Respostas e assistência de IA, direto no seu fluxo de trabalho

Uma plataforma abrangente impulsionada por IA que combina a funcionalidade de ferramentas de busca em IA, bases de conhecimento e intranets, a solução tudo-em-um do Guru otimiza seu fluxo de trabalho.
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Obtenha respostas instantâneas das ferramentas da sua equipe

Conecte seus aplicativos existentes e deixe o Guru encontrar as respostas rapidamente — tudo o que você precisa fazer é perguntar.
AI-powered Answers

AI-powered Answers

Looking for answers? Just ask. Guru uses generative AI to deliver trusted, accurate information with sources.
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Knowledge Agents

Configure custom AI models with specialized knowledge to give precise, tailored answers for specific topics instead of vague, general responses.
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Connect all your tools

Guru connects your team's existing apps so your employees can use a single tool to search and access your company’s information, no matter where it lives.

Guru GPT

Guru GPT integrates your content with a private ChatGPT model, enabling secure internal info searches, follow-up discussions, and creating Guru Cards from AI-generated outputs.
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AI Training Center

The AI Training Center lets you track questions, see frequently used sources, edit answers, add context, and fill knowledge gaps easily.
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Semantic search

Guru understands the meaning behind your question, not just keywords, delivering more relevant and contextually accurate results.

Manageable permissions

Have control over which sources people can pull inherited information from.
"Direcionar essa IA para seus próprios dados e tê-la fornecendo informações acessíveis e organizadas instantaneamente — isso é fantástico e ajudará a evitar a redundância que muitas vezes surge quando alguém não procura efetivamente as informações de que precisa."
Sócio Gerente
Empresa de investimento em imóveis

Obtenha respostas onde você trabalha

O Guru fornece as informações que você precisa diretamente para onde você já está trabalhando, para que você possa se manter focado sem ter que alternar entre um milhão de aplicativos.
Search everything, anywhere

Search everything, anywhere

Employees can find what they need without leaving their browser, Slack, Teams, or the Guru app.
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Automated in-context knowledge

Information appears like a bolt of lightning when you configure Guru to deliver specific knowledge when viewing any webpage.
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Suggested Answers in Slack

Guru automatically suggests trusted answers to questions asked in your team's Slack channels, reducing repeat questions and saving time for subject matter experts.
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Create content from anywhere

Stop switching apps. Capture and create content in Slack, your browser, and anywhere else your teams are already working.

Teams integration

Receive announcements and notifications, search for knowledge, and use your favorite Guru features right where your team is working.
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"Eu amo como o Guru está resolvendo os problemas que cada um de nós enfrenta todos os dias. O ROI de usar o Guru é tão facilmente mensurável que me faz sentir inveja!"
Bob Craig
VP de Sucesso

Sua fonte única de verdade que continua melhorando

A abordagem colaborativa do Guru entre IA e especialistas humanos melhora o compartilhamento de conhecimento e aprimora o desempenho da IA ao longo do tempo, para que você possa confiar que a informação que sua equipe está obtendo está correta.
Custom Pages

Custom Pages

Create personalized landing pages within the Guru dashboard to curate and display specific content for separate teams or departments.
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AI Training Center

Track questions, see frequently used sources, edit answers, add context, and fill knowledge gaps proactively and easily.
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Powerful analytics

Get powerful insights into how your teams use content, what they're searching for, and how it's impacting performance.
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Push timely information to teams, individuals, or everyone at your company and be sure they've read and understood it.
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Good information is like a good friend: you know you can trust it. Guru's automated reminders help SMEs keep content fresh.
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AI-powered content suggestions

Using advanced AI, Guru serves useful information to each employee based on what they're working on.

Trending Topics for Slack

Conversations = content. Guru's AI combs designated Slack channels and identifies popular topics to add to your intranet.
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Role-based access control

Users will only see (and get AI answers from) content that they already have permission to see

AI-recommended experts

Not sure who to ask? Guru identifies the right experts on your teams to answer questions and verify content is correct.
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HRIS sync

Save time and effort—instantly import data from your HRIS to ensure employee information is consistent across systems.
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Comments and emoji reactions

Keep a finger on your company's pulse. Guru creates a place for conversation, where employees can show how they feel.
“[Anúncios] nos dará insights mais profundos sobre como todos na Via estão se engajando com nossas atualizações e nos dará a oportunidade de obter feedback de funcionários que não estão lendo os anúncios consistentemente."
Nathan Galovan
Gerente de Conhecimento

Coletar conhecimento não documentado

Encontre informações existentes em sua empresa, e conforme necessário, as equipes podem usar a base de conhecimento integrada do Guru para capturar conhecimento não documentado em mensagens de chat, gravações de reuniões, comentários de projetos e muito mais.
AI content assist

AI content assist

Your very own writing assistant, powered by generative AI. Creating content and summarizing complex topics has never been easier.
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Collaborative content editor

Guru doesn’t just improve the quality of your info—our robust editor means your content also looks too good to skip.
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Duplicate detection

Keep your intranet pristine with intelligent duplicate detection. Guru identifies redundant content so you don't have to.
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A quick way to handle stale content that automatically archives neglected items to maintain an up-to-date and relevant knowledge base.

Shared drafts

Multiple authors can work simultaneously on a single piece of content, comment in-line, and see each other's changes instantly.

Publishing approvals

Have tighter control over content quality by designating who can create content and require approval before new material can be published.


A blank canvas can be intimidating. Use templates for consistent content that’s easier for employees to create and consume.
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Save the information you use most, organize it your way, and access it easily. Never lose important knowledge again.
"Assist foi realmente útil para facilitar as coisas. Eu simplesmente peguei partes importantes do deck, adicionei-as a um rascunho, e então tudo foi montado para mim. Senti que estava trapaceando."
Linda Moore
Especialista em Assuntos

Controles e personalização avançados

Crie uma experiência poderosa e personalizada de conhecimento com permissões sofisticadas de público e autor.


For your eyes only? Guru's permissioning levels make it easy to control who can create, edit, or view content.


Customize your Guru experience, sync with your systems, and connect information stored in Guru to other applications.


Log in to Guru using an external identity provider (SSO) and automatically provision Guru accounts (SCIM).


As an admin, you can add a new Guru Workspace for teams within your organization that are not using Guru yet. You’ll be able to share content across Workspaces, while maintaining separate billing, user management, and even branding.
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Guru was built with security in mind. Your data is always secure with Guru. Our ironclad protections safeguard your content no matter where it comes from. Learn more about how we protect your data.
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Get Guru Enterprise

See how Guru makes your teams more connected, informed, and engaged, even as you scale.
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Chrome Extension

Works everywhere on the web: employees can ask questions, create, share, access, and update information without leaving the page they’re viewing.
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Guru's AI finds popular topics from your Slack channels and makes it easy to turn into content or share.
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MS Teams

Access and share verified knowledge from Guru in the same place that you chat and collaborate with your teammates.
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Leverage all of your company’s content directly within ChatGPT
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O Guru funciona com suas ferramentas e aplicativos favoritos

WorkdaySalesforce logoZendesk logoZapier logoWorkato logoGitHub logo
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