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June 6, 2024
XX min read

BambooHR vs Lano


When it comes to HR Information System (HRIS) tools, businesses need solutions that streamline and simplify their human resource processes. With various options available, selecting the best tool is crucial for achieving operational efficiency and compliance. In this comparison, we will explore BambooHR and Lano, two prominent HRIS tools with distinct functionalities aimed at different aspects of HR management.

BambooHR offers an all-in-one experience to automate key functions, tasks, and integrations. It consolidates all employee, payroll, time, and benefit information into one place, ensuring data accuracy, security, and coordination. This makes BambooHR an ideal choice for organizations looking to streamline their people operations efficiently and smoothly.

Lano, on the other hand, is a cloud-based compliance and payments platform designed to hire, manage, and pay employees and contractors in over 150 countries. It allows companies to operate internationally without setting up a legal entity, ensuring complete compliance with local regulations.

Comparing these HRIS tools can help businesses identify the best fit for their specific needs, whether it's focused on internal HR processes or managing a global workforce.

BambooHR Overview

Key Features

  1. Employee Database Management: Centralizes employee information and provides detailed employee records.
  2. Applicant Tracking System (ATS): Streamlines the recruitment process from job postings to interviewing and hiring.
  3. Onboarding: Facilitates new hire onboarding with customizable checklists and electronic signature collection.
  4. Time Tracking: Tracks employee hours, overtime, and time-off requests, integrating seamlessly with payroll.
  5. Performance Management: Manages performance reviews, goal tracking, and feedback processes.
  6. Employee Self-Service: Allows employees to access and manage their personal information, benefits, and time-off requests.
  7. Payroll Integration: Integrates payroll processing to ensure accurate and timely payments.
  8. Reports and Analytics: Provides detailed reports and analytics to gain insights into HR metrics and improve decision-making.

Lano Overview

Key Features

  1. Global Hiring: Facilitates the hiring of employees and contractors in over 150 countries with complete compliance.
  2. Cross-Border Payments: Manages payments to contractors and employees globally, handling foreign exchange and compliance.
  3. HR Compliance: Ensures compliance with local labor laws and tax regulations in different countries.
  4. Employer of Record (EOR): Provides EOR services to manage global employees without the need for a local entity.
  5. Contract Management: Manages contractor agreements, renewals, and compliance documentation.
  6. Time Tracking and Reporting: Tracks work hours for employees and contractors, providing comprehensive reports.
  7. Expense Management: Handles expense submission and reimbursement processes.
  8. Payroll Processing: Offers global payroll services, ensuring timely and accurate payments in local currencies.


  1. Centralized Data Management: Both BambooHR and Lano provide a centralized platform to manage employee and contractor information, ensuring data accuracy and accessibility.
  2. Time Tracking: Both tools offer robust time tracking features to monitor employee hours, overtime, and time-off requests.
  3. Payroll Integration: Both platforms integrate payroll processing to ensure accurate and timely payments.
  4. Compliance Management: Both tools focus on ensuring compliance with local labor laws and regulations, although Lano has a broader focus on international compliance.
  5. Employee Self-Service: Both solutions offer self-service portals where employees can manage their personal information, request time off, and access relevant documents.


  1. Scope of Services: 
  • BambooHR focuses primarily on HR processes within a single entity, with robust features for recruitment, onboarding, and performance management.
  • Lano is designed for managing a global workforce, offering cross-border hiring, payments, and compliance without needing a local entity.
  1. Target Audience: 
  • BambooHR is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses seeking to streamline internal HR processes.
  • Lano targets businesses with an international presence or those looking to expand globally.
  1. Compliance Focus: 
  • BambooHR ensures compliance with HR practices and regulations within a single country.
  • Lano excels in managing compliance with diverse labor laws across multiple countries.
  1. Performance Management:
  • BambooHR includes comprehensive performance management features like goal tracking and performance reviews.
  • Lano lacks extensive performance management features, focusing more on compliance and global operations.
  1. EOR Services: 
  • BambooHR does not offer Employer of Record (EOR) services.
  • Lano provides EOR services, allowing companies to hire employees in foreign countries without establishing a legal presence.

Pros and Cons



  • Comprehensive HR functionalities, from recruitment to performance management.
  • User-friendly interface with customizable workflows and reports.
  • Centralized employee database for easy information access.
  • Seamless integration with payroll and other HR systems.
  • Strong focus on improving internal HR processes and employee experience.


  • Primarily designed for businesses operating within a single country.
  • Limited features for managing a global workforce.
  • Can be overkill for very small businesses without extensive HR needs.



  • Robust support for hiring and managing international employees and contractors.
  • Ensures compliance with labor laws and tax regulations in over 150 countries.
  • Simplifies cross-border payments and currency management.
  • Provides EOR services, reducing the need for international legal entities.
  • Strong emphasis on global operations and compliance.


  • Limited performance management and recruitment features compared to BambooHR.
  • Can be complex to set up for small businesses with no international presence.
  • Higher costs associated with managing global operations.

Use Cases

BambooHR Use Cases:

  1. Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: Ideal for companies looking to streamline and automate their internal HR processes.
  2. HR Teams Requiring Comprehensive Management: Suitable for HR teams needing robust features for recruitment, onboarding, time tracking, and performance reviews.
  3. Businesses Focused on Employee Experience: Beneficial for organizations aiming to enhance employee self-service and engagement.

Lano Use Cases:

  1. Global Expansion: Perfect for businesses looking to expand globally without setting up a legal entity in each country.
  2. International Compliance Management: Suitable for companies needing to ensure compliance with labor laws and tax regulations in multiple countries.
  3. Cross-Border Payment Management: Ideal for businesses managing payments to international employees and contractors, ensuring timely and compliant transactions.


In comparing BambooHR and Lano, we find two robust HRIS tools designed to address specific needs. BambooHR excels in providing comprehensive HR functionalities focused on internal operations within a single country. It is well-suited for small to medium-sized businesses looking to streamline their HR processes and improve employee experiences.

Conversely, Lano is tailored for businesses with international operations or those planning global expansion. It offers vital features for hiring, managing, and paying employees and contractors worldwide while ensuring compliance with diverse labor laws and tax regulations. Lano is an excellent choice for firms needing support for global workforce management without the burden of setting up legal entities in multiple countries.

Ultimately, the choice between BambooHR and Lano depends on your business's specific needs. If your focus is on optimizing HR processes within a single entity, BambooHR is the ideal choice. However, if you require a solution for managing and scaling a global workforce, Lano's compliance and cross-border capabilities make it the better option.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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