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March 27, 2025
9 min read

Top 10 AI Prompt Generators: How to Choose the Best [2025]

You usually use ChatGPT — or other similar artificial intelligence (AI) tools — but they never seem to give you the right answers. 為什麼會這樣?

It’s probably because you’re just asking random questions that don’t quite reflect your intention. You need accurate and specific prompts to get faster, more relevant results but the problem is, learning how to write prompts is a monotonous process. 

Luckily, there are plenty of AI prompt generators that can do the job for you. And that’s exactly what this article is about. Here, you’ll learn what AI prompt generators are, what are some of the best tools available, and how to choose the right one for your business needs. 

What is an AI Prompt Generator?

Simply put, an AI prompt generator is a useful tool for generating prompts that will give you optimal results when using AI tools and chatbots. The AI prompt generators tailor the prompts to your specific needs and tasks, so you can ensure you get highly relevant responses. 

For example, you want to create a cat in the style of Rembrandt, using a laptop but you can’t find the words. An AI prompt generator can find the keywords necessary to get the most precise results from AI image generators such as Midjourney. 

So, AI prompt generators craft unique prompts that help you get new ideas and speed up the brainstorming process.

But we can talk about the benefits later. For now, let’s focus on some of the best AI prompt generators currently available. 

What are Some of the Best AI Prompt Generators?

Experts predict that in 2025, 60% of working professionals will be trained in crafting effective AI prompts. Until then, though, you’ll have to use some of the best AI prompt generators around, such as: 

  1. PromptPerfect Best for optimizing prompts using AI models such as Midjourney, Claude, or GPT-4. 
  2. PromptHero Best prompt generator for AI-generated art and images. 
  3. Midjourney Prompt Generator Best AI prompt tool for Midjourney. 
  4. Taskade Best AI-powered workspace for increasing productivity. 
  5. WebUtility Best free prompt generator for ChatGPT. 
  6. PromptBase Best marketplace for buying and selling AI prompts. 
  7. ChatX Best free online marketplace for buying and generating AI prompts. 
  8. PromptoMANIA Best online prompt builder for generating AI art. 
  9. AI Text Prompt Generator Best text-to-image prompt builder with customizable templates. 
  10. PromptMakr Best app for selling and buying prompts. 

They all sound nice on paper; but what makes these AI prompt generators so special? Let’s dive into each one of them in greater detail. 

1. PromptPerfect

PromptPerfect declares itself as an AI prompt optimizer that transforms your ideas into accurate prompts in seconds, using AI models such as Midjourney, Claude, and GPT-4. 

Source: PromptPerfect

It’s an AI platform designed for large language models (LLMs), large models (LMs), and LMOps. PromptPerfect can transform any idea you have into a precise prompt, suitable for diverse tasks and audiences. 

Plus, PromptPerfect has an intuitive interface, so it’s not hard to understand, even for beginners. As a result, using this cutting-edge tool can unlock the full potential of LLMs and LMs so you get quality results each time. 

If you’re someone who’s looking for [a] recommendation engine when it comes to creation of prompts, PromptPerfect is the solution. The quality of user prompts it provides is fantastic.” 


  • Auto-tune: PromptPerfect optimizes your prompts for any LLM model. And you can quickly switch between models so you can get better results. 
  • Prompt as a service: You can deploy prompts as REST API services, which means you can integrate them easily into your apps. 
  • Agents: PromptPerfect offers a method to design custom agents and environments that help you reach your business objectives better. 


PromptPerfect is great for prompt engineers, content creators, or AI developers, but also for various industries such as marketing, multimedia, and software development. 

2. PromptHero

PromptHero is a prompt engineering database for AI art. You can search through millions of AI-generated art examples and see the exact prompts that created them to get inspired. 

Source: PromptHero

It includes art from various models like Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, Midjourney, and more, offering a wide range of styles and themes. 這是如何運作的? You browse through a collection of popular prompts that help spark your inspiration. It’s easy to find both unique art pieces based on the theme you want and also support in creating visually appealing designs. 

Very helpful to get you on the right path asap.” 


  • High-quality art: PromptHero offers a wide array of high-quality images generated by AI and based on user prompts. 
  • Wide range of prompts: You can find prompts in every kind of style and genre, so it suits any preference. 
  • User-friendly interface: PromptHero is easy to use, so you don’t need extra knowledge to generate or filter the prompts you like. 


PromptHero is suitable for designers, artists, educators, and businesses that want fresh ideas for their design projects. 

