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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Zoho vs Kustomer


Choosing the right ticketing tool is crucial for any business looking to manage customer queries efficiently and enhance their customer support operations. In this comparison, we will look at two popular options: Zoho CRM and Kustomer. 

Zoho CRM acts as a single repository to bring together your sales, marketing, and customer support activities, streamlining your processes, policies, and people into one platform. On the other hand, Kustomer is a groundbreaking customer service CRM designed to handle high support volumes by optimizing every aspect of the customer service journey.

In this detailed comparison, we will explore the similarities, differences, pros, cons, and unique features of both Zoho CRM and Kustomer to help you determine which tool might be the best fit for your business needs.

Zoho CRM Overview

Key Features

  • Unified Customer Data: Zoho CRM integrates sales, marketing, and customer support data into a single repository, offering a holistic view of each customer.
  • Multi-Channel Support: It offers multi-channel support, including email, phone, live chat, social media, and customer portals.
  • Customization: Zoho CRM is highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor workflows, processes, and even the user interface to their specific needs.
  • Automation: Features robust automation capabilities, including workflow rules, assignment rules, and automated follow-ups.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Zoho CRM's AI assistant, Zia, helps in predicting trends, scoring leads, and providing intelligent alerts.
  • Robust Reporting: Offers comprehensive reporting and analytics tools to measure performance and gain insights into customer behavior.
  • Integration: Integrates seamlessly with various Zoho apps as well as third-party applications via APIs.

Kustomer Overview

Key Features

  • Unified Customer View: Kustomer provides a 360-degree view of the customer by consolidating all conversations and interactions into a single timeline.
  • High-Volume Management: Designed to handle a high volume of customer inquiries efficiently without compromising on service quality.
  • Omni-Channel Communication: Supports multiple channels including chat, email, SMS, phone, and social media, all within one platform.
  • Automation: Features robust automation workflows for routine tasks, allowing customer service agents to focus on more complex issues.
  • Integrated Knowledge Base: Provides an integrated knowledge base for both agents and customers to access information swiftly.
  • Contextual Conversations: Ensures contextual conversations by providing relevant customer data and history to agents in real-time.
  • Powerful API: Offers advanced API capabilities for extensive customization and seamless integration with other business tools.


Both Zoho CRM and Kustomer excel as ticketing tools by offering functionalities that streamline customer support processes:

  • Unified Customer Data: Both platforms integrate various customer interaction channels into a single repository, providing a unified view of the customer.
  • Multi-Channel Support: They support multiple customer communication channels such as email, social media, phone, and live chat.
  • Automation: Both tools offer automation features that help in reducing manual tasks and improving response times.
  • Customization: Each platform allows for customization to tailor the tool according to specific business processes and workflows.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Both offer robust reporting and analytics features to track performance and gain valuable insights.


While Zoho CRM and Kustomer offer several similar features, they also have distinct differences that set them apart:

  • Primary Focus: Zoho CRM focuses on providing a comprehensive CRM solution that includes sales, marketing, and customer support, while Kustomer specifically targets customer service management and high-volume ticket handling.
  • User Interface: Zoho CRM's interface is designed to cater to various business functions beyond customer support, whereas Kustomer’s interface is optimized specifically for customer service workflows.
  • AI Capabilities: While both offer AI-driven features, Zoho CRM’s AI assistant Zia provides broader insights across sales, marketing, and support. In contrast, Kustomer’s AI is more focused on enhancing customer service experiences.
  • Integration: Zoho CRM has more extensive integrations within the Zoho ecosystem, offering a seamless experience if you use other Zoho applications. Kustomer, on the other hand, boasts powerful API capabilities that allow for extensive customization and integration with various third-party tools.
  • Pricing: Zoho CRM generally offers more flexible pricing plans that cater to a range of small to large enterprises. Kustomer’s pricing might be higher as it is designed to cater to businesses with high support volumes.

Pros and Cons

Zoho CRM


  • Comprehensive CRM capabilities that include sales, marketing, and customer support.
  • Highly customizable to fit specific business needs.
  • Extensive automation features to boost productivity.
  • Seamless integration with the Zoho ecosystem.
  • Competitive pricing plans.


  • Can be overwhelming for businesses solely looking for a customer support solution.
  • The interface may feel crowded with features not directly related to customer service.
  • Integration with non-Zoho apps can sometimes be less seamless.



  • Designed specifically for customer service, offering a highly intuitive interface for support agents.
  • Handles high volumes of support tickets efficiently.
  • Robust automation and workflow features focused on improving service quality.
  • Real-time contextual information enhances support interactions.
  • Powerful API for extensive customization and third-party integrations.


  • Focuses primarily on customer service, lacking broader CRM functionalities.
  • Pricing may be higher, particularly for smaller businesses.
  • Limited native integrations compared to Zoho CRM’s ecosystem.

Use Cases

Zoho CRM

Ideal scenarios for using Zoho CRM as a ticketing tool include:

  • Unified CRM Needs: Businesses that require a single platform to manage their sales, marketing, and customer support activities efficiently.
  • Customization: Companies that need high levels of customization to match their specific workflows and processes.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Organizations that need detailed reporting and analytics across various business functions.


Ideal scenarios for using Kustomer as a ticketing tool include:

  • High-Volume Customer Service: Businesses that manage large volumes of customer inquiries and need an efficient system to handle the load without compromising service quality.
  • Omni-Channel Support: Organizations that require robust support across multiple communication channels, ensuring a seamless customer experience.
  • Contextual Support: Companies that prioritize delivering contextual and personalized support experiences based on real-time customer data.


In summary, both Zoho CRM and Kustomer offer robust ticketing solutions, but the best fit depends on your business needs. Zoho CRM provides a comprehensive tool that integrates sales, marketing, and support functionalities, making it ideal for businesses looking for an all-in-one CRM solution. It excels in customization, automation, and reporting, with competitive pricing suitable for a range of businesses.

On the other hand, Kustomer focuses explicitly on enhancing customer service experiences with an intuitive interface designed for support agents. It handles high support volumes efficiently and offers advanced contextual support capabilities. While its pricing may be higher, it provides significant value for businesses with heavy customer interaction needs.

Ultimately, if your priority is a unified platform that covers various business operations, Zoho CRM might be the better choice. However, if you are focused on delivering exceptional customer service with high-volume ticket handling, Kustomer would be a more appropriate fit.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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