OpenAI GPT Store: Guia Completo & Top 5 GPTs
With the GPT Store’s recent launch, came a new world of possibilities. But you might be a tad confused as to what it is and what exactly you can find there. This guide will help you figure it out.
A few months ago, OpenAI announced its new GPT Store, a marketplace where you can browse popular and diverse GPTs created by the community. Now, everyone can access thousands of chatbots — or GPTs — and use them to streamline their workflows.
But with the large language model (LLM) market estimated to reach $40.8 billion by 2029, there are probably too many chatbots out there.
Not a problem. In this guide, we’ll talk about what the GPT Store is, its key features, how to access it, the top 5 GPTs, and more.
Let’s dive in!
What is OpenAI’s GPT Store?
OpenAI’s GPT Store (commonly known as the ChatGPT store) is a platform or a marketplace where users can build, publish, or sell customized Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPTs), similar to Apple’s app store.
Basically, people can access and browse hundreds of AI models according to their needs. The platform’s aim is to democratize artificial intelligence and open it to a broader audience, allowing people with no coding skills to create AI applications easily.
Everything happens through the ChatGPT interface, so if you’re familiar with it, you’ll have no problem using it as it’s super easy to navigate.
But what makes this app special? Let’s find out by looking at its key features.
What are the Key Features of the GPT Store?
Let’s see what the ChatGPT team has in store regarding the platform’s key functionalities:
- User-friendly interface: Designed with user experience in mind, this platform is easy to use. Browsing and comparing different AI apps is intuitive; plus, it has accessibility features that appeal to a broader audience.
- Customizability: The GPTs in the store come with many customization options to fit your specific business needs. In a nutshell, you can tailor the AI models according to your requirements and use case, and can modify their behavior, colors, etc.
- Collaboration: The main purpose of the GPT Store is to enable faster and better knowledge sharing between those interested in AI. Within this environment, people can improve each other’s AI solutions and foster innovation.
- Diverse range of useful GPTs: You can find all kinds of useful AI apps on the store, ranging from generative AIs (SEO-friendly text generation) to data analysis tools and text summarization.
- Integration capabilities: One of the store’s best features is that you can integrate all present AI apps with your existing systems and tools. With these plugins, your workspace is more streamlined and creates no disruptions.
- Training resources: If you’re ever stuck on something, the GPT Store offers documentation and tutorials to help you use the AI models to their full potential. And efficiently.
So, these are the GPT Store’s main features. Are you intrigued yet? This is just the beginning.
Moving forward, we want to talk about the differences between the GPT and Apple stores.
How Does OpenAI’s GPT Store Differ from the Apple Store?
People like the convenience of digital marketplaces; that’s why this industry is constantly growing, reaching $3.832 trillion in 2024 according to statistics. With this popularity come well-established app stores, such as Etsy, eBay, Amazon, and Apple App Store.
So, where does OpenAI’s GPT Store fit in? To truly understand the store’s uniqueness, let’s compare it with the Apple App Store.
- Scope: While the App Store sells all kinds of apps (games, productivity tools, etc.), the GPT Store fully focuses on AI-powered tools, especially those that use GPT technology.
- Monetization: In this area, the two stores are similar. They both offer in-app purchases, direct sales, or subscription models. However, the ChatGPT Store has something unique: AI-specific consultancy and customization.
- Target audience: The App Store is suitable for a wider audience since they can find anything, while the GPT platform is for those passionate about AI. It’s also focused a lot more on businesses that want to leverage artificial intelligence to automate tasks.
- Resources: The GPT Store specializes in AI application innovation, meaning that it appeals more to developers. Besides, it has extensive support, training materials, and resources to help them reach their objectives. Meanwhile, the App Store is more general.
As you can observe, the ChatGPT Store is more specialized and focused than other digital marketplaces.
But what exactly are its benefits, if any? Let’s explore them together.
What are the Benefits of Using The GPT Store?
“There must be some benefits to using the GPT Store, no?” you might think. And you’re right; here they are:
- Accelerated development: The ChatGPT Store gives you access to cutting-edge AI assistants, chatbots, and other advanced technology, so you’ll be able to use pre-trained AI models to build powerful apps from scratch without wasting time.
- Scalability: Every AI app in this store scales as your business grows, so you don’t have to worry about it not being able to keep up with the growing demands. No matter the volume of data, the apps can handle multiple tasks without hindering the user experience.
- Cost savings: Since you build on an existing app, you save the money you’d otherwise spend on creating an AI app from scratch. Plus, you don’t need to hire experts to build the AI model as you can do it yourself.
- Data-driven insights: In general, an AI tool can analyze large amounts of data, so it’s highly useful for providing valuable and actionable insights that help you make better decisions.
- Enhanced creativity: There are plenty of AI software tools that can boost the creative process, such as AI writers or text-to-image generators that make it easier to craft creative content.
With these advantages, you’ll surely make your processes more efficient and effective. But who exactly can use the GPT Store?
Who Can Use the GPT Store?
In general, anyone can use the GPT Store; but let’s see who the top users are:
- Independent creators: If you’re an author or artist who wants to create fast content for your projects, then the GPT Store is the place to be. With AI-generated content that you can personalize to fit your tone and style, you save time, resources, and money.
- Small and medium businesses and startups: The ChatGPT Store offers high-quality content to every business that struggles with limited resources. It’s also more cost-effective for them, as they can access pre-trained AI models without hiring extra people.
- Large enterprises: This marketplace also caters to large companies that want to produce more content at a faster pace, without relying on an in-house team (whose hiring can be a time-consuming and costly process).
So, the ChatGPT Store fits all kinds of clients. In fact, according to data, the highest percentage of ChatGPT users (15.2%) belongs to the USA, followed by India’s 6.3%.
But it can become popular in even more countries — as long as people know what they can use GPT for.
What Can You Use the GPT Store For?
Let’s go through the most common use cases for the GPT Store:
- Virtual assistants: Think of this tool as your virtual PA, as it can send out reminders, schedule meetings, and perform tasks easily.
- Customer support chatbots: One of the most popular applications found in the ChatGPT Store is the intelligent chatbots. These can help you improve customer service by handling issues more efficiently.
- Content generation: You’ll find plenty of AI text generators in the GPT shop that make writing blog articles, product descriptions, and social media posts easier.
- Language translation: If you have a remote team with members from across the world, it’s probably easier for them to learn in their native language. Various programs in the GPT Store translate text into different languages to boost communication.
Educational materials, translations, custom chatbots, virtual assistants — there are so many things you can find in the GPT Store, it’s gonna take you a while to browse it all.
To browse the GPTs, however, you first need to access the store. How? Let’s find out.
How to Access the ChatGPT Store
It’s super easy to access the GPT Store. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
- Create an account: Go to Click on the Login button if you already have an account. Or the Sign up one to create a new one. You have different options for signing up, such as with your email address or by accessing your Google or Microsoft accounts, or Apple.