3. Midjourney Prompt Generator

Midjourney is a powerful AI image generator that you can access on Discord. With a single prompt, the bot can craft some of the best art pieces around, as long as you know how to word your prompt. 

Source: Promptfolder

To help you out, Midjourney Prompt Generator exists. It offers all the parameters and styling options you need, as the tool can translate your preferences into words so you can create the perfect image. All you need to do is type in the main concept of your image and set any parameters, like aspect ratio, to get started. 

Once generated, copy the prompt into Midjourney and that’s it! 

Awesome and very helpful tool for managing AI prompts.” 


  • Advanced editor: PromptHelper offers a sophisticated editing tool that you can use to refine your prompts. 
  • Prompt management: You can save your Midjourney prompts into your account and access them later. 
  • Upload images: If you want Midjourney to generate a specific image, you can upload an example, which the tool can use for inspiration when building your prompt. 


Content creators, SEO specialists, social media managers, and researchers can use this tool to create AI-generated content. 

4. Taskade

Taskade is an AI-powered workspace where you can create outlines, flows, and checklists for your projects. Basically, it helps teams of all sizes get more work done. 

Source: Taskade

What makes Taskade great is the template selection. With this tool, you can design your own productivity system, such as weekly planners, daily bullet journals, or team standups. 

Moreover, team members can collaborate in real time in this workspace by editing projects. They’ll also receive push notifications if there are any new updates. 

The value for what you get is really good. The incorporation of AI is brilliant and it’s providing an amazing leverage for us as we build our team within Taskade.” 


  • Custom AI agents: You can set your own custom AI agents for marketing, project management, etc. — they manage tasks just like any productive member of your company. 
  • Automation workflows: Taskade helps you streamline your flows through AI automation, which increases efficiency and enhances content creation. 
  • AI workflow generator: With Taskade, you can craft a custom template for everything, tailored to your company and data. 


Taskade is best for agencies, AI agent teams, content creation, and workflow automation. 

5. WebUtility

WebUtility is a free online ChatGPT prompt generator that helps you unlock ChatGPT’s full potential by creating better prompts. 

Source: WebUtility

So, what this tool does is effortlessly generate prompts for ChatGPT, whether you want help with content creation, research, or coding. Just select an action from the dropdown menu (analyze, explain, compare), the focus, and a subject, and the tool will generate contextually relevant prompts. 

As a result, ChatGPT will give more appropriate answers, which saves you time and effort.  


  • Tailored prompts: Every prompt you generate will be tailored to your requirements so you can avoid generic or irrelevant responses. 
  • Multiple actions: You have different action types you can choose from a dropdown menu, such as recommend, predict, evaluate, and debate. 
  • Focus options: You have a selection of focus options you can select to best align with your objectives. 


WebUtility is suitable for anyone who wants to get the best results out of ChatGPT. 

6. PromptBase

PromptBase is not exactly a prompt generator, but a marketplace where you can buy AI prompts made by experts for tools like Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, Midjourney, and more. 

Source: PromptBase

You can explore 130,000+ curated AI prompts for art and illustrations, logos and icons, productivity and writing, games and 3D. So many options; but if you want it, you can have it. 

You can even sell your own prompts if you’re feeling inspired. It doesn’t take long for the prompt to be approved and you can earn a small revenue from being creative. 


  • ASCII art: If you’re interested in creating unique ASCII art, PromptBase is the right tool for the job. 
  • Connect with Stripe: Selling prompts is easy on this platform, as it integrates with Stripe, the payments tool. 
  • Advanced search feature: With this capability, you can quickly find inspiration and discover the prompts suited to your needs. 


PromptBase is a tool suitable for AI researchers, prompt engineers, and programmers. 

7. ChatX

ChatX is double trouble: it’s a free prompt marketplace, but also a generator for tools like ChatGPT, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney. 

Source: ChatX

The best part of this tool is that all prompts and services are free to use, in whatever way you want. 您會找到大量已經產生成功結果的提示,隨時準備滿足任何需求。 

提示生成器簡單直觀;只需添加您需要的內容和希望 GPT 扮演的角色,系統就會為您生成合適的提示。 


  • 示例回應: 如果您想使用提示但不確定它是否會正確回應,您可以查看示例回應以獲得感覺。 
  • 進階算法: 您可以放心,ChatX 只會生成高質量的回應,以滿足您的具體需求和偏好。 


ChatX 非常適合任何想要生成免費提示的人。 

8. PromptoMANIA

PromptoMANIA 是一個為藝術社群提供的線上提示生成工具,允許設計師和內容創作者為擴散模型如 WOMBO Dream、Disco Diffusion 等創建 AI 藝術。 


