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August 16, 2024
XX min read

SuccessFactors vs ChartHop


When looking for comprehensive HRIS tools, two names that often come up are SAP SuccessFactors and ChartHop. SAP SuccessFactors offers a holistic approach with core HR/payroll, talent management, HR analytics/workforce planning, and individual employee experiences. In contrast, ChartHop focuses on connecting and visualizing all your people data to empower organizations with actionable insights and alignment. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these tools can help organizations make an informed decision that aligns with their specific needs.

SAP SuccessFactors Overview

SAP SuccessFactors is renowned for its extensive Human Experience Management (HXM) suite. This suite extends across core HR, payroll, talent management, HR analytics, and workforce planning. It aims to foster both employee and organizational success by creating individualized employee experiences.

Key Features

  • Core HR and Payroll: Comprehensive management of employee lifecycle, payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance with legal requirements.
  • Talent Management: Tools for recruiting, onboarding, performance management, learning and development, and succession planning.
  • HR Analytics and Workforce Planning: Advanced reporting and analytics for strategic HR decision-making, including workforce planning, talent analytics, and benchmarking.
  • Employee Experience Management: Personalized employee experiences that focus on enhancing satisfaction and engagement through continuous feedback and tailored development plans.
  • Integration and Extensibility: Robust integration capabilities with other SAP solutions and third-party applications, ensuring seamless workflows and data consistency.

ChartHop Overview

ChartHop is a dynamic People Operations Platform that sheds light on every facet of an organization's people data. It connects data from various sources to provide actionable insights that drive alignment and empower decision-making.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Org Charts: Interactive organizational charts that provide a comprehensive visualization of the company structure, including reporting relationships and team compositions.
  • People Analytics: Tools for tracking and analyzing key HR metrics, including diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statistics, headcount trends, and attrition rates.
  • Compensation Management: Visualization and management of compensation data, allowing for strategic planning and equity analysis.
  • Career Pathing and Development: Tools that visualize career progression opportunities and facilitate employee development and growth planning.
  • Data Connectivity: Integrates with various HR systems to consolidate people data, ensuring a single source of truth.


Both SAP SuccessFactors and ChartHop offer robust solutions that address key HR needs:

  • Comprehensive HR Management: Both tools provide capabilities to manage core HR functions, including employee lifecycle, payroll, and benefits administration.
  • Talent and Performance Management: Encourage a strategic approach to talent acquisition, onboarding, performance reviews, and development.
  • HR Analytics: Leverage data to provide insights into workforce trends, helping drive strategic HR decisions.
  • Integration Capabilities: Both platforms integrate with other systems to centralize data and promote seamless workflows.
  • Employee Experience Focus: Aim to enhance employee satisfaction and engagement through tailored experiences and development opportunities.


While there are similarities, differences between SAP SuccessFactors and ChartHop should also be acknowledged:

  • Core Focus: SAP SuccessFactors offers a more comprehensive HXM suite encompassing various HR aspects, whereas ChartHop focuses primarily on data visualization and people analytics.
  • Employee Experience: SuccessFactors places a strong emphasis on individualized employee experiences through its HR practices, while ChartHop excels in providing actionable insights through data visualization.
  • Compensation and Career Pathing: ChartHop shines with its specific focus on compensation management and career path visualization, areas where SuccessFactors is less centered.
  • Usability and Interface: ChartHop provides an intuitive, visually-driven interface ideal for dynamic organizational views. SuccessFactors, while robust, may have a steeper learning curve given its broader functionalities.
  • Customization and Extensibility: SuccessFactors’ extended integration with SAP products can be a significant advantage for organizations using multiple SAP solutions, offering extensive customization options. ChartHop, on the other hand, is designed for simplicity and ease of use with existing HR data.

Pros and Cons

SAP SuccessFactors


  • Comprehensive suite covering all major HR functions.
  • Strong focus on employee engagement and experience.
  • Advanced analytics and workforce planning tools.
  • Seamless integration with other SAP solutions.
  • Customizable to fit diverse organizational needs.


  • Complexity due to extensive features may require significant training.
  • Higher cost, which might not be suitable for smaller organizations.
  • Implementation can be time-consuming.



  • Highly intuitive and visually appealing interface.
  • Excellent at data visualization and providing actionable insights.
  • Focuses on compensation management and career pathing.
  • Easier to set up and use compared to more comprehensive systems.
  • Affordable and accessible for smaller organizations.


  • Limited to certain HR functionalities, not a complete HXM solution.
  • Depends on data from other systems; may require robust integrations.
  • Lacks some advanced features that larger enterprises might need.

Use Cases

SAP SuccessFactors

  • Large Enterprises: Ideal for large organizations that require a comprehensive HXM suite and have the resources for extensive implementation and training.
  • Diverse Workforce Management: Organizations with a global presence or complex workforce management needs can significantly benefit from SuccessFactors' extensive features.
  • Integrated SAP Ecosystem: Companies already invested in SAP solutions would find a seamless extension with SuccessFactors.


  • Data-Driven Organizations: Ideal for companies that prioritize data visualization and need insights for strategic decision-making.
  • Small to Mid-Sized Businesses: Smaller organizations that require a more straightforward, intuitive tool for managing HR data without the complexity of an extensive HXM suite.
  • Dynamic Reporting Needs: Companies needing robust, visually appealing reporting and real-time data analytics on workforce trends.


Comparing SAP SuccessFactors and ChartHop for HRIS needs highlights distinct strengths and specific applications for each tool. SuccessFactors stands out with its comprehensive HXM suite, making it suitable for large enterprises with complex HR requirements and existing SAP investments. ChartHop excels in its user-friendly data visualization capabilities, making it ideal for data-driven, small to mid-sized businesses that seek actionable insights without the overwhelming complexity.

In choosing between SAP SuccessFactors and ChartHop, organizations should consider their specific needs, such as the extent of required HR functionalities, the level of visual data insights, and the resources available for implementation and training. SuccessFactors offers a broader, more integrated HR experience, while ChartHop provides an efficient, visually-driven approach to people data management.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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