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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Sesame vs Square Payroll


In today's fast-paced business environment, Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) play a crucial role in streamlining HR processes. This comparison focuses on two prominent HRIS tools: Sesame HR and Square Payroll.

Sesame HR is designed to digitize and automate routine HR processes, making it an essential tool for managers, executives, and HR managers looking to enhance their time efficiency and employee experience. On the other hand, Square Payroll is a trusted online payroll service specifically designed for small businesses, helping them manage payroll efficiently.

Comparing these HRIS tools is vital for businesses to identify the best fit for their specific HR needs, ensuring they can optimize their operations and improve employee satisfaction.

Sesame HR Overview

Sesame HR is a comprehensive software solution aimed at digitizing and automating HR processes. It simplifies various aspects of human resource management, enabling HR managers and executives to save time and concentrate on enhancing their employees' experience.

Key Features

  • Time Tracking: Sesame HR offers robust time-tracking features that allow employees to clock in and out seamlessly. This feature also helps managers monitor attendance and overtime.
  • Leave Management: The software simplifies the process of requesting and approving leave, providing a transparent leave balance and history.
  • Employee Self-Service: Employees can access and update their personal information, view payslips, and manage their leave requests through a self-service portal.
  • Performance Management: Sesame HR includes tools for setting goals, conducting performance reviews, and tracking employee development and achievements.
  • Document Management: The platform enables secure storage and management of employee documents, making it easy to retrieve and manage records.
  • Integration Capabilities: Sesame HR integrates with various other HR tools and systems, enhancing its functionality and streamlining data flow.
  • Analytics and Reporting: The software provides insightful analytics and reporting features, allowing HR managers to make data-driven decisions.

Square Payroll Overview

Square Payroll is an online payroll service specifically designed for small businesses. It offers a user-friendly interface and a range of features that help businesses manage payroll efficiently and compliantly.

Key Features

  • Automated Payroll Processing: Square Payroll automates the entire payroll process, reducing the time and effort required to run payroll.
  • Tax Filing and Payments: The service handles all payroll tax calculations, filings, and payments, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.
  • Timecard Integration: Square Payroll integrates with Square's point-of-sale (POS) system and other timecard apps, making it easy to import employee hours.
  • Direct Deposit: Employees can receive their paychecks via direct deposit, providing a convenient and efficient payment method.
  • Employee Self-Service: Employees can access their pay stubs, tax forms, and personal information through a self-service portal.
  • Benefits Management: Square Payroll offers integration with benefits providers, allowing businesses to manage health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee benefits.
  • Contractor Payments: The service supports payments to both employees and independent contractors, making it versatile for various business models.


Both Sesame HR and Square Payroll offer robust HRIS tools that streamline HR processes and improve efficiency. Key similarities include:

  • Employee Self-Service Portals: Both platforms provide self-service portals where employees can access and manage their personal information, view pay stubs, and handle other HR tasks independently.
  • Integration Capabilities: Sesame HR and Square Payroll both offer integration with other HR tools and systems, enhancing their functionality and ensuring seamless data flow across platforms.
  • Automation: Both solutions focus on automating routine HR tasks to save time and reduce manual effort, enabling HR managers to concentrate on strategic initiatives.
  • Compliance: Compliance with regulations is a priority for both tools, ensuring that businesses adhere to federal, state, and local laws.


While Sesame HR and Square Payroll share some similarities, they also have distinct differences that set them apart:

  • Focus Area: Sesame HR is a comprehensive HR management tool that covers various HR functions like time tracking, leave management, performance reviews, and document management. In contrast, Square Payroll is primarily focused on payroll processing and related tasks.
  • Ideal User Base: Sesame HR is suitable for medium to large-sized businesses looking for an all-encompassing HR solution, while Square Payroll is tailored for small businesses needing an efficient payroll service.
  • Feature Set: Sesame HR offers a broader range of HR features, including performance management and document storage, whereas Square Payroll specializes in payroll processing, tax management, and benefits integration.
  • Integration with POS: Square Payroll has a unique advantage in its seamless integration with Square's point-of-sale (POS) system, making it an excellent choice for businesses already using Square POS.

Pros and Cons

Sesame HR


  • Comprehensive HR management features.
  • Powerful time-tracking and leave management tools.
  • Effective performance management and goal-setting capabilities.
  • Secure document management and storage.
  • Insightful analytics and reporting capabilities.
  • Integration with various HR tools and systems.


  • May be overwhelming for small businesses with limited HR needs.
  • Higher learning curve due to its extensive feature set.
  • Potentially higher cost compared to simpler HRIS tools.

Square Payroll


  • Simplified and automated payroll processing.
  • Comprehensive tax filing and payment services.
  • Seamless integration with Square POS and timecard apps.
  • User-friendly interface tailored for small businesses.
  • Employees can manage their payroll information via a self-service portal.
  • Support for both employee and contractor payments.


  • Limited HR management features beyond payroll.
  • Not ideal for larger businesses with more complex HR needs.
  • Benefits management primarily through third-party integrations.

Use Cases

Sesame HR

Sesame HR is ideal for businesses seeking a comprehensive HR solution that can manage various aspects of their HR processes. Some specific use cases include:

  • Medium to Large-Sized Companies: Organizations with a sizable workforce needing extensive HR management capabilities.
  • Employee Performance Management: Companies focused on tracking employee performance, setting goals, and conducting regular reviews.
  • Document-Intensive Operations: Businesses requiring secure storage and easy retrieval of employee documents.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: HR managers looking to leverage analytics and reporting to inform their strategies and decisions.

Square Payroll

Square Payroll is well-suited for small businesses that prioritize efficient and compliant payroll processing. Specific use cases include:

  • Small Enterprises: Businesses with a small workforce looking for a streamlined payroll solution.
  • Retail and Hospitality: Companies using Square POS can benefit from seamless timecard and payroll integration.
  • Mixed Workforce: Businesses employing both regular employees and independent contractors needing a versatile payment solution.
  • Compliance-Focused Operations: Companies needing automated tax filing and compliance management to avoid regulatory issues.


Comparing Sesame HR and Square Payroll highlights the importance of selecting an HRIS tool that aligns with your business needs. Sesame HR stands out with its comprehensive approach to HR management, offering a wide array of features that cater to medium to large-sized businesses. Its robust performance management, document storage, and analytics capabilities make it a versatile solution for organizations looking to optimize their HR processes.

On the other hand, Square Payroll is a specialized payroll service designed for small businesses. Its user-friendly interface, automated payroll processing, and seamless integration with Square POS make it an excellent choice for small enterprises, particularly those in retail and hospitality.

When choosing between Sesame HR and Square Payroll, consider the size and specific needs of your business. If you require a comprehensive HR management solution, Sesame HR is the better fit. However, if your focus is on efficient and compliant payroll processing for a small business, Square Payroll is the ideal choice. Each tool offers unique features and advantages, ensuring that businesses can find the right fit for their HR needs.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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