這是一個使用者友好的生成器,允許你選擇使用的 AI 模型和圖像的風格(你甚至可以添加參考圖像),就是這樣! PromptoMANIA 將構建您夢想中的 AI 藝術。 

我們 非常推薦 PromptoMANIA,因為它的多功能性、用戶友好性和廣泛的自定義選項。 它作為各種擴散模型的一站式商店脫穎而出,並且是免費使用的。” 


  • 網格分割器: 使用此實用功能,您可以從單一圖像創建多個藝術作品。 上傳圖像,選擇行數和列數,分割圖像,然後把想要的保存到您的電腦上。 
  • 自定義選項: PromptoMANIA 在自定義提示方面提供大量選擇,從選擇模仿的樣式到尺寸和照明。 
  • 易於使用: 您不需要額外的知識即可創建所需的提示。 按照說明操作,您一定能獲得理想的結果。


PromptoMANIA 適用於平面設計以及部落格文章。 

9. AI 文本提示生成器

AI 文本提示生成器是一個工具,允許您構建自己的提示或自定義現有的提示。 它主要用於文本到圖像生成,但它也有一個 ChatGPT 提示生成器(針對專業版)。

來源:AI 文本提示生成器

這是一個幫助您節省時間和精力並提供驚人結果的工具。 由於您可以訪問各種創意模板,只需選擇一個,根據您的需要進行調整,然後粘貼到您的 AI 圖像生成器中。 



  • 自定義選項: 這個工具有很多自定義選項,可以讓您根據特定需求和品牌風格調整提示。 
  • 多功能性: 您可以為不同的媒介類型創建提示,例如部落格文章、電子郵件通訊等。 
  • 可訪問性: 此工具使用不需要任何技術技能或先前的設計知識。 任何人都可以輕鬆使用它來創建高質量的圖像。 


AI 文本提示生成器是行銷人員和內容創作者的理想解決方案。 

10. PromptMakr

PromptMakr 是一個市場,提示工程師可以在此購買或出售 AI 提示並尋求靈感。 您可以通過加入 PromptMakr 的 Discord 頻道或在 App Store 或 Google Play 下載該工具來使用它。 

來源:Google Play

這個工具強調合作,您將加入一個志同道合的社群,渴望與您分享他們的提示。 它還作為您生成的提示的存儲庫,因此當您最需要它們時,您總是可以訪問它們。 



  • 多樣化主題: PromptMakr 提供根據您的需求而變的範圍廣泛的風格,從美麗的風景到動漫角色。 
  • 高質量圖像: 此工具支持高達 8K 的解析度,這對於專業性質的帖子非常有幫助。 
  • 無限制提示: 您可以無所顧慮的釋放創意,因為 PromptMakr 提供無限制的提示。 


PromptMark 適合尋找靈感的提示工程師。


這些工具有沒有讓您心動? 如果是,那真是太棒的消息了! 如果不是,那麼您可能想要了解使用 AI 提示生成器的好處。 

使用 AI 提示生成器的好處是什麼?

一項Gartner 調查 揭示,18% 的企業領導者正在測試和實施生成 AI,而47% 將在未來幾個月這樣做。 人工智慧這個領域肯定有它的價值,對吧? 

是真的。 所有的 AI 工具,從圖像生成器到搜尋引擎,都有其優勢。 但是,AI 提示生成器的好處是什麼? 讓我們看看: 

  • 多功能性和靈活性: AI 提示生成器適用於您能想像的每個領域,從技術行業到設計等更具創意的領域。 這種靈活性使提示生成器成為任何企業不可或缺的工具。 
  • 增加創造力: 我們都會碰到找不到想法且缺乏靈感的日子。 AI 提示生成器可以幫助我們釋放創造力,為任何主題提供全新的想法和視角。 
  • 提高生產力: 您通常需要花費數千小時進行研究,但使用提示生成器可以在幾秒鐘內集思廣益,而不是幾天。 由於這一過程已精簡化,您可以將重點放在其他關鍵任務上,例如改善您的內容。 
  • 更好的準確性: 如果您厭倦了從 LLM 獲得不相關的輸出,AI 提示生成器可以輕鬆解決此問題。 這些工具可以構建符合您需求和目標的提示,因此您可以獲得更好的結果。 

這些好處聽起來不錯,是吧? 等您看到我們為您準備的必備功能清單! 


