
  • Document Management: Provides a secure platform for storing and managing employee documents, ensuring compliance and easy access.
  • Performance Reviews: Facilitates streamlined performance review processes, helping managers and employees track progress and set goals.
  • Employee Self-Service Portal: Empowers employees to manage their own information, request time off, and access resources, reducing dependency on HR personnel.
  • Onboarding and Offboarding: Eases the transition for new hires and departing employees with automated workflows and checklists.

Charlie Overview

Key Features

Charlie also offers a suite of robust features:

  • Comprehensive Onboarding: Ensures new hires have a smooth and efficient onboarding process, simplifying tasks like document collection and training schedules.
  • Document Storage: Provides a secure repository for storing vital company documents, improving organizational accessibility and compliance.
  • Time Off Management: Simplifies the process of booking and managing time off, providing transparency and ease for both employees and managers.
  • Performance Reviews: Facilitates productive performance reviews with built-in tools and templates, promoting continuous improvement and development.
  • HR Advice: Offers professional HR advice, giving companies access to expert guidance to handle complex HR issues.
  • Employee Management: Centralizes employee data, including roles, contact information, and employment history, ensuring it is accessible and up-to-date.


Both Sesame HR and Charlie share several similarities, making them strong contenders as HRIS tools:

  • Automation: Both tools excel at automating routine HR processes, from time tracking to document management.
  • Employee Self-Service: Each platform offers employee self-service capabilities, empowering employees to manage their own information and requests.
  • Performance Management: Both tools facilitate streamlined performance reviews, helping organizations track and improve employee performance.
  • Document Management: They both provide a secure and efficient means of storing and managing company and employee documents.
  • Onboarding Processes: Each platform supports comprehensive onboarding processes, ensuring new hires transition smoothly into the organization.
  • Compliance: Both solutions help organizations maintain compliance with various HR regulations through automated document management and tracking.


Despite their similarities, Sesame HR and Charlie have notable differences that may sway your decision:

  • Professional HR Advice: Charlie offers access to professional HR advice, providing companies with expert guidance on complex HR issues. This feature is not present in Sesame HR.
  • Focus on Employee Experience: Sesame HR places a strong emphasis on improving the overall employee experience, while Charlie offers a more holistic approach to managing HR processes.
  • Customization: Charlie provides more flexible customization options, offering templates and tools that can be tailored to unique organizational needs. Sesame HR is more standardized in its offerings.
  • User Interface: While subjective, some users find Sesame HR’s interface more intuitive and user-friendly compared to Charlie’s.
  • Pricing Structure: The pricing models of the two tools can vary significantly. Sesame HR often offers tiered pricing based on features, while Charlie may have a more straightforward pricing approach.

Pros and Cons

Sesame HR


  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Strong focus on automation and improving employee experience.
  • Efficient time tracking and document management features.
  • Comprehensive onboarding and offboarding workflows.


  • Lack of access to professional HR advice.
  • Limited customization options compared to some competitors.
  • May require time for employees to get accustomed to the system.



  • Offers professional HR advice, providing valuable guidance.
  • Highly customizable with templates and flexible tools.
  • Robust employee management capabilities.
  • Simplified time off management and document storage.


  • User interface may be less intuitive for some users.
  • Holistic approach may be overwhelming for small teams.
  • Potentially higher upfront cost compared to some alternatives.

Use Cases

Ideal Scenarios for Sesame HR

Sesame HR is an excellent choice for organizations seeking to:

  • Automate routine HR processes and save valuable time for managers and HR professionals.
  • Improve the overall employee experience with self-service tools and streamlined workflows.
  • Simplify time tracking and document management to ensure compliance and accuracy.
  • Facilitate efficient onboarding and offboarding processes to ensure smooth transitions.
  • Provide a user-friendly interface that requires minimal training for new users.

Ideal Scenarios for Charlie

Charlie is best suited for companies looking to:

  • Access professional HR advice to navigate complex issues with expert guidance.
  • Customize HR processes with flexible templates and tools tailored to unique organizational needs.
  • Centralize employee data and simplify the management of roles, contact information, and employment history.
  • Streamline performance reviews and promote continuous improvement and development.
  • Implement holistic HR management that encompasses onboarding, document storage, time off management, and more.
  • Handle a potentially higher upfront cost with the benefit of extensive features and customization.


When comparing Sesame HR and Charlie, it becomes clear that both tools offer compelling features, but they cater to slightly different needs. Sesame HR shines with its user-friendly interface, strong focus on automation, and emphasis on improving the employee experience. It is an excellent choice for organizations looking to save time and streamline routine HR processes.

On the other hand, Charlie stands out with its access to professional HR advice, high customization capabilities, and holistic approach to HR management. It is an ideal solution for companies seeking expert guidance and a flexible, comprehensive HRIS tool.

Ultimately, the choice between Sesame HR and Charlie will depend on your organization’s specific needs and priorities. If you prioritize automation and employee experience, Sesame HR may be the right fit. If you need professional HR advice and customizable features, Charlie is likely the better option.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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