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June 6, 2024
XX min read

TriNet vs Lano


Human Resource Information System (HRIS) tools play a pivotal role in modern organizations by streamlining HR processes, ensuring compliance, and enhancing overall efficiency. Choosing the right HRIS tool can significantly impact a company's HR operations, employee satisfaction, and legal compliance.

TriNet (NYSE: TNET) is a professional employer organization (PEO) that provides small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with full-service HR solutions tailored by industry. To free SMBs from time-consuming HR complexities, TriNet offers access to human capital expertise, benefits, risk mitigation and compliance, payroll, and real-time technology.

Lano is a cloud-based compliance and payments platform offering a unified solution for hiring, managing, and paying employees and contractors in full compliance in over 150 countries worldwide, without setting up a legal entity.

Comparing these two HRIS tools is crucial for businesses aiming to find the best fit for their specific needs, balancing between comprehensive HR support and global workforce management.

TriNet Overview

TriNet provides a broad range of HR services, allowing SMBs to offload their HR functions and focus on their core business activities. Their industry-tailored approach ensures that companies receive relevant and effective HR support.

Key Features

  • Human Capital Expertise: TriNet provides access to HR professionals who offer guidance on HR issues, helping businesses navigate complex HR landscapes.
  • Benefits Administration: TriNet offers comprehensive benefits plans, including health insurance, retirement plans, and more, tailored to various industries.
  • Risk Mitigation and Compliance: The platform assists businesses in complying with labor laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
  • Payroll Services: TriNet manages payroll processes, ensuring timely and accurate payments to employees.
  • Real-Time Technology: Businesses can access HR data and analytics in real-time, enabling informed decision-making.

Lano Overview

Lano focuses on simplifying international workforce management by providing a seamless platform for hiring, managing, and paying employees and contractors across the globe.

Key Features

  • Global Hiring: Companies can hire employees and contractors in over 150 countries without setting up a legal entity in each country.
  • Compliance Management: Lano ensures that all employment and payment processes comply with local labor laws and tax regulations.
  • Payments Platform: The platform supports international payments, ensuring employees and contractors are paid accurately and on time.
  • Unified Dashboard: Users can manage all their workforce-related tasks from a single, intuitive dashboard.
  • Integration Capabilities: Lano integrates with existing HR and finance systems, streamlining the global workforce management process.


Both TriNet and Lano serve as comprehensive HRIS tools aimed at simplifying human resource management and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. Key similarities include:

  • Compliance and Risk Management: Both platforms prioritize compliance with labor laws and aim to minimize legal risks for businesses.
  • Payroll Management: TriNet and Lano each provide robust payroll services that ensure employees are paid accurately and on time.
  • HR Support: Both tools offer support services to help businesses navigate HR challenges, albeit in different capacities (TriNet with dedicated HR experts and Lano with compliance guidance).


Despite their similarities, TriNet and Lano cater to different aspects of HR management and have unique strengths:

  • Target Market: TriNet primarily targets SMBs within the United States, offering industry-specific HR solutions. Lano focuses on companies with a global workforce, providing compliance and payment solutions across 150+ countries.
  • Compliance Focus: While both offer compliance support, TriNet emphasizes U.S. labor laws and industry regulations, whereas Lano specializes in international compliance.
  • Service Delivery: TriNet operates as a PEO, taking on many HR functions for its clients, while Lano provides tools for companies to manage their global workforce directly.
  • Benefits Administration: TriNet offers extensive benefits administration services, including health insurance and retirement plans. Lano does not provide these services, focusing instead on global hiring and payroll compliance.
  • User Interface: Lano provides a unified dashboard for managing international employees and contractors, whereas TriNet offers a more traditional HR management platform with real-time technology features.

Pros and Cons



  • Comprehensive HR Services: TriNet covers all aspects of HR, from payroll to benefits administration and compliance.
  • Industry-Specific Support: Tailored HR solutions for various industries.
  • Risk Mitigation: Proactively manages legal compliance and minimizes risks.
  • Expert Advice: Access to HR professionals for guidance on complex HR issues.


  • Primarily U.S.-Focused: Limited support for international workforce management.
  • PEO Model: Some businesses may prefer to retain more control over their HR functions.
  • Cost: TriNet's comprehensive services may come at a higher price point, which could be a concern for smaller businesses.



  • Global Reach: Facilitates hiring and payments in over 150 countries.
  • Compliance Assurance: Ensures adherence to local labor laws and tax regulations.
  • Seamless Payments: Efficient international payment processing.
  • Integrated Dashboard: Convenient management of global workforce from a single platform.
  • Flexibility: Scalable for businesses of all sizes.


  • Limited Benefits Administration: Does not offer comprehensive benefits administration like health insurance or retirement plans.
  • Reliance on User Management: Requires businesses to actively manage their HR functions, which may not suit all company preferences.
  • Potential Complexity: Managing international compliance can be complex despite the platform's support features.

Use Cases


TriNet is an ideal HRIS tool for:

  • SMBs in the U.S.: Companies that need extensive HR support without the need for international workforce management.
  • Industry-Specific Needs: Businesses requiring tailored HR solutions based on industry-specific regulations and requirements.
  • Full-Service HR Outsourcing: Companies looking to offload their HR functions to a PEO for expert management and reduced administrative burden.


Lano is best suited for:

  • Global Companies: Organizations with employees or contractors in multiple countries needing efficient compliance and payment solutions.
  • Startups and Tech Companies: Firms that often have remote and international teams and need a reliable, scalable platform for managing their global workforce.
  • Businesses Without Legal Entities Abroad: Companies that want to hire internationally without the complexity and cost of setting up legal entities in each country.


TriNet and Lano each offer valuable HRIS solutions tailored to different business needs. TriNet excels in providing comprehensive HR support tailored to SMBs within the U.S., making it an ideal choice for businesses looking for a full-service PEO solution. Its industry-specific approach, expert guidance, and robust benefits administration make it a powerful tool for companies seeking to offload their HR functions.

On the other hand, Lano stands out for its global reach and capability to manage international compliance and payments seamlessly. It is best suited for companies with a diverse, global workforce, as it simplifies hiring and paying employees and contractors across multiple countries without needing a legal presence in each one. Its ease of integration and user-friendly dashboard make it a flexible and scalable solution for businesses of various sizes.

When choosing between TriNet and Lano, consider your company's specific needs:

  • Choose TriNet if your business operates primarily in the U.S. and requires comprehensive, industry-specific HR support and benefits management.
  • Choose Lano if your company has a global workforce or plans to expand internationally and needs a unified platform for managing compliance and payroll across multiple countries.

Evaluating your business goals, workforce composition, and the level of control you wish to maintain over HR functions will help you make an informed decision tailored to your unique requirements.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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