- Access the shop: After you’ve logged in, you’ll see ChatGPT’s main dashboard. In the top left part of the menu, click the Explore GPTs button.

- Explore the GPTs: Clicking on the Explore GPTs button will open the store. Here, you can search for a specific plugin in the search bar or browser through featured GPTs or the most popular GPTs created by the community.

- Use the GPTs: If you’ve set your eyes on a tool, simply click on it. This will cause a pop-up to open with details about the tool. To start using it, click on the Start Chat button below.

That’s all!
Keep in mind that you don’t need to be a subscriber to access the store now. Before, you had to subscribe to one of OpenAI’s paid plans, such as ChatGPT Plus, ChatGPT Team, or ChatGPT Enterprise.
But recently, the ChatGPT Store opened its doors to free users, giving them the ability to use some of the chatbots.
Now that we’ve talked about everything there is to know about the ChatGPT Store, it’s time to explore some of its best GPTs.
What are the Top 5 GPTs in the ChatGPT Store?
There are more than 3 million custom versions of ChatGPTs in the store, making it rather hard to find the gems that’ll really make your business shine. But don’t worry — we’ve ventured into the depths of the GPT Store and found five of the best GPTs it has to offer.
Take a look:
1. Guru GPT
Best for: Knowledge management
Rating: 4.0
Conversations: ~ 400+
Creator: GetGuru
Guru is an enterprise AI search, intranet, and wiki — all in the same platform. Among its many add-ons, there’s also the ChatGPT integration, offering your very own AI-powered assistant. What does the assistant do? Procura em todo o seu conteúdo interno e informações conectados diretamente no ChatGPT.
Além disso, você pode criar conteúdo baseado em contexto e elaborar Cartões Guru a partir de suas conversas facilmente, sem trocar de aplicativos.

