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August 16, 2024
XX min read

JumpCloud vs Rippling


In the world of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), finding the right tool that fits your organization’s needs is crucial. JumpCloud and Rippling are two such HRIS tools, each offering unique benefits and capabilities.

JumpCloud helps IT teams and managed service providers (MSPs) Make Work Happen® by centralizing management of user identities and devices. Trusted by more than 200,000 organizations, including notable names like GoFundMe, Grab, Beyond Finance, and TechStars, JumpCloud is renowned for enabling small and medium-sized enterprises to adopt Zero Trust security models. With over $400 million raised from world-class investors like Sapphire Ventures, General Atlantic, Sands Capital, Atlassian, and CrowdStrike, JumpCloud is a powerhouse in user and device management.

Rippling, on the other hand, provides businesses with an integrated platform for HR, IT, and Finance. It consolidates all workforce systems, including payroll, expenses, benefits, and computer management into one seamless system. Rippling allows businesses to manage and automate every part of the employee lifecycle from a single system, offering simplicity and efficiency in handling global operations.

Comparing these HRIS tools is essential to help you determine which solution aligns best with your organizational needs, ensuring efficient and effective HR, IT, and finance management.

JumpCloud Overview

JumpCloud helps organizations centralize IT operations, focusing on user identities and device management. It facilitates the implementation of Zero Trust security models, making it an ideal solution for SMBs aiming for high-level security standards.

Key Features

  • Centralized User Management: Control and manage users across various systems and applications.
  • Device Management: Full device visibility and management capabilities, ensuring all corporate devices are secure and up-to-date.
  • Zero Trust Security: Enables the implementation of Zero Trust security principles, protecting sensitive data and resources.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Provides added security through MFA for user logins.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Simplifies access to multiple systems and applications with a single set of credentials.
  • Directory Integration: Integrates with existing directories like LDAP, Active Directory, and others for seamless user management.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Offers tools for compliance management and detailed reporting capacities.

Rippling Overview

Rippling offers a comprehensive solution combining HR, IT, and finance management into one platform, streamlining processes and reducing administrative burdens for global businesses.

Key Features

  • Unified Workforce Management: Integrates HR, IT, and finance operations in one platform.
  • Payroll Automation: Manages payroll across multiple states and countries with automatic tax calculation and compliance.
  • Benefits Administration: Simplifies managing employee benefits, including health insurance, 401(k) plans, and more.
  • Expense Management: Handles employee expenses through automated processes.
  • IT Management: Manages employee devices and applications, ensuring security and efficiency.
  • Onboarding and Offboarding: Automates the entire employee lifecycle from hiring to termination.
  • Compliance Monitoring: Ensures compliance with federal, state, and international regulations.


Both JumpCloud and Rippling offer robust solutions for managing aspects of HR and IT processes. Key similarities include:

  • Centralized Management: Both platforms provide comprehensive management of user identities and devices.
  • Security: They emphasize security through features like MFA and compliance monitoring.
  • Automation: Each tool offers automation capabilities to reduce manual processes, streamlining HR and IT tasks.
  • Integration Capabilities: Both integrate with various third-party applications and directories, enhancing their flexibility and usability.


Despite their similarities, JumpCloud and Rippling cater to different primary focuses and offer distinct features.

  • Primary Focus:
  • JumpCloud: Specializes in IT management, particularly user identity, device management, and security.
  • Rippling: Combines HR, IT, and finance management, aiming to offer a holistic business management solution.
  • Global Operations:
  • JumpCloud: While providing strong device and identity management, it does not explicitly focus on global HR and payroll.
  • Rippling: Explicitly designed to handle global HR operations, including payroll and tax compliance in multiple countries.
  • Integration Depth:
  • JumpCloud: Offers robust integrations primarily for IT management systems.
  • Rippling: Delivers extensive integrations across HR, IT, and finance systems, offering a more comprehensive enterprise resource platform.
  • Target Audience:
  • JumpCloud: Ideal for IT-focused teams seeking robust identity and device management.
  • Rippling: Targets organizations seeking an integrated solution that encompasses HR, IT, and finance.

Pros and Cons



  • Strong focus on security with Zero Trust model capabilities.
  • Robust device and user identity management.
  • Scalability suitable for SMBs.
  • Integrates well with existing IT infrastructure and directories.
  • Comprehensive MFA and SSO features.


  • Limited to IT and identity management; lacks extensive HR and finance features.
  • May require more technical know-how for setup and management.
  • Not designed for global payroll or expense management.



  • Unified platform combining HR, IT, and finance, reducing the need for multiple systems.
  • Excellent global payroll management with automated compliance.
  • Comprehensive benefits and expense management.
  • User-friendly interface with automated onboarding and offboarding.
  • Strong device and application management capabilities.


  • Broad focus might not offer the depth in IT management that specialized solutions like JumpCloud provide.
  • Higher upfront cost due to its extensive range of features.
  • May have a steeper learning curve for users who need only IT or HR functionalities.

Use Cases


JumpCloud is ideal for:

  • IT Teams: Managed service providers and internal IT teams looking for centralized user and device management.
  • Security-Focused Organizations: SMBs aiming to implement Zero Trust security models.
  • Companies with Existing Directories: Businesses needing robust integration with existing directories like Active Directory or LDAP.


Rippling is suitable for:

  • HR Departments: Companies looking for a comprehensive HR system that includes payroll, benefits, and compliance.
  • Global Businesses: Organizations operating in multiple countries needing unified HR, IT, and financial management.
  • Fast-Growing Companies: Enterprises that require an all-in-one solution to streamline their workforce management tasks across departments.


Both JumpCloud and Rippling offer distinct advantages depending on your organization’s needs. JumpCloud excels in providing a secure, IT-focused platform for user and device management, making it ideal for SMBs and security-conscious enterprises.

On the other hand, Rippling offers a versatile, all-in-one solution integrating HR, IT, and finance, making it an excellent choice for businesses seeking comprehensive workforce management across global operations.

When choosing between JumpCloud and Rippling, consider which areas are most critical for your organization. For robust IT and security management, JumpCloud is the go-to choice. For a unified platform managing everything from HR to finance on a global scale, Rippling provides unmatched value.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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