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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Re:amaze vs Kustomer


In the rapidly evolving business landscape, selecting the right customer support tool can significantly impact operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Re:amaze and Kustomer are both powerful ticketing tools designed to streamline customer support processes, yet they cater to different aspects of customer service management.

Re:amaze is a helpdesk and customer messaging platform designed for websites, stores, and apps. Businesses use Re:amaze to provide exceptional customer support through live chat, email, social media, mobile SMS/MMS, VOIP, and FAQ Knowledge Bases.

Kustomer, on the other hand, is a first-of-its-kind customer service CRM platform designed to manage high support volumes by optimizing experiences throughout the customer service journey.

Comparing these two robust tools will help businesses understand their strengths and limitations, thus aiding in selecting the most suitable tool for their specific needs.

Re:amaze Overview

Re:amaze positions itself as an all-encompassing customer messaging platform that integrates with numerous channels to offer a unified customer support experience.

Key Features

  • Multi-Channel Support: Re:amaze provides support through live chat, email, social media, mobile SMS/MMS, and VOIP. This allows businesses to engage with customers through their preferred communication channels.
  • Unified Inbox: Manage conversations from all channels in a single, organized inbox, ensuring no customer query goes unanswered.
  • Chatbots and Automation: Automate routine queries with customizable chatbots, reducing the load on human agents and speeding up response times.
  • CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrate with popular CRM systems to access customer data and context, resulting in a more personalized support experience.
  • Knowledge Base: Create and maintain a comprehensive FAQ section, helping customers find answers quickly and reducing repetitive queries to the support team.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into customer interactions and agent performance to continuously refine support strategies.
  • E-commerce Integration: Specifically designed to integrate with online stores, allowing order tracking and customer data to be easily accessed within the support interface.

Kustomer Overview

Kustomer is designed as a comprehensive customer service CRM platform that focuses on providing a 360-degree view of the customer to manage high support volumes effectively.

Key Features

  • Customer Timeline: Provides a detailed timeline of all customer interactions, offering context-rich insights that help agents resolve issues faster.
  • Omnichannel Routing: Supports communication across various channels, including email, chat, social media, and SMS, with advanced routing capabilities to ensure the right agent handles each query.
  • Workflow Automation: Design complex workflows to automate routine tasks, improving efficiency and consistency in customer service delivery.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Leverages AI to provide actionable insights and predictive analytics, helping anticipate customer needs and optimize support processes.
  • Kustomer IQ: AI-driven tools that enhance agent productivity by automating responses, tagging conversations, and surfacing relevant customer information.
  • Integrations: Integrates with various third-party tools and platforms, allowing businesses to maintain a single source of truth for customer information.
  • Self-Service Options: Enable customers to solve their issues via self-service portals, reducing inbound queries and improving customer satisfaction.


Re:amaze and Kustomer both serve as robust ticketing tools, providing multiple channels for customer support and embedding automation and AI to streamline processes. They integrate with numerous third-party applications and CRMs to offer a unified customer service experience. Additionally, both platforms enable the creation of self-service options, such as knowledge bases or self-service portals, to help customers resolve issues on their own.


  • Focus: Re:amaze focuses on providing multi-channel support with a strong emphasis on integrating with e-commerce platforms, making it ideal for online stores. Kustomer, meanwhile, concentrates on offering a comprehensive CRM approach, providing a detailed timeline of customer interactions to improve context and personalization in support.
  • Customer Management: Kustomer’s timeline feature offers a more in-depth view of the customer journey, which can be advantageous for businesses looking to offer highly personalized support. Re:amaze’s approach is more centered around efficient multi-channel communication.
  • Automation Capabilities: While both platforms offer significant automation features, Kustomer’s AI-powered insights and predictive capabilities are more advanced, catering to businesses that handle high support volumes and need sophisticated workflow automation.
  • Agent Productivity Tools: Kustomer provides more in-depth tools for enhancing agent productivity through AI-driven recommendations and advanced routing capabilities. Re:amaze offers a more straightforward approach with chatbots and basic automation tools.
  • Pricing: Re:amaze is typically more affordable with straightforward pricing plans catering to small and medium-sized businesses. Kustomer tends to be on the higher end of the pricing spectrum, reflecting its advanced features and suitability for larger enterprises with high support volumes.

Pros and Cons



  • Multi-channel support in a single unified inbox.
  • Strong integration with e-commerce platforms.
  • User-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.
  • Affordable pricing plans suitable for small and medium businesses.
  • Robust automation capabilities with customizable chatbots.


  • Limited in-depth CRM capabilities compared to Kustomer.
  • Not as suited for handling extremely high support volumes.
  • Analytics and reporting features might be less comprehensive.



  • Comprehensive customer timelines offering detailed context.
  • Advanced AI-powered insights and automation.
  • Suitable for handling high support volumes efficiently.
  • Extensive integrations with CRM systems and other third-party tools.
  • Superior agent productivity tools, such as advanced routing and AI recommendations.


  • Higher pricing, which may not be feasible for smaller businesses.
  • Complexity in setup and customization could require more time and resources.
  • May offer more features than necessary for businesses with lower support volumes.

Use Cases

  • Re:amaze: Ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, particularly those with e-commerce operations requiring efficient multi-channel support. Its strong integration with online stores and affordable pricing make it a go-to option for growing businesses seeking robust customer support without the complexity of advanced CRM features.
  • Kustomer: Best suited for larger enterprises handling high support volumes that need comprehensive CRM capabilities. Businesses that require detailed customer interaction history and advanced AI-driven insights will benefit the most from Kustomer’s extensive feature set. It’s also suitable for teams looking for sophisticated automation and agent productivity tools to optimize their support operations.


In comparing Re:amaze vs. Kustomer, the choice ultimately depends on the specific needs and scale of your business. Re:amaze offers a user-friendly, multi-channel support solution that integrates well with e-commerce platforms, making it ideal for small to medium-sized businesses looking for efficient and affordable customer support tools.

Kustomer, with its advanced CRM capabilities, AI-powered insights, and comprehensive customer timelines, is better suited for larger enterprises that handle high support volumes and need an in-depth understanding of customer interactions. While it comes at a higher price point, the extensive features and advanced automation justify the investment for businesses that require a sophisticated customer service solution.

To make the best decision, consider your business size, the volume of customer support queries, and the importance of advanced CRM functionalities in your customer service strategy.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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