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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Humaans vs Deel


In the realm of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), Humaans and Deel stand out as two leading contenders, each offering unique value propositions tailored to modern businesses. Humaans is built from the ground up to be the foundational layer of an organization's HR tech stack, supporting fast-growing companies by streamlining employee onboarding, management, and growth through efficient workflows, automation, and quick access to data. On the other hand, Deel focuses on simplifying payroll and compliance, enabling companies to hire globally with ease. This comprehensive comparison will help you identify which of these HRIS tools—Humaans or Deel—best fits your organizational needs.

Humaans Overview

Humaans positions itself as a robust HRIS platform designed for modern HR teams at rapidly expanding companies. It aims to automate and simplify HR processes, allowing teams to focus on strategic growth initiatives rather than administrative tasks.

Key Features

  • Employee Onboarding: Rapid and automated onboarding processes to get new hires up to speed swiftly.
  • Centralized Employee Data: Consolidation of all employee information, making it easily accessible and manageable.
  • Workflow Automation: Streamlined workflows for repetitive tasks, improving efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Performance Management: Tools to track and enhance employee performance with continuous feedback and performance reviews.
  • Compliance Management: Ensure compliance with local labor laws and company policies.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with other essential HR tools and systems.

Deel Overview

Deel distinguishes itself with a focus on global payroll and compliance, making it a go-to solution for companies looking to navigate the complexities of international hiring. By offering a modern payments platform, Deel supports businesses in legally hiring and paying employees and contractors anywhere in the world.

Key Features

  • Global Payroll: Simplified payroll processes that accommodate diverse global payment methods and currencies.
  • Compliance Support: Generation of legally binding contracts that comply with local labor laws in over 150 countries.
  • Flexible Withdrawals: Options for payments in multiple currencies and methods, including bank transfers and digital wallets.
  • EOR (Employer of Record): Deel acts as an employer of record in select countries, allowing businesses to hire without setting up local entities.
  • Contractor Management: Comprehensive management tools for ensuring smooth operations with independent contractors.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Round-the-clock support to assist with any queries or issues.


Both Humaans and Deel serve as HRIS tools aimed at streamlining HR processes and improving operational efficiency. Key similarities include:

  • Data Centralization: Both platforms provide centralized storage of employee or contractor data for quick and easy access.
  • Workflow Automation: Automation of repetitive tasks to ensure efficient HR management.
  • Compliance Management: Support for managing compliance with relevant labor laws and company policies.
  • Integration: Compatibility and integration with other HR tools and systems to enhance functionality.


While both Humaans and Deel share some core functionalities as HRIS tools, they differ significantly in their primary focus and the specific features they offer.

  • Primary Focus: Humaans is fundamentally an HR management platform designed to streamline HR processes internally, whereas Deel focuses primarily on simplifying global payroll and compliance, particularly for hiring international contractors and employees.
  • Payroll Management: Deel excels in global payroll management with its ability to handle complex international tax and payment structures, whereas Humaans offers more generic payroll functionalities suitable for internal employee management.
  • Onboarding Process: Humaans provides a more comprehensive onboarding solution tailored to integrate new hires into the internal framework efficiently. In contrast, Deel's onboarding is more geared towards ensuring compliance with global hiring practices.
  • Employee vs. Contractor Focus: Humaans is designed for managing internal employees within a company, while Deel is tailored for handling both employees and independent contractors, particularly in an international context.

Pros and Cons



  • Highly efficient employee onboarding and management features.
  • Strong workflow automation capabilities.
  • Comprehensive performance management tools.
  • Excellent integration with other HR systems.
  • User-friendly interface designed for modern HR teams.


  • Limited focus on global payroll and compliance compared to Deel.
  • May require additional tools for comprehensive international operations.
  • Best suited for companies with more internal-focused HR needs.



  • Exceptional global payroll management features.
  • Robust compliance support for over 150 countries.
  • Flexible withdrawal options catering to a global workforce.
  • Comprehensive EOR services.
  • Strong support for managing independent contractors.
  • 24/7 customer support for immediate assistance.


  • Less emphasis on performance management and internal employee growth.
  • May be overkill for companies not hiring internationally.
  • Complex features could require a learning curve for HR teams unfamiliar with global operations.

Use Cases


Humaans is ideal for:

  • Fast-growing companies looking to streamline their HR processes internally.
  • Businesses that require robust onboarding processes for new employees.
  • Organizations needing efficient workflow automation and performance management systems.
  • HR teams that need to integrate their HRIS with other essential tools and services.


Deel is perfect for:

  • Companies that hire international employees and contractors frequently.
  • Businesses dealing with complex global payroll management and compliance issues.
  • Organizations needing EOR services to hire in countries where they don’t have a local entity.
  • Companies looking for a streamlined way to manage and pay contractors globally.


In comparing Humaans and Deel, it becomes clear that the right choice largely depends on your business’s specific HR needs and goals. Humaans excels in providing a comprehensive HR management system focused on improving internal HR processes, making it a strong choice for companies that prioritize efficient onboarding, employee data management, and performance tracking. Deel, with its unparalleled global payroll and compliance features, is well-suited for organizations navigating the challenges of international hiring and payments.

For companies with a significant focus on internal HR process optimization and employee growth, Humaans offers a wide array of features that enhance operational efficiency. In contrast, businesses expanding their workforce on a global scale will find Deel’s payroll and compliance management capabilities indispensable. By considering your organization’s specific requirements, you can choose the HRIS tool that will best support your strategic HR goals and operational needs.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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