每個 AI 提示生成器都有其特殊的je ne sais quoi ,使其對我們特別有吸引力。 可能是因為我們喜歡這個名字,喜歡它的功能,或是喜歡客戶服務。 

但是每個 AI 提示生成器應該至少擁有這些功能之一(或更多): 

  • 可自定義選項 選擇一個允許您根據具體需求調整提示的 AI 提示生成器,例如調整提示的樣式、複雜性和語氣。 
  • 集成能力 集成使您可以無縫訪問 AI 提示生成器,可以在您已經工作的地方使用。 它應該能與您現有的軟件集成,讓您的工作流程更加流暢。 
  • 多樣化輸出選項 您選擇的 AI 提示生成器應該提供多種提示類型和內容格式,從圖像到代碼。 
  • 用戶友好界面 – 明確、直觀的界面是必須的,以便即使是初學者也可以使用它來生成和優化提示。 
  • 先進的 AI 模型 選擇一個擁有最先進的 AI 模型的解決方案。 這樣做將有助於提供更準確和創意的輸出,與您的商業目標相關。 
  • 安全功能 AI 有時提供不準確的信息,因此您選擇的工具應包含過濾器和設置,以確保您的輸出符合公司的指南。 



如何為您的需求選擇最佳的 AI 提示生成器

選擇符合您意願的合適 AI 提示生成器有點挑戰。 不過,我們可以通過提供正確決策的提示和技巧幫助您找出答案。


  • 目的對齊 首先,選擇一個與您的具體用例相符的 AI 工具,無論您是想集思廣益、快速創建新內容,還是編碼更好。 有很多平台在不同領域表現突出,因此選擇適合您需求的正確工具。 
  • 可擴展性 AI 提示生成器能否輕鬆處理大量的提示生成? 我們希望能,因為這是此類工具最重要的功能之一。 請確保它能高效完成所有任務,而不會妥協質量。 
  • 成本和價值 – 在您做出選擇之前,請比較價格計劃,然後選擇適合您預算的工具。 此外,它是否提供你想要的功能範圍、輸出質量和客戶支持,以便實際提供價值? 
  • 社群支持 您不必獨自進行提示生成。 如果有什麼難以理解的地方,您可以向工具的社群請求幫助。 因此,請確保客戶服務反應靈敏且提供商擁有活躍的論壇。 
  • 學習資源 – 某些工具附帶教程、指南或知識庫,幫助您了解有關該工具或故障排除的所有信息。
  • 準確性 您需要該平台可靠,始終如一地提供準確和可靠的輸出。
  • 跨平台可用性 也許您總是隨時隨地希望在移動設備上生成提示,但該工具無法滿足這一需求。 因此,請選擇一個在不同平台上可用的 AI 提示生成器,例如網頁、移動或桌面。 
  • 倫理考量 人們普遍對人工智慧工具存有疑慮,例如在生成提示時使用數據的方式。 請檢查 AI 解決方案是否遵循負責任使用的倫理指南。 例如,避免偏見的結果。 

您準備好做出選擇了嗎? 如果是,讓我們總結一下……


您現在準備好像專業人士一樣生成 AI 提示了。 正如您所見,使用工具比發揮自己的想像力來得簡單得多,因為它為您提供準確和相關的結果,針對您的利基市場定制。

但是,您將如何處理這些信息? 把它放在雜亂無章的狀態嗎? 不 — 您應該將其整理起來,並將其添加到您的知識庫中。 而這項任務的最佳解決方案是Guru GPT。 

使用這個 AI 驅動的工具,您可以輕鬆從一個界面搜索所有文檔、聊天和應用程序,以獲得更準確的結果。 只需一個提示,您就可以隨時隨地獲取所需的信息。 

今天就註冊 Guru

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

什麼是最好的 AI 提示生成器?

最佳的 AI 提示生成器取決於您的需求,但像 ChatGPT、Jasper AI 和 等工具在為各種用例生成創意和有效的提示方面非常受歡迎。

我如何創建 AI 提示?

要創建 AI 提示,明確定義您希望 AI 解決的任務或問題,提供上下文,並包括任何具體細節或限制,以引導 AI 的回應。

什麼是最好的免費 AI 提示生成器?

OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 提供強大且免費的提示生成工具,特別適用於寫作、編碼或頭腦風暴等基於文本的任務。

AI 提示生成器是做什麼的?

AI 提示生成器幫助創建具體、詳細的輸入(提示),引導 AI 模型根據所需的輸出生成相關和一致的回應。

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