2. Canva
Melhor para: Projetar apresentações, logotipos, publicações em mídias sociais, etc.
Classificação: 3.0
Conversas: ~ 2M+
Criador: Canva
Canva é uma ferramenta de design gráfico online gratuita, semelhante ao Adobe.
Designers, profissionais de marketing e criadores de conteúdo podem usar essa plataforma para produzir qualquer tipo de mídia, desde pôsteres até logotipos e qualquer tipo de conteúdo de marca. Se você precisa criar gráficos rápidos para suas postagens no LinkedIn, por exemplo, então a integração com o Canva é a ideal para você.
Com algumas sugestões simples de conversa, você pode gerar arte de alta qualidade, não importa sua complexidade.
3. Code Copilot
Melhor para: Escrever código
Classificação: 4.2
Conversas: ~ 2M+
Criador: Prompt Spell Smith
Programar é bem difícil, mesmo para quem já tem habilidade nisso. No entanto, você não precisa se preocupar mais com isso, pois o Code Copilot é o único GPT que você precisa para simplificar o processo de codificação.
Com este GPT, você pode escrever código de maneira mais inteligente e construir mais aplicativos mais rápido. O aplicativo torna a interpretação de código fácil; além disso, também o analisa e identifica problemas.
4. Image Generator Pro
Melhor para: Gerar arte e imagens de IA
Classificação: 3.8
Conversas: ~ 400K+
Criador: Pulsr
Geradores de arte de imagem se tornaram comuns ultimamente. Um dos geradores de arte mais populares é o DALL-E, criado pela OpenAI, mas acessível apenas para usuários pagantes.
É por isso que o Image Generator Pro é uma excelente alternativa a essa ferramenta, capaz de gerar imagens de alta qualidade que se alinham de perto com seus comandos. Use este GPT para criar imagens rápidas para suas postagens em mídias sociais ou blogs.
5. Gerador de Logotipos
Melhor para: Gerar logotipos únicos
Classificação: 3.3
Conversas: ~ 10K+
Criador: Mehmetali
Semelhante ao gerador de imagens, este GPT se concentra em criar uma coisa bem: seu próximo logotipo. Através de comandos simples, você pode gerar logotipos para sua marca, no estilo e na cor que desejar.
Experimente essas ferramentas! Ou encontre outros GPTs para brincar. O mundo é sua ostra!
O ponto é, terminamos. Agora...
Agora é com você
A Loja GPT contém todos os tipos de aplicativos úteis; dependendo de suas necessidades, você pode encontrar quase tudo.
No entanto, a única solução de que você precisa é o Guru, que reúne sua base de conhecimento, especialistas e clientes em um único lugar. Como resultado, você obtém acesso rápido e confiável ao conhecimento da empresa que permite melhorar a experiência dos clientes — e mais.
Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕
A Loja GPT é gratuita?
Sim, a Loja GPT oferece acesso gratuito a muitos GPTs, embora alguns recursos e ferramentas avançados possam exigir uma assinatura.
A loja GPT está aberta?
Sim, a Loja GPT está aberta a todos os usuários, incluindo usuários gratuitos, permitindo que todos explorem e usem uma variedade de GPTs.
Como posso acessar a Loja GPT?
Você pode acessar a Loja GPT fazendo login em sua conta do ChatGPT em e clicando no botão "Explorar GPTs" no painel principal.
O que é a loja ChatGPT?
A Loja ChatGPT, também conhecida como Loja GPT, é um mercado onde os usuários podem navegar, usar e personalizar várias ferramentas e chatbots impulsionados por IA criados pela comunidade.
Qual é o melhor aplicativo ChatGPT?
O melhor aplicativo ChatGPT depende de suas necessidades, mas o Guru GPT é altamente recomendado para gerenciamento de conhecimento, oferecendo recursos robustos de busca e integração impulsionados por IA.
Qual aplicativo ChatGPT é melhor para baixar?
O melhor aplicativo ChatGPT para baixar é aquele que atende a seus requisitos específicos; o Guru GPT é uma ótima escolha para empresas que buscam soluções abrangentes de gerenciamento de conhecimento.
Qual é o melhor GPT para GPT-4?
O melhor GPT para GPT-4 depende de seu caso de uso, mas escolhas populares incluem assistentes avançados de codificação como Code Copilot e ferramentas de design versáteis como Canva.
A loja GPT é legítima?
Sim, a Loja GPT é uma plataforma legítima fornecida pela OpenAI, oferecendo uma ampla gama de ferramentas de IA e chatbots confiáveis e eficazes.