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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Hibob vs Lano


Choosing the right HRIS tool can revolutionize how companies manage their human resources. As businesses grow and expand, they face increasing complexities in managing people, processes, and compliance. Two prevalent HRIS tools, Hibob (also referred to as Bob) and Lano, cater to these needs but in slightly different ways. Bob is an HR platform designed to simplify people management and enhance the work experience, focusing on employee engagement, culture, and productivity. It is especially suitable for companies with diverse work environments—onsite, remote, or hybrid. On the other hand, Lano is a cloud-based compliance and payments platform that provides businesses with the ability to hire, manage, and pay employees and contractors across more than 150 countries efficiently and legally.

In this detailed comparison, we will cover the unique features, similarities, differences, pros and cons, and applicable use cases for each tool. The goal is to help you determine which solution aligns best with your organization's specific needs.

Hibob Overview

Bob by Hibob is a modern HR platform aimed at streamlining people management and fostering a healthier, more productive work environment. With features tailored to various work setting configurations—including onsite, remote, and hybrid—Hibob aims to boost performance and retention among employees. Its primary focus is on increasing efficiency through automated workflows, providing real-time data for strategic decision-making, and improving employee engagement and culture.

Key Features

  • Onboarding: Automated onboarding processes that make integration of new hires seamless and efficient.
  • Performance Management: Tools to facilitate regular performance reviews and continuous feedback.
  • Compensation Management: Streamlines the calculation, approval, and distribution of employee compensation.
  • Engagement & Culture: Activities and modules specifically designed to boost employee engagement and cultivate a positive workplace culture.
  • Automated Workflows: Streamlines various HR tasks and increases productivity by automating repetitive processes.
  • Data & Analytics: Provides real-time insights and quantifiable data that inform strategic HR decisions.
  • Customizable Dashboard: Personalized views for HR managers to easily access and manage critical HR metrics and activities.

Lano Overview

Lano specializes in offering a compliant and efficient way to hire, manage, and pay global employees and contractors. It enables companies to operate in over 150 countries without the need to establish a local legal entity, simplifying the complexities involved in international hiring and payments.

Key Features

  • Global Hiring: Streamlines the hiring process for employees and contractors across countries without the need for a local legal presence.
  • Compliance Management: Ensures full compliance with local laws and regulations in over 150 countries.
  • Payments Platform: Handles multi-currency payroll and contractor payments efficiently.
  • Contract Management: Simplifies the creation, storage, and management of employment and contractor agreements.
  • Onboarding: Facilitates a smooth onboarding process for global employees and contractors.
  • Analytics & Reporting: Provides comprehensive reports and analytics to track global workforce activities and expenses.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other business tools and HR software to streamline payroll and compliance processes.


Despite their different focal points, Hibob and Lano share several common features essential for modern HRIS tools:

  • Onboarding: Both platforms offer streamlined onboarding processes that ensure new employees and contractors are integrated efficiently.
  • Performance Management: Hibob and Lano provide tools to track and manage employee performance, albeit in slightly different forms.
  • Data Analytics: Each tool offers data-driven insights that help businesses make informed HR decisions.
  • Integration: Both solutions integrate smoothly with other business tools to create a holistic HR management system.
  • Customization: Both Hibob and Lano provide customizable dashboards and modules to suit specific business needs.


While Hibob and Lano provide essential HR functions, their primary differences lie in their specialized features and target use cases:

  • Geographical Focus:
  • Hibob is designed more for companies that operate primarily within a single country or a few regions.
  • Lano specializes in handling the complexities of hiring and managing a global workforce.

  • Compliance:
  • Hibob focuses on improving internal HR processes, engagement, and culture.
  • Lano places heavy emphasis on ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations across multiple countries.

  • Compensation Management:
  • Hibob offers detailed tools for managing employee compensation within a company.
  • Lano handles multi-currency payments and payroll for employees and contractors across various nations.

  • Engagement and Culture:
  • Hibob includes specific features aimed at improving employee engagement and workplace culture.
  • Lano lacks extensive engagement and culture-focused tools, focusing more on compliance and global workforce management.

Pros and Cons



  • Employee Engagement: Excellent for fostering a positive work culture and boosting employee morale.
  • Customizable: Adaptable to various work environments—onsite, remote, and hybrid.
  • Integrated Workflows: Automated tasks and workflows save time and increase HR efficiency.
  • Real-time Data: Provides actionable insights through real-time analytics.


  • Limited Global Focus: Less suited for companies with extensive international operations.
  • Complexity: May require a learning curve for smaller companies with limited HR experience.



  • Global Reach: Excellent for businesses looking to hire and manage a global workforce.
  • Compliance: Ensures full compliance with local laws in over 150 countries.
  • Contractor Payments: Specializes in multi-currency payments and payroll for contractors and employees.
  • Simple Onboarding: Efficient onboarding process for international employees and contractors.


  • Limited Engagement Tools: Lacks the comprehensive employee engagement features found in Hibob.
  • Narrower Focus: Primarily concentrated on compliance and payments, with fewer internal HR development tools.

Use Cases


Ideal for companies looking to enhance their internal HR processes and improve the overall employee experience. Hibob is particularly suitable for businesses that value employee engagement, efficient onboarding processes, and comprehensive performance management. Companies with a single-country focus or limited international operations may find Hibob more aligned with their needs.


Best suited for companies with a global footprint that need to navigate complex international hiring, compliance, and payroll challenges. Lano is ideal for organizations that hire remote employees and contractors across multiple countries and require a reliable, compliant payroll system. Companies looking to streamline international operations will greatly benefit from Lano's expertise in global workforce management.


Comparing Hibob and Lano reveals distinct advantages and unique strengths tailored to different business needs. Hibob excels in fostering a positive workplace culture and streamlining HR processes within a company, making it ideal for businesses focused on employee engagement, performance management, and internal efficiency. On the other hand, Lano stands out for its specialized ability to manage global workforce complexities, ensuring compliance with local regulations and efficiently handling multi-currency payments.

When deciding between Hibob and Lano, consider your company's primary HR needs and operational focus. If enhancing employee engagement, performance, and internal HR processes is your priority, Hibob may be the better choice. Conversely, if you need to manage a global workforce with an emphasis on compliance and multi-currency payroll, Lano would likely be the more suitable option. Either way, both tools offer robust solutions that can significantly enhance your HR capabilities.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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